My 10 year old brother got his wake up call today at school


May 10, 2015
My little brother was at school today, (a majority white elementary school) in gym class hoopin. He's bigger and much taller than all the other kids because my step dad is about 6'3 230. Apparently, he was schoolin these lil white boys on the court and making em his sons cause he play in a lil league outside of school too. Teachers told us that one of the lil white boys tried to go up for a rebound over my bro but them cac genes obviously failed him and my bro ended up snaggin the ball and knocking the lil kid down on some beast Shaq type board dominance:shaq:Everyone stopped and laughed, ya'll know how lil kids are. So this lil white boy got angry and told him to shut up and called him a "stupid ******".

Now we live in Alabama but we've kind of shielded my brother from its history a little bit and give him bits and pieces so he can understand and grasp it slowly as he matures. But I've put him on game about that word "******" and gave him a very basic definition of it. I told him that it basically means "that you and your entire family are stupid dumb monkeys and that you shouldn't say it or let anyone else call you that":ufdup:

So my bro adhered to the council of his elder and threw the ball at the kids face and started beatin him down until the teachers intervened. My bro told me he threw the ball like it was a kamahamaha wave lmbo. I had to go get him from school and I saw the lil white boy. Face was done up with that Mortal Kombat brutality branded make up breh. Hair was messed up, shirt was ripped at the collar. Had a red swollen eye. One shoe and sock was missing :why: Had a lil blood under his nose and he still was crying and smelt like wet puppy dog and a damp old dish rag. My bro put them hands on that boy :whew:
I get up there and they tell me they will have to suspend him and I'm like "excuse me"?:what: The teacher was like she wasn't around them when it all transpired and therefore can't confirm if those words were actually said. I'm like, "so you calling my brother and all the other lil kids a liar" because his classmates confirmed everything. She was like "No sir. Unfortunately, none of our staff were around...." and started reading off school handbook rules concerning fights and consequences and blah blah blah.
I got really upset because I could see what was going on and I couldn't let it go down and set a bad example for my brother.

I told that lil white lady and all them other office workers like this "Ya'll must think I'm stupid if ya'll don't think I know what this is. That little white boy called my brother a stupid ****** and my brother gets suspended while little Josh---that's his name--- yet remains, walking the halls, unpunished"?
They looked terrified. This white man was like ":whoa: Sir, calm down its not like that. We love all of our students and believe in equality" or some by the book crap like that.
So I said "Ok what rules and punishments does that handbook have against racial slurs"? :jbhmm:
The room went dead silent and the black secretary was over in the corner like:youngsabo::banderas:

The woman ignored the question and said since they had no conclusive evidence that the white boy had done anything wrong, they couldn't properly discipline him. I followed and said "So, my bro, whom has never had any behavioral problems before, just randomly started fighting for no reason huh"? I asked to speak to the principal and this fool reiterated the same thing. I got my brother and told them straight up like this
"If it were two white kids in this situation, they both would still be in class all good. But coincidentally, my black brother gets the short end of the stick, unfairly. Its so strange that ya'll didn't even bother to call the other boys parents. This is racism and its wrong and don't try to tell me otherwise. My brother will be back in school Monday, watch." :demonic:

I got in the car heated and told my folks what happened and moms was ready to go to war. I called the Board of Education of my district and told them everything and the man told me he'll intervene.

Apparently they've called the principal and probably told him how much of an idiot he was for almost starting another unwanted race war in Alabama of all places because I swear me and my fam were headed to the local newspaper tomorrow and putting the school on blast. The principal called my parents and apologized and set up a meeting and will rescind the suspension. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Fam, my lil breh was trying so desperately to understand why the lil cac didn't get in trouble and why all the teachers were going so hard on him instead.
:to: Thats my brother man. Idk how to explain racism to a 10 year old whom has grown up around white kids all his life. These lil white boys man....:snoop:

*Cliff notes* - Lil bro got called a stupid ****** by a white boy and my bro beat the brakes off him and the school tried to suspend my bro and took no action against the white boy.
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New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
Majority of the kids confirmed and they still tried to play it off? Those schools in Alabama are the worst. My sister had to attend those schools... :snoop: Bro, you have no idea how bad I wanted to hurt those fuks. It was even worse in Louisiana, when I first started HS, all of my fights were with racist white boys. I'm glad you managed to keep calm in the situation. I couldn't have handled it like you, imo, some people don't get the message until you hurt them.


May 10, 2015
Majority of the kids confirmed and they still tried to play it off? Those schools in Alabama are the worst. My sister had to attend those schools... :snoop: Bro, you have no idea how bad I wanted to hurt those fuks. It was even worse in Louisiana, when I first started HS, all of my fights were with racist white boys. I'm glad you managed to keep calm in the situation. I couldn't have handled it like you, imo, some people don't get the message until you hurt them.
Breh, If I had acted a fool, they would've called the police on ya boy and me and my bro would've been put out the school. He on suspension and me escorted out in handcuffs. Never want my bro to see me in a defenseless position by a cac.