OH HELL NAW: Yvette Carnell Got a White Wife?

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I like Yvette. She does comes with data, sources and truth. It's like somebody is finally talking to/about me and my family experience directly.

What has she said disrespectful or toxic? She responds to disrespect thrown at AA's.

You think it's toxic cause she is saying AA's should be exclusive and calling out others who have been talking about us while using us at the same time for years.

The only people that I have seen that don't like her are non-AADOS.
Where do you want me to start? I can create bulletpoints on where I feel she is toxic but what good will it do if you do see where I am coming from. The same can be said by you and others on Tariq but those who 100% agree with him will never see your points. So my question do you is, do you really want to know or are you going to do like Charlie, make excuses for shytty behavior because you truly understand where she's coming from. If you don't think what she's doing is a problem, I find that to be problematic.


Aug 6, 2015
Where do you want me to start? I can create bulletpoints on where I feel she is toxic but what good will it do if you do see where I am coming from. The same can be said by you and others on Tariq but those who 100% agree with him will never see your points. So my question do you is, do you really want to know or are you going to do like Charlie, make excuses for shytty behavior because you truly understand where she's coming from. If you don't think what she's doing is a problem, I find that to be problematic.

I wanna know. Bulletpoint it.

I think the issue is - she is not speaking to or for non-AADOS. If someone is not-AADOS - then they more than likely are going to get their feelings hurt.


Dec 16, 2015
Where do you want me to start? I can create bulletpoints on where I feel she is toxic but what good will it do if you do see where I am coming from. The same can be said by you and others on Tariq but those who 100% agree with him will never see your points. So my question do you is, do you really want to know or are you going to do like Charlie, make excuses for shytty behavior because you truly understand where she's coming from. If you don't think what she's doing is a problem, I find that to be problematic.

I am not making excuses for shytty behavior...

If somebody said some racialized shyt at me...Ima say it back....

Like I am for the stupid shyt......

This is the problem with Black people 100 percent...

Black people think everybody can win...

Black people think the world holds some type of morality...

And as a DOS, I know it doesn't...

We know immigrants look down on Black Americans and avoid us like a plague. It is a historical trait of American immigrants...

I don't know how many times us Black Americans gotta hear about how we don't have a culture or we don't know where we come from or that we fail because we don't work hard enough...blah blah blah...

USA is a ground zero battlefield for capital and wealth...that's what the USA is about...that's why people come here...

You don't meet that kind of ferocity and disdain people have for you with niceness and meekness and unity and understanding and love...

Somebody is gonna lose and the people that lose get to have the meek attitude and niceness and the unity and understanding and the love...cause they don't have shyt to defend themselves with...

That's DOS right now...that'ts why DOS welcome every single non-White motherfukker with open arms...

And you can't pay your bills or send your kids to college with that...matter of fact...the people that we greet with open arms...get to pay their bills and send their kids to college off...we can't...

Like I like to say all the time...

Black people don't understand politics and what it is about...

Politics is about who gets what and who doesn't get what...

Politics is about violence and who has to die by that the violence and who gets live by it...

When it comes to Africans vs. DOS...

Like I said and what Yvette pointed out...there is no word that we have for Africans that means some variant of wild beasts...or cat or whatever the fukk...

There is innate anti-DOS in African immigrant culture...

And then..they come to our country and mingle with us and get to benefit off of us...and use our culture and plight to propel themselves to the highest segments of USA society...and we cheer them on...cause we think we are them and they are us...

but in the comfort of their own homes...we are Akata....

You know how insidious that shyt is..we were sold by them them and Europeans caused us to be here...

So when you point to the insidious nature of DOS and African relationships on the ground...in real life and the real impact of it...not some Pan African bullshyt fantasy land...it's not gonna sound nice, with love and understanding...and unity and all that loser shyt...

It gonna sound like it really is...and it's gonna be divisive and sound hateful and angry and all types of shyt because this is politics...this is how you build a politics that is necessary to get what you want...

You can't get what you want if you don't sort out who gets what...

That means for the USA and what us DOS want out of the USA for us and only us...

Either you understand it as a Black immigrant and be an ally or you don't get it and you complain and say it is hateful...

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Aug 6, 2015
Is she not mixed?

I wonder why people keep saying that.

Her family is from the South and DOS -- so that means you gonna have light skin people in your family.

My mom is about her complexion - and so are her 9 siblings - and most of my maternal side. It's apart of the our ancestors legacy of enslavement. We come in all shades.




And yea...they all were Black slaves.


Nostalgia Junkie
May 15, 2014
He probably can't from a financial standpoint....

Yeah, apparently Wu runs a business called Jarvis and Boyce works for him. Someone made this comment under his latest video. The info supposedly comes from the latest damage control webinar he had with Wu. :sigh:

I just saw this comment a second ago under his latest vid



Aug 6, 2015
I am not making excuses for shytty behavior...

If somebody said some racialized shyt at me...Ima say it back....

Like I am for the stupid shyt......

This is the problem with Black people 100 percent...

Black people think everybody can win...

Black people think the world holds some type of morality...

And as a DOS, I know it doesn't...

We know immigrants look down on Black Americans and avoid us like a plague. It is a historical trait of American immigrants...

I don't know how many times us Black Americans gotta hear about how we don't have a culture or we don't know where we come from or that we fail because we don't work hard enough...blah blah blah...

USA is a ground zero battlefield for capital and wealth...that's what the USA is about...that's why people come here...

You don't meet that kind of ferocity and disdain people have for you with niceness and meekness and unity and understanding and love...

Somebody is gonna lose and the people that lose get to have the meek attitude and niceness and the unity and understanding and the love...cause they don't have shyt to defend themselves with...

That's DOS right now...that'ts why DOS welcome every single non-White motherfukker with open arms...

And you can't pay your bills or send your kids to college with that...matter of fact...the people that we greet with open arms...get to pay their bills and send their kids to college off...we can't...

Like I like to say all the time...

Black people don't understand politics and what it is about...

Politics is about who gets what and who doesn't get what...

Politics is about violence and who has to die by that the violence and who gets live by it...

When it comes to Africans vs. DOS...

Like I said and what Yvette pointed out...there is no word that we have for Africans that means some variant of wild beasts...or cat or whatever the fukk...

There is innate anti-DOS in African immigrant culture...

And then..they come to our country and mingle with us and get to benefit off of us...and use our culture and plight to propel themselves to the highest segments of USA society...and we cheer them on...cause we think we are them and they are us...

but in the comfort of their own homes...we are Akata....

You know how insidious that shyt is..we were sold by them them and Europeans caused us to be here...

So when you point to the insidious nature of DOS and African relationships on the ground...in real life and the real impact of it...not some Pan African bullshyt fantasy land...it's not gonna sound nice, with love and understanding...and unity and all that loser shyt...

It gonna sound like it really is...and it's gonna be divisive and sound hateful and angry and all types of shyt because this is politics...this is how you build a politics that is necessary to get what you want...

You can't get what you want if you don't sort out who gets what...

That means for the USA and what us DOS want out of the USA for us and only us...

Either you understand it as a Black immigrant and be an ally or you don't get it and you complain and say it is hateful...


They really have to check themselves and their families who do this. If you go on comments on YouTube or on any forum. They are deep and they say some hateful ish.

I just saw these under Yvette's old video - I ignites rage..lol THIS is the common groupthink of Black immigrants that I have seen online. So, I can't think it's any better off. It's just online they speak their truth.

Say whatever ya'll will, but all ya'll do is victimize yourselves. Like some of ya'll whine all damn day. Like shut the fukk up and work harder. For example, these colleges have no preference if a black person is American or African, IT IS WHO IS BETTER QUALIFIED. Make yourself qualified and shut the fukk up. Ya'll been looking at history FOREVER. Stop looking and do something, for fukk's sake.

your ancestors were africans with african culture qnd identity even if slaves. They are linked to US forever. But their descedants are americans because they lost this culture. Now africans dont have any kind of fellings in the USA because they dont cry or beg! they support everything and just work hard to reach their goals. That's why their are more respected by the others communities. They have higher education levels; they are the best students where they study; they are very polite and respectful at work. but because of skin color and our origins people compare us and see quickly the difference. this is frustrating for some slave descendants this is the truth. African doesn't know or even care about racism or skin color in his county; he is ready and prepare to all new situations before going to the USA. And dont expect an african to lie to you when you act wrong. this is the truth Moins.


You make a good point as far as the rights thing, it is true we've never had to go through what your ancestors did for their freedom.( I just want to state that I am Nigerian by ethnicity but I was born in Italy and lived there for half of my life before I moved to the U.S, so I have a somewhat diverse opinion.) As an African, I do realize a lot of Africans are prejudiced to African Americans. Growing up around Africans I know many of the things Africans think of Afro Americans, which I don't agree with. Some of Africans points are valid though, African Americans have the potential to be great and so many don't achieve their full potential and there does need to be a change. A lot of Africans are apprehensive to group themselves into the same category as African Americans, which is why they preserve their culture so adamantly here. I just wish for so many negative aspects of the disadvantaged Afro American communities to go away, the violence, the drugs, prostitution, children in foster care, women who have more children than they can afford. And I wish Afro Americans would stop blaming immigrants for everything. Honestly, its time to recuperate and start building the African (AA & A) community up. Cause if not, we shall be victims forever, as there probably will never be reparations.


Immigrants don't owe Black Americans a damn thing nor should they "Thank You" for them being in this country. Get it straight, your ancestors were slaves, not YOU, so why should anyone be thanking you? This mentality that most black Americans seem to have that the world owes them something is precisely what keeps them in the sorry state that they're in right now. Always looking for a pat on the back or a handout. Immigrants come here and work hard to start a business and soon surpass the black Americans who've been here their entire lives. Instead of you looking for a "Thank You" from those immigrants, why don't you try and emulate their achievements instead? I myself am a Black immigrant and I scraped by for many years just to save enough money to start a small business that grew through hard work, determination and sacrifice. The only thanks I will give is to my paying customers regardless of color. It'll be a cold day in Hell before I thank anyone just for being a Black American who happens to be a descendant of a slave. Get off your lazy ass and build something for yourself and quit your damn whining.

Yvette Carnell11 months ago
+Mr. T Hey folks. This is what many of our "immigrant allies" really think about us, folks. Take note. Too many don't understand our history. They don't understand that we've ALWAYS worked hard, but Jim Crow shut us out economically. They don't understand how we were literally fire bombed out of neighborhoods. They are takers who only view us as sons and daughters of slaves, while taking set asides meant for us.

Mr. T
11 months ago
There is nothing "set aside" for anyone in this life. You want something, then get off your behind and go get it. That is your problem. You think you're owed something just for being born black in America. How's that working out for you so far? I came to this country and took advantage of the same opportunities granted to you and everyone else. I succeeded because of hard work and sacrifice. I did not get any handouts from the government nor did I expect it. Its a shame that you and many other black Americans can't see past your sense of entitlement long enough to actually work and build something meaningful for your future. Don't be upset with immigrants because we came here and worked hard to achieve our goals.

victoria victoria
5 months ago
Mr. T I'm African too and I absolutely agree with you!! My uncle and his wife came via visa lottery to America, and they had to work really hard at building a good life for their family which involved working and going to school. today he is very sucessful with his own IT consultancy company. He once had a problem with one of his employees who was black American, because the guy kept on thinking my uncle shouldn't complain if he comes to work late or don't do something right, according to him, he is the reason my uncle is in the U.S (LOL) Then would go into the whole slavery talk, which my uncle found extremely annoying. Well let's just say after giving the dude a long rope, he finally relieved him of his duties, meanwhile his white employees never gave him any problem and at times were even very shocked at how that black dude spoke to him forgetting he is their boss. That sort of mentality is what has kept black Americans at the bottom of the food chain and make it hard for people to employ them. Now let me address this whole banning of immigrants they are shouting about!! Let's say immigrants are banned from the U.S like they want , then what! Would it stop their women from having kids out of wedlock or end the high black on black crime in their community? Most of them don't even want to work, because they believe the government owes them a check each for something they were not directly involved in. Take out African immigrants, and you would get a very low percentage of blacks in schools. If African immigrants are to say thank you to black Americans, they might as well also thank the white people from the north who fought the southerners to a standstill for black liberation, to the extent of the southerners leaving the parliament.. even after the southerners introduced the black code, which was like slavery in every way except in name, it was the whites in the north, who frustrated their efforts and made sure it was banned.
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1 year ago
African immigrants don't owe you shyt. Who said they are not proud of true black leaders and appreciate the sacrifices of the forefathers? Based on income statistics, crime statistics, and educational statistics, I think the great black leaders would be proud of African immigrates and feel ashamed of their own people who are lost.
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I Pitty Da Fool
Aug 12, 2013
I wonder why people keep saying that.

Her family is from the South and DOS -- so that means you gonna have light skin people in your family.

My mom is about her complexion - and so are her 9 siblings - and most of my maternal side. It's apart of the our ancestors legacy of enslavement. We come in all shades.




And yea...they all were Black slaves.
Wasn’t expecting a neat personal history lesson but thank you for sharing. I’m not shytting on lighter complexion based blacks or nothin was just curious cuz she looked biracial. Umm other than dat I’m really not with the conscious YouTube following like y’all only know Tariq cuz folks post him so much.


Aug 6, 2015
Wasn’t expecting a neat personal history lesson but thank you for sharing. I’m not shytting on lighter complexion based blacks or nothin was just curious cuz she looked biracial. Umm other than dat I’m really not with the conscious YouTube following like y’all only know Tariq cuz folks post him so much.

Me either. Can't stand Tariq. Not a fan of Boyce.

I only like Yvette. I have followed her before YouTube.