Progressives’ ranks — and plans — expand after midterms


Nov 1, 2015

BY HANNA TRUDO - 11/13/22 7:00 AM ET

Democratic candidate for Florida's 10th Congressional District Maxwell Frost speaks

Stephen M. Dowell/Orlando Sentinel, via AP
Democratic candidate for Florida’s 10th Congressional District Maxwell Frost speaks as he celebrates with supporters during a victory party at The Abbey in Orlando.

Progressives’ strong midterm showing has inspired new confidence on the left about what may be possible in the future.

They see the victories in the House and Senate as evidence that their approach to Democratic politics can win fights against Republicans, sending a signal to moderates that their flank is electorally viable and even preferable in some parts of the country.

While liberals often felt deflated during the 2022 primary season, many are now expressing vindication, touting the results as proof that they can be a safe general election bet.

“Leading up to the midterms there was a whole conversation [about] what a liability progressives were for Democrats. The narrative was that moderates were the saviors of the party,” said Michael Starr Hopkins, a liberal Democratic strategist. “That couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

Democrats across the ideological spectrum saw unexpectedly positive results, staving off what many feared would be a red wave of Trumpism and a MAGA orthodoxy.

As results trickled in, they saw some important seats saved, including front-liners competing to break what looked like virtual ties throughout the night. While centrists cheered the bellwether contests and safety of favorites such as Rep. Abigail Spanbergerin Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, progressives, too, were tallying up their own triumphs.

When young activist Summer Lee, a Democratic socialist, became the first Black woman elected to the House from Pennsylvania despite a rush of outside spending to fund her GOP opponent near Pittsburgh, progressives saw a rebuke of corporate funding playing out in their favor.

And when Greg Casar, a former city council member from Austin, Texas, beat out Republican competitor Dan McQueen in their House race, liberals said the quality of their recruits played a pivotal role.

Both districts favored Democrats, but some feared a surge of expected enthusiasm and spending from the right could have complicated paths to victory.

“What we saw on Tuesday night was the beginning of a generational shift where young people are now starting to become a large portion of the voting population,” said Douglas Wilson, a Democratic strategist located in North Carolina. “With that came an endorsement of a lot of progressive policies.”

Progressives also scored new talent in Maxwell Frost, the first Gen-Z member to head to the House after winning his central Florida seat near Orlando — a rare Democratic victory in the state — as well as with Delia Ramirez in Illinois’ 4th Congressional District.

As a result, the Squad is poised to expand considerably, keeping up a trend that’s persisted since 2018, when Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-N.Y.) and fellow leftists Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) first won against moderate incumbents.

Justice Democrats, the group that recruited Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaib, then focused on Democratic Reps. Jamaal Bowman (N.Y.) and Cori Bush (Mo.) before helping this cycle’s candidates get over the finish line. The progressive organization now counts a dozen lawmakers among its ranks.

“Young progressives turn out to repudiate not just the cartoonish characters that ran as Republicans, but also to demand change to the status quo,” Starr Hopkins said. “Voters made clear that candidates like Summer Lee, Maxwell Frost, Greg Caser are the future of the Democratic Party.”

Despite what many see as their considerable potential, progressives are often on the defensive. Many rose to power as insurgents, muscling their way through primaries against traditional, corporate-backed centrists.

Some Democrats view them as unhelpful at best, or insufficiently loyal to the Democratic Party at worst. Those in the latter camp frequently claim they are working against party unity.

But that argument, progressives believe, was banged up a bit this cycle, as their successes translated beyond the House to one of Democrats’ most crucial seats in the Senate.

Senator-elect John Fetterman’svictory over Republican Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania was perhaps the clearest indication of progressive traction at the national level during the Biden era.

Fetterman beat Rep. Conor Lamb, a moderate and Biden ally, in the Democratic primary and Oz in the general election, using similar contours to Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) campaign approach, with some alterations. While he physically distanced himself from Sanders as a matter of strategy, he ran on economic populism and offered a strong critique of corporate interests, an attack that resonated against the well-heeled Oz.

He also embraced unions, a favorite position of Sanders and Biden alike, and traveled to many rural parts of the state.

Among the Senate Democrats up this cycle, Fetterman was widely considered coziest to the left wing, a line that progressives are already promoting following his win.

His success not only secured one of Democrats’ top races for the still-to-be-determined control of the upper chamber, but also super-charged the argument that progressives can win statewide in the Midwest when they run on a popular platform.

“Democrats must recognize the possibilities,” said Varshini Prakash, executive director of Sunrise Movement. “Investing in our generation starts with Democrats running candidates on our issues like climate action that meets the scale and scope of the crisis, and canceling student loan debt, and our electeds must deliver that same progressive policy, so we can feel it in our communities and candidates can run on it.”

“This may be new for Democratic leadership, but we’ve been making this point for years because progressive policies are popular and mobilizing,” she said.

Centrists, for their part, are still hoping to keep many of their soldiers in power. They did so most effectively earlier this cycle, when outside groups — and occasionally the president himself — helped moderates defeat progressives during the primaries from Ohio to Texas. That strategy allowed for fewer progressives to ultimately compete against Republicans this month.

“There is zero — none, nada, zilch — evidence that the far left can flip seats or can succeed in genuinely competitive races,” said Matt Bennett, the co-founder of Third Way, a Democratic think tank in Washington.

“Fetterman may have started as a Bernie guy years ago, but that is NOT how he ran in the general election,” Bennett said. “Fetterman tacked hard to the center, running on funding the police, voting with law enforcement 90 percent of the time, and knowing the value of a hard day’s work. He had his closing rally with Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Not exactly Chapo Trap House material.”

“In the House, it’s even clearer. No House candidate endorsed by the Justice Democrats, Our Revolution, and Brand New Congress had ever flipped a seat,” he said.

Other moderates believe the party needs more of the Biden-style candidates to win in future elections. While some acknowledge they’re not as flashy as progressives, they say their proven appeal in swing states and districts will allow for possibly bigger margins of success.

Spanberger, in Virginia, is an example of that.

“We have to realize that this country’s huge,” said Wilson. “You’re going to need moderates to run and win to keep a governing majority.”



Nov 1, 2015

Pundits weren’t just wrong about the candidates: They were wrong on the issues, or at least how important they would prove to be in states across the country. Workers’ rights won in Illinois with the passage of the Workers’ Rights Amendment (WRA), which strengthens collective bargaining and bans “right-to-work” laws. Missouri and Maryland legalized marijuana. Nebraska voted to raise their minimum wage to $15 by 2026, and Washington, D.C. banned tipped wages. Alabama, Tennessee, Oregon, and Vermont voted to ban slavery via prison labor. South Dakota voted to expand Medicaid. And while Republicans warned that rising gas prices and utility expenses would lead to a backlash to the already scaled-back climate provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act, there was no such thing, observed climate reporter Jael Holzman.

Perhaps least surprising of all, abortion was indeed on the ballot this fall, and voters chose to protect it. As reported by our Brittney McNamara, “Abortion rights largely won during the midterm elections, with voters affirming access in three states and voting down an anti-abortion measure in one.” California, Michigan, and Vermont voted to protect the right to abortion in their state constitutions; true-red Kentucky voted down an amendment to deny the right to an abortion in their state constitution; and votes are still being counted on an anti-choice ballot question in Montana. “According to the Washington Post, exit polls found that 6 in 10 midterm voters think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, and about 3 in 10 said abortion was the most important issue behind their vote,” Brittney reports.


Aug 29, 2013
There are lots of things the democrats (whether they are labeled progressives or not) need to work on.

And gerrymandering should be near the top of the list. Because this cheating bullshyt is the #1 reason why elections are way, way, way closer than they need to be.


Mar 11, 2022
The problem is they're running like its Miyagi Do and they need to be on their Cobra Kai. But we'll see if it holds up.


Nov 1, 2015


Oh Jesus. They always do this.

The NY Post is so predictable lmao

John Fetterman's top communications staffers have all resigned

PS, we are a Pittsburgh labor site that covered Fetterman critically for a decade (we always knew he was this guy).

Donate to help us cover historic UAW election at Volkswagen in Chattanooga in April

All three of John Fetterman’s top communications staffers have resigned in the last month​

Two staffers are leaving for more progressive political jobs. Fetterman has recently made a big deal of denouncing that ever-nebulous political label.

Sen. John Fetterman at the U.S. Capitol on in January 2023 with Joe Cavello, his communications directors. Cavello resigned this month to work for Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson. Washington Post photo by Ricky Carioti

Sen. John Fetterman at the U.S. Capitol on in January 2023 with Joe Cavello, his communications directors. Cavello resigned this month to work for Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson. Washington Post photo by Ricky CariotiRead moreRicky Carioti / The Washington Post

Clout learns there’s been some serious turnover in Sen. John Fetterman’s office. In the last month, all three of Fetterman’s top communications staffers have left Capitol Hill.

Nick Gavio, who was deputy communications director, will leave the office at the end of March to take a new role with the Working Families Party. Fetterman’s former communications director, Joe Calvello, left earlier this month to work for Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson.

And Emma Mustion, a press and digital aide also left Fetterman’s office to work on the reelection of Sen. Bob Casey.

Gavio and Calvello, two veterans of Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign, and Fetterman’s Senate campaign, offered nothing but nice comments about their new jobs. But Clout doesn’t believe in coincidences, and it seems relevant that both are going to more progressive spaces, given that Fetterman has recently made a big deal of denouncing that ever-nebul ous political label.

Fetterman has alienated some of his supporters on the left with his defense of Israel’s war against Hamas and his criticism of cease-fire activists. His office did not comment on the departures but chief of staff Adam Jentleson said the office has already hired replacements.

Gavio said he is grateful for his time with Fetterman and is “extremely proud and excited” to become Mid-Atlantic communications director for the Working Families Party, overseeing the party’s expansion into statewide and regional contests.

Calvello, who is from Chicago, said earlier in the month that he was “deeply honored” to work for Johnson, whom he described as “a true progressive.”

Clout provides often irreverent news and analysis about people, power, and politics.