@Ozymandias Exposed

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
It's funny what you get into at 5AM. :bpshaq:

As some of you know, I've continually engaged with one particular #TrumpSet poster named @Ozymandias . He was my original choice for 2017 WOAT. He is also currently bushed, with the rest of #TrumpSet. :bpumad:

I'll be honest, the only reason I continued to respond to him is because I get a kick out of poking holes in his seriously flawed talking points. I really shouldn't encourage him by responding to him, but it's just funny to me. :cpagehubie::kanyebp:

That being said, I recently noticed one of the sources he quotes: a Twitter account with the handle of @drawandstrike.


So I decided to actually take a look at this source's Twitter page.


(By the way, the banner pic is of Michael E. Horowitz; the current Inspector General of the US DoJ. He's examining Comey's handling of Clinton's email investigation, and is the next Great White Hope for Trump supporters to prosecute Hillary Clinton.:snoop:)

There's not really much to this page; just another conservative, anti-Leftist Trump defender. He does have 65K followers, though. :ld:

His blog is linked, so I decided to pay a visit.

I didn't expect to find what I found. :whoo:

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Here's the blog, called Draw and STRIKE! [sic]


Here's the author of the Blog, Brian Cates.



I also managed to pull his bio from the Reagan Battalion (a site that no one knows anything about). You can read it in the Spoiler tag below if you like.

Brian Cates is a 53 year old Conservative blogger who lives in Texas.

A Conservative since 1987, he mostly limited himself to commentary on the old Ann Coulter chat board from 2004-2012. He was moved to begin his blogging career by the death of Andrew Breitbart on March 1, 2012. In 2013, for a period of some months, he wrote for Breitbart's former site before leaving over the way Stephen Bannon was ruining it.

A strident critic of Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, he has slowly albeit reluctantly started to like Trump a little bit, even if chiefly due to having to debunk so regularly they myriad DNC Media lies regarding our current President.

(NOTE: This isn't @Ozymandias . I'm not claiming he's a crusty, 53-year-old blogger from Texas.)

Long story short, there's not really any reason why he should be considered credible. As far as I can tell, he has no relevant post-secondary education. His LinkedIn page consists of his name and blog.


Anyways, when I visited his blog, I found this article:


Wait...what did that tagline say? :patrice:


Is this guy serious? No domestic terrorism since the mid-1980's?


Mind you, this was written in May 2017...this guy can't be saying there haven't been instances of right-wing terrorism since Timothy McVeigh...:why:

Could he? :lupe:

There is no big threat of a suddenly emerging white power terrorism movement. The threat is minimal. Is it possible there could ever be another McVeigh? Yes. Is it likely there will be 'many' McVeighs? No.

So...someone has to commit an act as big as the Oklahoma City bombing to qualify? :what:

The same gov't & political types that sell this narrative always downplay & ignore actual real domestic terrorism from the Left.

I've seen him and other TrumpSet members parrot this talking point. :mjpls:

It's not true, by the way. I also find it funny that people somehow pretend that White Supremacists aren't right-wing. :mjlol:

The same universities that now lionize former hyper-violent 60's radicals such as the Weather Underground & the Black Panthers sell this narrative.


The White Power movement is a joke. It's not a legitimate threat. It produced exactly ONE organized violent threat in 30 yrs: The Order. To give the threat greater weight, people want to claim McVeigh was something he was not. He was a loner. McVeigh may have had contact with some white power groups, but he never joined one & in the tapes I heard he doesn't sound like a skinhead. He sounds like a anti-government fanatic, not a racist fanatic.

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Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Let me get this straight...so these acts committed by right wing domestic terrorists since the OKC bombing:

Olympic Park bomber Eric Rudolph agrees to plead guilty - Apr 08, 2005 - HISTORY.com

‘I’m just a sociopath,’ Dylann Roof declared after deadly church shooting rampage, court records say

Man in South Carolina Wanted to Copy Dylann Roof, Officials Say

Suspect charged with killing six people in mosque attack was known supporter of Trump and Le Pen

‘Final act of bravery’: Men who were fatally stabbed trying to stop anti-Muslim rants identified

Accused Planned Parenthood Shooter: 'I'm A Warrior For The Babies'

Man Charged After White Nationalist Rally in Charlottesville Ends in Deadly Violence

Wade Page Is Suspected Sikh Temple Killer

Mosque shooting suspect in Canada known for far-right views

White Supremacist Charged With Terrorism Over Murder Of Black Man

Las Vegas shooting: what we know so far

...Somehow don't count? :bpohh:

Btw, I understand he's playing semantics by separating "white power" terrorism specifically from "right-wing terrorism"--but even if he were warranted in doing so, he's wrong. The Charleston church shooting alone disproves that. Cates even uses the term right-wing terrorist interchangeably with "white power terrorist" when referring to Tim McVeigh.

So I ask you all: is it okay to quote someone who downplays and ignores right-wing domestic terrorism...just because they agree with your personal narrative on another subject?

Is quoting Richard Spencer okay if we have the same stance on medical marijuana? :nuneshead:

Or should we expect more from a place called "Higher Learning"? :panthersafe:

CHECKMATE. :bpufedup:



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