My Last Warning To Heterosexual Black Men. "THIS IS IT" brotha. Its Do or Die


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013

Were in a race war. Conscious blacks been saying this for years but was ignored. We seen this was coming esp during the Obama "turn up" post racial free interracial love gay sex era that were slowly coming out of. Trump is putting so much hell on us that even the bottom feeder nikkas are now forced to admit white supremacy exist.

The problem is bigger than white supremacy for heterosexual black men because many black women, gay , uncle tom blacks are picking the other side for survival. On top of that non blacks are getting involved trying to fight for being #2 under whites for having a threshold of power.

We're in a dire situation that can't even be denied in 2018. DrX was crazy in 2013 and now brothers are silent when these threads are made. They can't deny it, run or hide.

Brothas need to protect themselves. Get armed, hit the gym and stack cash and seriously think about leaving. America is like planet Namek before it exploded on DBZ. Cacs are Freiza and were Guku fighting for our fate and the fate of our people.

"This is it" like that Micheal Jackson concert. Were not being exterminated, were already exterminated . I'm going to explain. The extermination process is done. Its all about the future, it has nothing to do with the present. They're not going just throw us into camps like the Germans did the Jews.

They took us out the economic system and killed our ability to be providers which force us to hustle in the streets and end up in the pen getting long sentences for minor non violent crimes.

Also Black women are used as tools to destroy us in 2018. Black love don't exist I'm sorry to say. Most modern BW are WW in black face esp among gen z. The rates of bedwenching esp in gen z is incurable at this point and to make matters worst they use republican conservative "pull yourself up by your boot straps talking" points when dealing with young BM. They're on some get out shyt. Young brothers on these college campus beware of the educated ones with these liberal feminist ideologies also. They're tools used to destroy you. Don't let that Afro and kente cloth fool u. Those hos are monsters.

Non blacks that aren't white are fighting for the place of #1. White people #s are falling and they're going to do anything to maintain power. Other races are fighting for that #1 spot. Before they had no problem with being #2 but trump is kicking their asses. Now they're fighting for that spot to replace cacs and they're going to put hell on you too. Ask brothers out in L.A and Miami how fair Latinos are when they run shyt. They'll practice nepotism and leave your ass out to dry.

This is it. BM need to hustle and stack this $$$ and gtfo Amerkkka. Get it how u can. If u gotta sell dope I'm not judging brotha just be smart and don't get caught. Have a plan, not be hustling for bullshyt reasons

Forget about the "black community" it don't exist and never have. Their is no BC and can't be one under a system of white supremacy. Their is no black brotherhood. Side eye everybody including fellow BM and family even. You're on thin ice out here, u gotta move carefully.

There is no black love. Black love is XXX getting slumped for a gucci bag full of fiat currency, its my lil 18 year old cousin who wasn't even in the game laying on the sidewalk in a puddle of blood with his designer sneakers missing. He got a Facebook post and his killers are out probably chilling living their "best life". its my other cousin laying slumped in his car and getting a "RIP cuz" Facebook post by the same person that posted a Lebron losing to the warriors meme a hour after. That's the black community.

Its my uncle that's been smoking crack since 86 and now hes 60 still smoking it. We used to laugh because it was funny to laugh at drug addicts in the crack era. It stopped being funny as I grown older. Now I'm 30 and still see him walking up and down the seem streets looking for a fix. Now we have no emotions towards it. Were stoic and accept it. I give him money knowing hes going to get high. Whatever demons inside of him that exist I couldn't ever comprehend. I don't mind helping cure his pain even if it is temporary. Who and I'am I to judge? I just want him to feel peace even if it is temporary.

I digress....This thing is over. Like the new purge movie. Most of us aren't going to make it but the smartest and strongest still have a chance. You're going to keep witnessing the unprepared brothers die more and more because this is the hunger games and its survival of the fittest. All u can do is fight until its your turn to go. Its like the cold cut line at the grocery market. Pick a # and stand in line.


Trade Garland
Dec 27, 2012


Creflo ½ Dollar

Aug 6, 2015

I actually agree with evrything you said. I’m glad you pointed out this fake black unity going around because most people are only looking out for theyself. Black, white , or green. Most pro-black people are using it to their own advantage.

You got to get it out the mud no matter what your circumstances so really you got to “pull yourself up by the bootstrap”. Most black people on Coli hate that term but the white man already told you that that’s the only way you gne advance in their* society because they ain’t helping. But I guess people hate the truth.

I don’t feel you HAVE to leave America but there are opportunities elsewhere in the world where your money can stretch more but you still have to put in work here.

Edit: I dnt think the black straight man situation is as dire as OP making it out to be but other than that he on point.
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Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Forget about the "black community" it don't exist and never have. Their is no BC and can't be one under a system of white supremacy. Their is no black brotherhood. Side eye everybody including fellow BM and family even. You're on thin ice out here, u gotta move carefully.

There is no black love. Black love is XXX getting slumped for a gucci bag full of fiat currency, its my lil 18 year old cousin who wasn't even in the game laying on the sidewalk in a puddle of blood with his designer sneakers missing. He got a Facebook post and his killers are out probably chilling living their "best life". its my other cousin laying slumped in his car and getting a "RIP cuz" Facebook post by the same person that posted a Lebron losing to the warriors meme a hour after. That's the black community.

Its my uncle that's been smoking crack since 86 and now hes 60 still smoking it. We used to laugh because it was funny to laugh at drug addicts in the crack era. It stopped being funny as I grown older. Now I'm 30 and still see him walking up and down the seem streets looking for a fix. Now we have no emotions towards it. Were stoic and accept it. I give him money knowing hes going to get high. Whatever demons inside of him that exist I couldn't ever comprehend. I don't mind helping cure his pain even if it is temporary. Who and I'am I to judge? I just want him to feel peace even if it is temporary.

Damn, breh. :mjcry:


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
This waS a good read.

Except the part when u said most black women aren't supportive.

That false

nah, it’s not. many black women especially “educated” black women see black men in terms of sexual currency. beyond that, they follow protocol and like everybody else treat black men like children.

self-hate is not just about the person, but how they treat those who look like them.

it exists in all kinds of black women, but it’s much more stanch in the “liberal,” “educated” ones.