Obama Ran and Won on CHANGE - So what has changed in the 10 years since he was elected?


All Star
Dec 31, 2014
They finessed many of you. Barry and the other one were excellent motivators/speakers, but that's about it. I give them credit for that when it comes to us, but that's about it.

Barry could've helped us out like he did for them lgbt's and Planned Parenthood whether he was the one passing legislation or not. His support for them got stuff done. Even Cecile gave him a shout-out on the Breakfast Club. They were looking for him and calling for a President like him since 72' that I know of. Possibly earlier. Even illegals got DACA and Dreamers out of him.

And btw, some of them HBCU's was lit at him that they didn't get them $$ like it was reported in that list on the first page. I know cause my HBCU would've came up off the funding, but it never happened. That's that for the HBCU money. The interactions I do know for them having w/ the HBCU's is speaking/motivating because the other one headed down to good ol' Miss. and surely speaking out against that religious freedom bill that didn't go towards the lgbt's wishes. Mmmm Hmmm.

What was mentioned about the CRA was for the lgbt community. There are other races out there getting the benefits off of our CRA because his administration was felt it necessary to update/amend it. Yes, amending the CRA of 64' for the Queen community. That's what that CRA Like it or not that is the 1st written objective in they agenda which many of you don't even know they have so they can amend it for their gains. For example, a dude wanting to put on a wig and enter the woman's restroom due to gender identity issues.

There are three more inconsistencies I see in that list, I'll reveal them later. It's been years since I read them links and seen that what was being promoted to us as "progression" by that administration was not actually getting done.


All Star
Dec 31, 2014
Support for HBCUs

  • The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is responsible for funding more than $4 billion for HBCUs each year.
  • Pell Grant funding for HBCU students increased significantly between 2007 and 2014, growing from $523 million to $824 million.
  • The President’s FY 2017 budget request proposes a new, $30 million competitive grant program, called the HBCU and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) Innovation for Completion Fund, designed to support innovative and evidence-based, student-centered strategies and interventions to increase the number of low-income students completing degree programs at HBCUs and MSIs.
  • The First in the World (FITW) program provided unique opportunities for HBCUs to compete for grants focused on innovation to drive student success.
  • In 2014, Hampton University received a grant award of $3.5 million.
  • In FY 2015, three FITW awards were made to HBCUs, including Jackson State University ($2.9 million), Delaware State University ($2.6 million) and Spelman College ($2.7 million).
  • While Congress did not fund the program in fiscal year 2016, the President’s 2017 budget request includes $100 million for the First in the World program, with up to $30 million set aside for HBCUs and MSIs

Barack Obama and the $300 Million War on HBCUs | HuffPost

Barack Obama and the $300 Million War on HBCUs

Six years and two elections later, presidents and advocates at historically black colleges and universities are quietly expressing outrage with the Obama administration over a perceived lack of interest and engagement toward the institutions. Decreases in federal grant funding to HBCUs and changes in the Parent PLUS Loan Program have cost black colleges more than $300 million in the last two years, one of the worst stretches in history for public HBCU support.

In that meeting, Dr. Wilson touted that HBCUs had seen increased federal funding, echoing statements he had been making in the media since 2011. But those statements didn’t match internal numbers.

By policy and appointment, President Obama has demonstrated, at best, a low regard for historically black colleges and universities. His office must serve as a bully pulpit on improvement for African-American communities through the institutions best designed to serve them through education, research and outreach. Now is the time for the gap to be closed and for the words of his promise to HBCUs in September 2010 to hold true for black Americans and black colleges nationwide.

Obama’s roller-coaster relationship with HBCUs

Just months after taking office in 2009, President Barack Obama did not push to renew a temporary $85 million pot of money earmarked for HBCUs by his Republican predecessor George W. Bush. The move by the new president left many black college leaders indignant.

By 2013, even as the overall federal higher education budget grew, the HBCU share was down to 2.8 percent, according to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, which lobbies for black colleges and supports students with scholarships.

Given that array of challenges, many HBCU advocates were hoping that Obama would do more to lift their fortunes. But his focus has been on improving college access and affordability for all students, not necessarily singling out HBCUs for special help.

First Black President Cuts Funds For Black Higher Education | Black Agenda Report

President Obama's economic stimulus was very kind to the general category of education. But Black higher education got the butt end of his budget, with a net of $73 million in cuts, while traditionally Hispanic schools got an increase in funding. "It would be difficult to find anyplace in the federal budget where $73 million has a more concentrated impact on the fortunes of a particular ethnic group." Even southern Republican lawmakers are wondering aloud about Obama's priorities.

Barack Obama encourages people to believe that he deserves to be remembered as the “Education President.” However, Obama will definitely not go down as a friend of historically Black higher education. Historically Black colleges and universities – HBCUs – take a $73 million hit in Obama’s educational budget. The cuts are even more disturbing, since education as a general category is a big winner in the president’s economic stimulus plan


May 6, 2015
1) He asked Congress to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to a gradual increase toward $10.10. Senate Republicans voted against it. Therefore Obama made an Executive Order ordering all federal government employees to get at least a minimum wage of $10.10. He also asked governors and mayors to increase their minimum wages and at least 7 to 8 states did it on his request.

2)An immigration reform bill passed the Senate vote, but the Speaker of the House of Representatives refused to put it on the floor for a vote.

3)Gun control bill (Stronger background checks was a major part of it) was voted down in the Senate.

4)Criminal Justice reform bill which included getting rid of mandatory minimum sentencing completely died in the Senate. Which is why all of Obama and his Attorney Generals criminal justice reform was done on policy directive which can easily be overturned by the next administration.

5)Republicans blocked the paycheck fairness act which would have better addressed the issue of closing pay gaps between men and women.

6)Republicans voted against a bill that would have stopped giving tax breaks to businesses who ship jobs overseas and instead give tax breaks to those who brought businesses here.

I can go on.

They did nothing but Obstruct his Presidency from the moment they won control of Congress.

They blocked him because he was Black....

Well anyway, once they put Palin on the ballot, that got all the rednecks riled up and after 8 years of Obama, they went with a extremist like Trump to spite anything Obama-affiliated (ie Hilary Clinton)...

Cacs being cacs


All Star
Dec 31, 2014
**This one below has been a prime objective since 72'. That's the "several weeks" that is being referred to in the links provided. This was #1 priority on the agenda and Barry had no issue lending a helping hand. It's not like what was written was for us and only us. Sadly, many of these readers won't have a clue and it will fly right over they heads.

Civil Rights Division

  • The Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division continued to enforce federal law. Over the last eight years, the Division has vigorously protected the civil rights of individuals in housing, lending, employment, voting, education, and disability rights and through hate crimes and law enforcement misconduct prosecutions and law enforcement pattern and practice cases.


Obama supports altering Civil Rights Act to ban LGBT discrimination

The White House endorsed legislation Tuesday that would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the Obama administration had been reviewing the bill “for several weeks.”

“Upon that review it is now clear that the administration strongly supports the Equality Act,” he said. “That bill is historic legislation that would advance the cause of equality for millions of Americans.

“We look forward to working with Congress to ensure that the legislative process produces a result that balances both the bedrock principles of civil rights . . . with the religious liberty that we hold dear in this country,” Earnest added.

Although there is little chance that this Congress will approve the legislation — which was introduced in July by Democratic Sens. Jeff Merkley (Ore.), Tammy Baldwin (Wis.) and Cory Booker (N.J.), and Rep. David N. Cicilline (D-R.I.) — President Obama’s support elevates the question of whether lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans need greater legal safeguards. Last week, Houston voters rejected an ordinance that would have barred discrimination against gay and transgender people after opponents said it would allow men disguised as women to enter women’s restrooms.

The White House’s endorsement of the Equality Act came on the same day that Obama became the first sitting U.S. president to be featured on the cover of an LGBT publication, after he was named Out magazine’s “Ally of the Year” for 2015.

Obama administration backs amendment to add sexual orientation, gender identity to Civil Rights Act

Obama administration backs amendment to add sexual orientation, gender identity to Civil Rights Act

A White House spokesperson on Tuesday expressed President Barack Obama’s support for legislationy [press briefing] that would ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity through an amendment to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The legislation had been under consideration for several weeks, and the White House had not been prepared to endorse it [press briefing] when it came under review in early October. The bill was introduced in July by Democratic Senators Jeff Merkley of Oregon, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Rep. David N. Cicilline and is unlikely to proceed through Congress [WP report]

Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity has been a controversial issue in the US. In July 2014 Obama signed an executive order [text] barring federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity [JURIST report] but, despite pressure, did not include any exemptions for religious organizations.


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
Obama did nothing specifically for black people while he did so for other groups. After he was chastized for defending Henry Gates in 2009 (black Harvard professor who was arrested for trying to get into his own house), he rarely spoke about issues specific to black people at all. Even if he couldn't take action to directly help black peopllike you all claim (which he could've as evidence by Trump's use of executive orders), why did he rarely speak about black issues? I believe it's because

1. Obama is a product of a white woman and African immigrant. He was raised by white grandparents in Hawaii. Aside from skin color and empathy, he has no direct connection to the Black American struggle.

2. Obama was elevated by Democratic Party and its wealthy white backers. By taking up for black issues, he would have fumbled the post-presidency money bag (speeches, book/tv deals, etc.)

Evidence of black people not being primary beneficiaries of all these good "rising all boats" things Obama did is that black wealth cratered under him despite rising stock and real estate prices.


Dec 2, 2012

It's been 10 years since we celebrated the first half black president. What's the verdict on the change we could all believe in?

Edit: let me edit because I can already see from the first post that it seems like I am trying to set up a political argument when that is not really my point. I was one of the people that was really excited when he got elected. But it's really disappointing to be where we are right now after so much promise and hope that things would be better and 10 years later many schools still suck and cops are killing us with impunity. We have a president who is aiding and abetting racists. We have Obamacare getting rolled back.

Really my point is that political gains are fleeting and can be reversed when your party loses power. ultimately Obama was right that change doesn't happen from the top down and it happens from the bottom up. But if that was the case why did we get so excited when he got elected and why are people acting like today is urgent and will impact the lives of millions of people? It's just another election day.
I read somewhere that Obama campaigned as a revolutionary but governed as a technocrat. I think that pretty much sums it up. But, part of the story is also that he probably would have been slaughtered, had he attempted more than incremental change during his time in office. Even his absolutely non-threatening, let's maintain civility presidency got white people so riled up that they elected probably the most incompetent white man imaginable as his successor, just to prove a point.