New Bill may Drop (Asian, Latino, and African) Immigration by 40% In the First Year.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue

The Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act, cosponsored by Sens. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA), would ultimately reduce the number of people who can legally enter the country.

The measure would accomplish that by eliminating the diversity visa lottery — an annual lottery system that allocates 50,000 green cards to foreigners living in countries that have sent relatively few citizens to to the United States over the past five years — and limiting the ways through which U.S. citizens can sponsor their relatives for green cards. The bill would also draw down the number of refugee admission from the 110,000 ceiling set for the 2017 fiscal year to 50,000, just like Trump’s executive order.

“I’m proposing legislation today that would get our green card system — the people that we allow to come here on a permanent basis and become legal, permanent residents — refocused on nuclear family reunification, so spouses and unmarried minor children; and reduce the number of total green cards we give out every year from a million to about 500,000, cutting it in half,” Cotton said Tuesday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:scust:."

U.S. citizens and permanent residents are currently able to sponsor family members such as spouses, parents, siblings, and married adult children. As Politico’s Seung Min Kim reported, the proposed legislation would narrow those options — allowing U.S. citizens to sponsor only spouses and unmarried minor children, with a small allocation for “aging adult parents whose American children are their caretakers.”

According to Cotton’s aides who spoke with Kim, the overall number of legal immigrants would drop by 40 percent in the first year and by 50 percent over a decade under this legislation.

Cotton and Perdue’s bill, which relies on attrition through annual caps, complements some of the harsher elements of President Donald Trump’s strong stance against unauthorized immigration, which relies on attrition through harsh enforcement.

These policies would add to a decades-long waiting list to enter the country — and wreak havoc among African, Asian, and Latino immigrants.:martin:

"In 1994, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency created the diversity immigrant visa program to ensure that people from countries that have sent fewer than 50,000 immigrants over the past five years could legally come into the United States. The idea behind this visa program is that it would help “diversify” America by focusing on African and European immigrants, instead of the mostly Asian and Latin American immigrants who already come to the country in large numbers.

Since the program began, more than one million qualified people and their family members have moved to the country. People who enter the United States this way can eventually apply qualify for citizenship.

The Department of State reported that 22,703 African immigrants and 18,904 European immigrants came to the United States through the program in 2014."

"The State Department allocated 226,000 family-sponsored visas for the 2017 fiscal year, with the caveat that any single country cannot monopolize more than seven percent of the total visa issuance. That’s roughly 25,620 visas issued per country. Annually, roughly two-thirds of legal immigrants are admitted into the United States because of family ties. Those ties include immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and four other family-based categories based on the U.S. citizen’s petitioner legal status, age, family relationship, and marital status of the applicant."

"Between 2000 and 2009, people from Mexico, the Philippines, China, India, and the Dominican Republic sent the most family-based immigrants to the United States, according to William A. Kandel, an immigration policy analyst at the Congressional Research Service. These are also the countries that have some of the longest waiting list for immigrants to enter the country legally. That wait list includes more than 1.3 million Mexican applicants, 387,323 Filipino applicants, and 331,423 Indian applicants."

"Asian and Latino immigrants are particularly at risk by the elimination of certain green card categories. The Migration Policy Institute estimated that an unmarried adult child from Mexico sponsored by a U.S. citizen will have to wait about 21 years to become a legal immigrant. Meanwhile, a US. citizen who wants to sponsor a sibling from the Philippines will have to wait 24 years to be reunited."

Africa being used as a pawn again. Whenever these other groups of people are in danger they all of a sudden want to 'unite' with their African brothers and sisters:jbhmm: as if African immigrants weren't always getting shafted.

Kyle Barker

Feb 4, 2015
"Make America Great Again" :mjpls:



African American
Apr 19, 2015
Bro 'nem
They really scared about losing the majority.
They are already finished, there is nothing they can do, the CAC race is done. They already the minority under 20, opium is making them go extinct, they shooting up they schools, it's a wrap for cacs. It's over. Trump is the last hurrah, they better enjoy it why the can.


Apr 20, 2015
They are already finished, there is nothing they can do, the CAC race is done. They already the minority under 20, opium is making them go extinct, they shooting up they schools, it's a wrap for cacs. It's over. Trump is the last hurrah, they better enjoy it why the can.
They still have the resources/money/power though:francis: