My Problem With Black Women And The Natural Hair Topic


Jan 4, 2013
First off this is my first Locker Room thread so welcome ya boy to the fam. Also this may not be the best written thread on here i'm pretty rusty when it comes to this so for this i apologize in advance. I apologize for the lengthiness of this... Okay lets get started.

I always hear black women talk about how black men don't appreciate their natural hair when that couldn't be farther from the truth. It was black men who initially pushed black women to go natural.

Black men have done this for decades but we really cranked it up around 2007. And from 2007-2011 is when almost everyday you would find three or four new videos and articles from black men about how black women should accept their hair (and their body) in it's natural state.


For years we crusaded, explaining the dangers of perms and skin bleaching. We constantly told black women that weaves look goofy and that afros and dreadlocks were beautiful. We reassured black women that their dark skin was endearing & sexy not off putting & masculine.

And do you know how those women reacted? They called those men every type of fakkit in the book. Those men were berated and were questioned as to why they had such concern for black female hairstyles. And had to hear things like "Why are you so worried about hair? I thought i was the woman but y'all are more concerned with hair than me" coming from the very women they were going to such great lengths for.

Around 2012 is when the natural hair "trend" finally took hold among the black female populace. But what followed that totally baffles my mind till this very day. Black women started accusing black men of not appreciating their natural hair. As if the last four years didn't happen. You started seeing video after video of black women accusing black men of hating themselves and idolizing white women.


Not only that but they credited white men with pushing them to embrace their natural selves. Yes, white men the same ones who created the caste system from which every black female insecurity comes from. Those are the ones who they think accepted them as is the most *smh*. If this isn't a total slap in the faces of black men i don't know what is.

Now were almost in 2016 and white men are now getting full praise for the work black men put in. And most black chicks with natural hair go for white men specifically which is not something i have a problem with but still. Black men fought for black women to embrace themselves because we love them as is.

But for some strange reason black women seem hell bent on being in direct opposition to black men. Even going as far to deny reality itself and give credit for black male actions to an already overly exalted group who are the cause of the very problem black men fought (and still fight) so hard to remedy.
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Jan 4, 2013
nikkas is rly tryna take credit for the natural hair movement amongst black women? :deadmanny:
Perhaps you wasn't around black youtube back in the mid 2000's but black men were talking about that ish every single day. especially the Gen X crowd

And most of the women lambasted the men for speaking on it tho.

You added nothing new to this silly discussion
I just needed to get that off my chest. No need walking around with pent up frustration.
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
There is a difference between having natural hair and not taking care of it.

I love Black women with well kept natural hair because they exude pride in themselves and they are usually more socially grounded.

The ones I have a problem with dating (when I was dating) , natural or not was the chick that didn't comb her hair for 3 weeks, and had a matted rats nest on their head, and looks at you crazy when you look at her crazy.

A lot of these chicks simp out to white guys because they don't know or give a fukk about Black hair.

They gas raggedy head chicks up, and give them false validation...

cacs like to cape and treat people like pets and charity cases, use them as a political statement... or worse yet fetishize them.
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Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
ive never gotten anything but compliments on my natural hair from Black men.
matter of fact i just did a mini big chop the other day.

I wish i could find it now but i read a really good piece once on how as black women when we do so manythings -weaves-wigs- elaborate hairstyles
that we are depriving our partners of a form of intimacy.It made perfect sense to me because it is /can be intimate for your partner to play in your hair or you play in theirs.

I think this is another case of a really loud minority. If those chicks wanna swirl theyre gonna swirl, natural or not.
Its ridiculous for them to blame all Black men for the actions of their loud minority.

Dank Hill

May 25, 2012
Natural hair = potential wifey status (maybe)
Chick with weave=jump off status (always)

I love black women with natural hair. No other woman on the planet like that. But im not saying ill deny fukking a chick with weave. I just wouldn't consider a chick with weave wifey material. Thats my own preference. :yeshrug:


Jan 4, 2013
ive never gotten anything but compliments on my natural hair from Black men.
matter of fact i just did a mini big chop the other day.

I wish i could find it now but i read a really good piece once on how as black women when we do so manythings -weaves-wigs- elaborate hairstyles
that we are depriving our partners of a form of intimacy.It made perfect sense to me because it is /can be intimate for your partner to play in your hair or you play in theirs.

I think this is another case of a really loud minority. If those chicks wanna swirl theyre gonna swirl, natural or not.
Its ridiculous for them to blame all Black men for the actions of their loud minority.
Yeah, I've nothing against black women dating out. I'm all for female autonomy as long as they accept the responsibility that comes with it. But them underminding black men and using what we did to prop up other races of men. And not just any race of men but the group of men who started the problem that black men tried to fix in the first place doesn't sit well with me.
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