Noam Chomsky white supremacy in america is worse than what south africa


Jun 4, 2012
[...]the white supremacy in the United States was even more extreme and savage than in South Africa. Just think of our own history. You know, our economy, our wealth, our privilege relies very heavily on a century of horrifying slave labor camps.
The cotton—cotton production was not just the fuel of the Industrial Revolution, it was the basis for the financial system, the merchant system, commerce, England, as well. These were bitter, brutal slave labor camps. There’s a recent study by Edward Baptist which comes out with some startling information. It’s called—actually, the title is startling, something like The Half was Never Told [The Half Has Never Been Told], which is more or less true, was never told. But, for example, he shows, pretty convincingly, that in the slave labor camps—the "plantations," we call them, politely—the productivity increased more rapidly than in industry, with no technological advance, just the bullwhip. Just by driving people harder and harder to the point of survival, they were able to increase productivity and profit. And it’s not just the—he also points out that the word "torture" is not used in discussion of this period. He introduces it should be used. I mean, these are camps that could have impressed the Nazis. And it is a large part of the basis for our wealth and privilege. Is there a slave museum in the United States? Actually, the first one is just being established now by private—some private donor. I mean, this is the core of our history, along with the extermination or expulsion of the native population, but it’s not part of our consciousness.

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Jun 8, 2012
America is the most evil and most racist country in the world.

It singlehandedly created the concept of white supremacy, race, and racism through the transatlantic slave trade.
It had racist language towards black african slaves written in the constitution
It put racism into law through Jim Crow, Black Codes, and others
The KKK basically became the police force (literally)
It constantly reinforces the idea of white supremacy through the media, through politics, through the economy, and through as many other mediums there are as humanly possible.
All other countries see the success of America's caste system and seek to follow it which includes racism especially towards blacks.

Even the word America is an anagram for I AM RACE.

Can't deny that shyt...I don't buy what others got to say about it, but I see it for what it is.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
America is the most evil and most racist country in the world.

It singlehandedly created the concept of white supremacy, race, and racism through the transatlantic slave trade.
It had racist language towards black african slaves written in the constitution
It put racism into law through Jim Crow, Black Codes, and others
The KKK basically became the police force (literally)
It constantly reinforces the idea of white supremacy through the media, through politics, through the economy, and through as many other mediums there are as humanly possible.
All other countries see the success of America's caste system and seek to follow it which includes racism especially towards blacks.

Even the word America is an anagram for I AM RACE.

Can't deny that shyt...I don't buy what others got to say about it, but I see it for what it is.
This negates any other point you tried to make.

Do you have a passport fam?

In 2015, there are nations that are way more racist. Legally. As in pre-1960s.
Jun 8, 2012
This negates any other point you tried to make.

Do you have a passport fam?

In 2015, there are nations that are way more racist. Legally. As in pre-1960s.
I've been to London several times (have family there on my dad's side from Nigeria...they moved there in the 70s), Portugal, Spain, Puerto Rico, Canada, and whatever.St. Croix (my mom is from there and I have family there as well). Thanks for trying to assume I'm yet another fatherless nikka just talking to talk that's never left this country.

I know you love america, and will negate everything I say, so Im not even going to entertain an argument with you...since I know how much you love to do that.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I've been to London several times (have family there on my dad's side from Nigeria...they moved there in the 70s), Portugal, Spain, Puerto Rico, Canada, and whatever.St. Croix (my mom is from there and I have family there as well). Thanks for trying to assume I'm yet another fatherless nikka just talking to talk that's never left this country.

I know you love america, and will negate everything I say, so Im not even going to entertain an argument with you...since I know how much you love to do that.
Fam. I'm the first to call America out, but you speaking in this histrionic hyperbole is just so laughable I can't take you seriously when you do that shyt.

My parents are Jamaican. I've grown up viewing America as an hegemony and from an outsiders perspective my whole life. I've seen imperialism and mercantilism on a level NONE of you will ever even grasp.

So miss me with all this emotional attempt at saying dumb shyt like:
Even the word America is an anagram for I AM RACE.
...and expect to be seriously regarded as any sort of authority on the state of black welfare in the USA...and the world at large.

You think its bad in America? Well good luck in Latin America or Europe...or...hell, ASIA. Cause ya'll never say shyt about the plight melanated people face in non-Western countries.

But hey, you chose not to embrace the opportunities you have here to improve your lot (and its well documented through your own struggles on this site) and want to use your experiences as a representation of everything we face.

"Blacks" are 12% of the USA population...and that comes out to 40 million people.

There are more black people in the US than any non-African nation, second to Brazil.

Black Americans have the highest standard of living of the "black diaspora" and more access to any sort of opportunity or resource.

Is it perfect?


But don't come in here shytting on every ounce of progress so you can embrace this consistent victim status for the sake of making a half-assed argument.
Jun 8, 2012
Fam. I'm the first to call America out, but you speaking in this histrionic hyperbole is just so laughable I can't take you seriously when you do that shyt.

My parents are Jamaican. I've grown up viewing America as an hegemony and from an outsiders perspective my whole life. I've seen imperialism and mercantilism on a level NONE of you will ever even grasp.

So miss me with all this emotional attempt at saying dumb shyt like:

...and expect to be seriously regarded as any sort of authority on the state of black welfare in the USA...and the world at large.

You think its bad in America? Well good luck in Latin America or Europe...or...hell, ASIA. Cause ya'll never say shyt about the plight melanated people face in non-Western countries.

But hey, you chose not to embrace the opportunities you have here to improve your lot (and its well documented through your own struggles on this site) and want to use your experiences as a representation of everything we face.

"Blacks" are 12% of the USA population...and that comes out to 40 million people.

There are more black people in the US than any non-African nation, second to Brazil.

Black Americans have the highest standard of living of the "black diaspora" and more access to any sort of opportunity or resource.

Is it perfect?


But don't come in here shytting on every ounce of progress so you can embrace this consistent victim status for the sake of making a half-assed argument.

I'm going to say this, and I seriously want you to leave me alone, stop quoting me, and stop trying to bait me into an argument I really don't care to have with you at all cause it's fukking annoying.

Yes, I'm aware of the opportunities for progress here, but at the same time I can't ignore the glaring inequality that this country has especially given the history of black americans here. It literally pisses me off. Nobody is trying to play victim. I'm pretty sure 99.95% of black people in America are seriously taking the opportunity they can to improve their position in life and out of that I'm pretty sure the majority have faced many roadblocks to getting to that point.

There are articles that have been posted on here that said that even with college degrees, many black people in America are STRUGGLING to start careers.
Black people in America are three times more likely to be unemployed than their white counterparts.
A black man with a degree is less likely to get hired for the same position than a white man with no degree and a criminal record.
Does that not bother you?

If it doesnt...shut the fukk up.

I see your type breh. You fish for daps in any thread about racial fukkery, but when it comes time to have a serious discussion about how black Americans are still struggling and how it relates to white supremacy (a concept CREATED in America) you are the one constantly shytting on black people like they haven't done everything they could collectively to get to a better point. Seriously take your unrealistic stance on race relations and starry eyed idealism the fukk out my face cause I ain't having it!

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
America is the most evil and most racist country in the world.

It singlehandedly created the concept of white supremacy, race, and racism through the transatlantic slave trade.
It had racist language towards black african slaves written in the constitution
It put racism into law through Jim Crow, Black Codes, and others
The KKK basically became the police force (literally)
It constantly reinforces the idea of white supremacy through the media, through politics, through the economy, and through as many other mediums there are as humanly possible.
All other countries see the success of America's caste system and seek to follow it which includes racism especially towards blacks.
Not trying to be apologetic to the USA but Americans didn't do nothing that Europeans weren't doing already. They may have put some things to another level but everything you stated above are not American inventions.
For example, here's a decree passed by France's Louis in the XIV in the 17th century :

Even the word America is an anagram for I AM RACE.
What kind of argument is that ? :beli:
Jun 8, 2012
I didn't call it a country.
Yea I know, that's why I didn't mention Russia in your comment.

But I find it funny that America, with such a reputation as the "hub" of multiculturalism, is and was based off of maintaining a racial hierarachy that was established through exploitation, genocide, and slavery. Russia doesn't have a history of slavery but it's a very racist country nonetheless. But then again, like many Asian countries and Eastern European countries, it has a very homogenous population that leaves it to be very unwelcome to non-whites. Russia has not imposed it's racist rhetoric through media, politics, or through other means to other parts of the world like America has.

I'm aware of the "whitening" process that was employed in many parts of South America (argentina comes to mind, which is also a hub for former Neo-Nazis and SS Guards to have a safe haven to hide away from being tried for war crimes in a tribunal ie The Nuremberg Trials and how it was involved in the Transatlantic Slave trade), but I just can't compare all of those countries to a country like America that has such a large reach financially, politically, socially, etc...when it comes to imposing racism on a wide scale.
Jun 8, 2012
Not trying to be apologetic to the USA but Americans didn't do nothing that Europeans weren't doing already. They may have put some things to another level but everything you stated above are not American inventions.
For example, here's a decree passed by France's Louis in the XIV in the 17th century :

What kind of argument is that ? :beli:
America is a product of European Aristocracy in yeah, nothing new under the sun.

It just became a more disgusting animal when it came to America. one can judge or try to argue that aside from the slave trade in America, the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were probably the single most racist acts America has imposed on another country and it's people.

And that was just a tidbit of information, not an argument at all, but I guess people are trying to negate the points I've tried to make by saying it has nothing to do with my statement when it has everything to do with my statement that I refuse to rescind on in any way, shape, or form.