Now The Second Language You Need to Learn Is Chinese. Prospect of Working with the Yellow Man.

Jun 6, 2015
CACs have been sliding into the background for some years now but now Asians in SoCal and NYC are rising quickly to prominence in the Tech/Finance Start-Up scene.


Look at this Asian Man who is no older than 40 giving orders to White Men 10-20 years older than him. Look at the disdain and disgust they have on their faces on having an Asian Man sign their paychecks.

TL;DR - Learn Chinese and a Hard STEM Skill nikka

Ignore this post at your own risk:

Hispanics are having 3-5 kids a pop and will win at the numbers game. But what is critical to note is that Asians are having just as many kids BUT they have more standout CEOs and winners in their community - Probably 5-6x that of Hispanics and CACs and 10-20x that of us. And when I say Asian here I mean East Asian: Primarily Chinese but also Korean. Japanese aren't big enough of a group to be statistically significant in these conversations.

These dudes are gonna put on their cousins (maybe not the FOB ones though:lolbron:)

ABCs (American Born Chinese) are an in-group within themselves. Some don't speak Chinese and that is where your opportunity is:

Imagine you have a 2nd or 3rd generation Chinese dude that can't speak his own language and he needs to do business abroad in China. Now imagine your Black ass is fluent in his language. He can do either one of two things:

- Hate on you and see you as competition
- Hire your ass as a PARTNER to the firm and pay you 10x more than these CACs he's employed and send you overseas to represent the American division.

The 2nd option (most likely scenario) serves as three chess moves which simple nikkas won't get:

- Chinese in China may idealize Whites but they don't trust them at all in practice - ABCs idealize Whites to a lesser extent and some even hate them. Some ABCs tend to look down upon Blacks as a group - But if they know you personally over time, they will entrust you with information they would never tell a White Man. This is because for the time being they don't see us as numerous enough (the more proficient of us) to be a threat but rather a potential ally - Because they see themselves as competing with CACs and Mainland Chinese.

- It serves as a buffer because Chinese people constantly ask for discounts when dealing with another Chinese person especially if they are both Han ethnicity.

- It serves to convey that he has extremely diverse intelligent and elite staff - They may be more willing to pay a higher price for any transactions, particularly if they think somewhere in the back of their minds that you can help the company do business in Africa (they are looking to get in there as well) with more ease. They are hoping even if you don't have relatives in Africa, that a Black face will soften the blow. It's up to you on whether you want to eventually make close relations at that point and defect at some point, or if the individual Africans you are dealing with in the deal are not trust worthy and you need to continue to play the "American" or Chinese end. There are ways you can do this without breaking any international law.

Now here's the point: A lot of nikkas will say c00n, SELL-OUT etc. But these nikkas aren't thinking long-term. You don't realize something. This Tejune Kang dude rose up through the ranks working for Oracle reporting to CACs probably earning pennies on the dollar. You can do the exact same thing but knowing an Asian language earn more because you are an uncommon commodity. When a Black man walks into the room representing an ABC company in Shanghai speaking fluent Mandarin they will feel shocked, intimidated and blindsided. The reality is most ABCs do not have explicit loyalty to China politically or socially. They only represent ABCs and will do things in the best interests of American Chinese. Some brothers may say - OK then for all intended purposes why not just treat them as White? Make no mistake - They may have adopted aspects of White American culture but still see themselves as very much Asian - And in some ways they consider themselves "The Most Evolved Asians" and superior and more sophisticated than their mainland cousins. :wow: This is a critical observation most nikkas will dismiss to their own peril. Failing to understand these complexities will keep your black ass underemployed and undervalued. Knowing and accepting this fact will propel you to new heights as you can exploit it and act accordingly based on this knowledge.

The relationship between Blacks and Asians can be tenuous at times but there is something you need to understand: We both have the same goal in mind which is to rise to prominence and take back the world from Europeans who have historically oppressed us whether through physical or economic slavery. One of the primary reason Chinese are looking to develop in Africa is to try and counter-balance Russians.

This is a geo-political game and you are but one person but can play a vital component. The fact remains you may be called a c00n but if you're a c00n getting paid $150-250k a year to serve as a liason on the business or tech end with stock options this is money that can eventually go towards setting up your own shop. Kang fulfills his diversity requirement and doesn't have to hire a CAC. You don't have to work for a CAC. If Kang isn't on that :mjpls: then I would say do you, get the experience and paper.

In cities like NYC, SF, HOU, SEA and more there are American Asians setting up shop. If I had to estimate I'd say 50% want nothing to do with us but the other 50% may end up being very useful allies. Open your mind and look around, because where money is concerned if you are viewed as a profit generator the majority of Asians will love and cater to you regardless of appearance. Whereas CACs don't care - They will sacrifice money just to get rid of minorities. This is an important difference to recognize. If you don't take anything from this post remember this: If a talented Asian dude wants or offers to work with you, do it and take him up on the offer. Of course trust no Man 100% in general (sometimes not even your blood) but realize that there is a potential to make bread because image means a lot these days.

And a Black Man and Asian Man working together is not common at all and you will get good PR just based off of that. Now imagine the Asian dude speaks Spanish and you speak Chinese. You will get business just based off that fact alone whether you are selling IaaS, SaaS, financial services or any expert consulting for most niche industries.


May 1, 2012
Or instead of doing all that, you can just marry a Chinawoman if you don't mind the flat ass and milk breath :manny:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Learning multiple languages is a valued commodity in a 21st century, global economy. You could have just left it at that instead of shytting out all that unnecessary extra stuff. fukk u need to write a novel for? I swear, you Alex Jones, infowars lookin nikkas are gunna give yourselves heart attacks by 36 with all the neuroticism and angst you're colonizing your body and mind with on the daily. Calm down
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May 1, 2012
In all seriousness though, learning business level Chinese after college isn't a realistic option for most people. The grammar is simple but the tonal pronunciations and character set is :mindblown:

It would take years of dedication and total immersion to just be sufficient

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
In all seriousness though, learning business level Chinese after college isn't a realistic option for most people. The grammar is simple but the tonal pronunciations and character set is :mindblown:

It would take years of dedication and total immersion to just be sufficient
It is. Just different tones mean different words.
Jun 6, 2015
Umm, I am still negging you for this.

Hate on truth brehs

Learning multiple languages is a valued commodity in a 21st century, global economy. You could have just left it at that instead of shytting out all that unnecessary extra shyt. fukk u need to write a novel for? I swear, you Alex Jones, infowars lookin nikkas are gunna give yourselves heart attacks by 36 with all the neuroticism and angst you're colonizing your body and mind with on the daily. Calm down

Anybody can write a few words with no rationale to back it up, a lot of yall brehs maybe type or think slow. It don't take me that long to roll off this shyt these are observations I've formed over 30 years of life.

You acting like it's a damn dissertation.

In all seriousness though, learning business level Chinese after college isn't a realistic option for most people. The grammar is simple but the tonal pronunciations and character set is :mindblown:

It would take years of dedication and total immersion to just be sufficient

All the time we spend trying to attract sub-par Women and money in the clubs yeah it's expensive and time consuming but there are brehs on here who brag about spending $360 a month on hoes whether it's club entrance fees, bottle service etc.

That money and time can go towards mastering the language especially for younger brehs in college that got more time