Official Dr Amos N Wilson thread

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Dr Amos N Wilson in my humble opinion is the greatest thinker that black America has ever produced.
His breakdowns of white supremacy /power and the manner in which he psycho analyzed the black experience has no equal.

He's at the very top of my list of the great African Centred thinkers I've ever come accross (A list including amongst other Frantz Fannon, Dr Frank B Wilderson, Dr Frances Cres Welsing and many others)

The fact that this site has not had an official thread on the genius that was Dr Wilson is a travesty and shows an uncomfortable truth about where we are as a Africans globally.

I'll post quick introductory videos for those who have never heard or read his works. And hopefully this thread picks up steam and we post and DISCUSS his longer more thoroufh 3hour lectures .

Exhibit A : Dr Wilson breaking down POWER and how it works

Exht B:

Exht C : Symbolism and Self Esteem

Exht D: Police Brutality and Justice

That's a great foundational introduction to his works
I look forward to others sharing and also discussing his great work


Aug 9, 2013
Excellent. There’ve been times I started to post some of his vids but knew they wouldn’t be watched over in tlr. There’s a couple of him speaking on electoral politics that are fitting for these times and should be heeded.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Dr Amos is still alive right

i used to be heavy into his stuff back in the day

along with Dr. Ben and John Henrik Clarke
Dr Wilson died a rather mysterious, quick and sudden death in the mid 90s (94 or 95) of a socalled brain aneurysm.

Most of the lectures posted of him are largely from the late 80s and a few from the early 90s.
This is very important to note coz he predicted and was on point on soooooo many things that still play out today.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Excellent. There’ve been times I started to post some of his vids but knew they wouldn’t be watched over in tlr. There’s a couple of him speaking on electoral politics that are fitting for these times and should be heeded.
Yeah man I've consumed thousands of hours of his material.
It's so depressing and glaring that this site/forum doesn't even entertain anything related to him.

I've name dropped with links on so many threads, but people just wanna regurgitate what they already know (Neely Fuller Jr works) "racism white supremacy"..... What about police brutality? "racism white supremacy"....

They offer no critical thought or nuanced breakdowns but just repeat catchphrases like "stay in code" and the answer to anything is "racism white supremacy"...

I don't know if you've observed this trend in the last 10 years or so


Aug 9, 2013
Yeah man I've consumed thousands of hours of his material.
It's so depressing and glaring that this site/forum doesn't even entertain anything related to him.

I've name dropped with links on so many threads, but people just wanna regurgitate what they already know (Neely Fuller Jr works) "racism white supremacy"..... What about police brutality? "racism white supremacy"....

They offer no critical thought or nuanced breakdowns but just repeat catchphrases like "stay in code" and the answer to anything is "racism white supremacy"...

I don't know if you've observed this trend in the last 10 years or so

I have. that’s because of Tariq mostly. He and Francis cress welsing are his go-tos. those types really haven’t studied. Walter Rodney is another who is never mentioned here, but he should be required reading. But I look forward to participating in your thread.
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Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
I have. that’s because of Tariq mostly. He and Francis crews welsing are his go-tos. those types really haven’t studied. Walter Rodney is another who is never mentioned here, but he should be required reading. But I look forward to participating in your thread.
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa!!! :wow: yip I'm familiar with Walter Rodney too..

Someone said that in the 70s, 80s, 90s and even early to mid 2000s the socalled conscious community was basically led by somewhat righteous people who had little to no money(you faced losing your job, relying on donations and the good will of other conscious people) .... But somehwere around the late 2000s with the advent of YouTube, people started selling books, the "lecture" circuit, merchandise, DVDs etc etc they (Tariq Nasheed, Umar Johnson, Polight and other hustler snakes/agents) monetized black consciousness and started peddling "personality cult" rhetoric with very surface level understanding of deep nuanced issues. It became performative and all of them were motivated by MONEY and the status/clout of being semi YouTube "famous".

The average discussion on this forum about anything pertaining to race/history /Africa just like anything on YouTube is just surface level and filled with confusion, political naivety, and a strong anti African stance.

The thing I'm most greatful for the most with Dr Wilson, is he taught me how to THINK... Pattern recognition, signs to look for, historical contextutalizin, understanding power dynamics etc
He made me SMARTER.. Not just regurgitating things I've read, but actually being able to psycho analyze a situation on the spot and be right on the money.
I'm eternally greatful :mjcry:


All Star
Jun 15, 2018
Dr Amos N Wilson in my humble opinion is the greatest thinker that black America has ever produced.
His breakdowns of white supremacy /power and the manner in which he psycho analyzed the black experience has no equal.

He's at the very top of my list of the great African Centred thinkers I've ever come accross (A list including amongst other Frantz Fannon, Dr Frank B Wilderson, Dr Frances Cres Welsing and many others)

The fact that this site has not had an official thread on the genius that was Dr Wilson is a travesty and shows an uncomfortable truth about where we are as a Africans globally.

I'll post quick introductory videos for those who have never heard or read his works. And hopefully this thread picks up steam and we post and DISCUSS his longer more thoroufh 3hour lectures .

Exhibit A : Dr Wilson breaking down POWER and how it works

Exht B:

Exht C : Symbolism and Self Esteem

Exht D: Police Brutality and Justice

That's a great foundational introduction to his works
I look forward to others sharing and also discussing his great work

Thank you OP! I haven't read his works yet (recently found out about him) but will very soon. I'm very intrigued by his "Blueprint for Black Power" ...I'm trying to find an affordable copy. I think it's important for Black people to move towards a power seeking mindset as opposed to the ambiguous "equality" seeking that we have now. Much respect.


Aug 9, 2013
Thank you OP! I haven't read his works yet (recently found out about him) but will very soon. I'm very intrigued by his "Blueprint for Black Power" ...I'm trying to find an affordable copy. I think it's important for Black people to move towards a power seeking mindset as opposed to the ambiguous "equality" seeking that we have now. Much respect.

His Blueprint for Black Power speech is still some of the realest, most powerful, poignant, and important shyt I’ve ever seen. Every Black person, especially from America, needs to watch it.

I sell his books at my job and online if y’all ever want to cop.


Aug 9, 2013
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa!!! :wow: yip I'm familiar with Walter Rodney too..

Yes yes and yes. Brother, I've been recommending that book to Black people for at least the last 10 yrs. If we would collectively read that, we wouldn't be so confused about what's going on in Africa today with the Chinese and how it affects Black people everywhere. It's a political book, but it could just as easily fall under the "History" category, because we're repeating it almost to a T.

Someone said that in the 70s, 80s, 90s and even early to mid 2000s the socalled conscious community was basically led by somewhat righteous people who had little to no money(you faced losing your job, relying on donations and the good will of other conscious people) .... But somehwere around the late 2000s with the advent of YouTube, people started selling books, the "lecture" circuit, merchandise, DVDs etc etc they (Tariq Nasheed, Umar Johnson, Polight and other hustler snakes/agents) monetized black consciousness and started peddling "personality cult" rhetoric with very surface level understanding of deep nuanced issues. It became performative and all of them were motivated by MONEY and the status/clout of being semi YouTube "famous".

If you look back at the Elder Scholars, all of em that I know about died broke. Brother Rodney, Brother Malcolm, Dr. Amos and Dr. Clarke. Dr. Ben, The Honorable Marcus Garvey, etc.

At this point we should've been past lectures and books. Tariq is entertainment for the most part, but I've heard his videos are informative; I've never seen any of em. But as far as people like Umar and Jay, and even Tariq to a certain extent - we should've long been past the point of having to look to a figurehead for leadership, especially as so many turn out to be liars and thieves, as we've seen.

Our system should've been in place by now. All the info is there, and the blueprint was laid out over a century ago in 'Philosophies and Opinions.'

The average discussion on this forum about anything pertaining to race/history /Africa just like anything on YouTube is just surface level and filled with confusion, political naivety, and a strong anti African stance.

The thing I'm most greatful for the most with Dr Wilson, is he taught me how to THINK... Pattern recognition, signs to look for, historical contextutalizin, understanding power dynamics etc
He made me SMARTER.. Not just regurgitating things I've read, but actually being able to psycho analyze a situation on the spot and be right on the money.
I'm eternally greatful :mjcry:

Boards like these are just a reflection of society as a whole. Politically, most people have no idea what they're talking about, regurgitate whatever they hear, and don't really wanna take the time to inform themselves. So you can sharpen up your debating for whenever an opportunity may come up in the real world, as well as help educate people on here who want to learn and even be educated yourself. Back in the day ASR/L2H had some bad mufukkas on it. The messageboard was alot more popular then, maybe around 350-500 active members, but them dudes started alot of us down the path to Black Nationalism. That's where I first heard about Dr. Wilson, back between 05-08.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
^ So true about Walter Rodney, one of the GOAT Black scholars of all times. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa along with Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust are essential works to understand how the slave trade was implemented and how it absolutely destroyed the continent and traumatized and brutalized the diaspora.


Aug 9, 2013
^ So true about Walter Rodney, one of the GOAT Black scholars of all times. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa along with Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust are essential works to understand how the slave trade was implemented and how it absolutely destroyed the continent and traumatized and brutalized the diaspora.

as much as the slave trade it was and is the exploitation of the mineral wealth of africa that was detailed in WEUA that's going to ensure Africa remains in a constant state of turmoil for the foreseeable future. but as far as slavery goes, africans really didn't have it any better in alotta cases. i think it was kenya, i don't remember for sure, but i distinctly remember Brother Rodney saying the Africans were made to build an airport by hand. and we're all at least vaguely aware of what leopold II and the belgians did to our Brothers and Sisters in the Congo. just a couple of examples, but that's basically chattel slavery. no different except the African wasn't technically "owned." but he was, just like us. the women were abused, just like ours. the white man has been the same beast everywhere he's been. but rodney also got into the changes in agriculture that have come about because of this beast, and the effect it's had on the physical and mental health of the Black African. how colonial education has been used to create buffer classes, etc., just an extraordinary book.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
as much as the slave trade it was and is the exploitation of the mineral wealth of africa that was detailed in WEUA that's going to ensure Africa remains in a constant state of turmoil for the foreseeable future. but as far as slavery goes, africans really didn't have it any better in alotta cases. i think it was kenya, i don't remember for sure, but i distinctly remember Brother Rodney saying the Africans were made to build an airport by hand. and we're all at least vaguely aware of what leopold II and the belgians did to our Brothers and Sisters in the Congo. just a couple of examples, but that's basically chattel slavery. no different except the African wasn't technically "owned." but he was, just like us. the women were abused, just like ours. the white man has been the same beast everywhere he's been. but rodney also got into the changes in agriculture that have come about because of this beast, and the effect it's had on the physical and mental health of the Black African. how colonial education has been used to create buffer classes, etc., just an extraordinary book.

The way he explained the breakdown of old traditional economies into monoculture economies or flat out slave industries and stoked divisions and turned the Africans against each other was so haunting. I felt every level of fukked up for our ancestors reading that shyt.

To your point on mineral exploitation, The Looting Machine by Tom Burgis is fantastic. shyt is depressing as fukk. If you read Aurundhati Roy’s Capitalism a Ghost Story to see how this all ties globally you’ll be down in the dumps. :russ:


Aug 9, 2013
The way he explained the breakdown of old traditional economies into monoculture economies or flat out slave industries and stoked divisions and turned the Africans against each other was so haunting. I felt every level of fukked up for our ancestors reading that shyt.

To your point on mineral exploitation, The Looting Machine by Tom Burgis is fantastic. shyt is depressing as fukk. If you read Aurundhati Roy’s Capitalism a Ghost Story to see how this all ties globally you’ll be down in the dumps. :russ:

I'll check those out. Thanks.