"Race" = Bullshyt, According to Science

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
i guess this is why scientist are easily able to determine the ethnicity of a corpse/bones with just a little bit of DNA

because race is bullsh1t

makes sense

Let's remember here that @Take It In Blood is the one who strongly defended a legendary academic racist who claimed in 1969 that Black children had proven they were inferior and we should give up on educating them. @Take It In Blood lied and claimed the scientist's career was destroyed for asking valid questions, when in reality he held a prominant academic position for the next 40 years and published hundreds of papers.

In the clip Richard Haier mentions that Berkley educational phycologist Author Johnson's (its just one guy, I'm aware) research concluded that compensatory education efforts to minimize IQ gaps weren't working and that they should perhaps consider a genetic component.

He never said there WERE genetics components but just the simple fact that he questioned the possibility of an alterative that strayed from the common religion that preaches that everyone is equal in every measurable metric was enough to end his career and sway others from studying the topic in the future.

I personally just think that's sad. Especially from a scientific perspective.
Well, you don't have to be sad, because it's a lie. Dr. Arthur Jenson published that study in 1969 yet it never ended his career, he was tenured and continued to teach at UC Berkeley until his retirement in 1994 at the age of 70. In his career he published over 400 papers and was one of the most prolific influences in the field. Claiming his career ended because of that study is a total falsehood.

Now back up for a second and look how stupid his claim was. This professor was claiming that efforts to create educational equality and improve Black IQ scores had failed in 1969. How fukking ignorant do you have to be to think that Black-White educational equality was even CLOSE to happening in 1969? There were so many massive societal and educational disparities at that time, you wouldn't even come close to getting any certainhood from experimental results that would legitimately show equality had "failed" - it hadn't even been tried.

Over the next 33 years after that study was published, the Black-White IQ gap was cut in half, even though educational equality still isn't even close to happening, even though generational inequalities are still massive and school segregation is still rampant. Doesn't that easily show that Jenson's 1969 claims were unwarrented?

The issue is that we haven't remotely reached a place where any such "conclusions" can be made. First off, geneticists generally agree that race is a social construct and not a legitimate biological category - there is more genetic diversity in Africa alone than in the rest of the world combined, and many people of different "races" are genetically closer to each other than they are to others of their same "race". So grouping all "Black" people together in anything other than a study of social implications is already problematic. Second, the social and educational inequalities are so massive and generational that claiming you can make any conclusion about innate differences between races and IQ when you haven't even identified a single gene responsible for said differences is completely unwarrented.

If someone shows any conclusive belief that Black people are naturally intellectually inferior to White people, they're full of shyt. The science isn't remotely there to back such a claim and the large majority of experts in the field agree on that.

That's the same thread where @Take It In Blood was defending the racist Jordan Peterson and trying to tie together race, IQ, and your value to society.

its not just JP who thinks IQ is determinative in society.

Pretty much everyone in the world does but most can't speak on it (or even study it properly) for fear of being labeled a racist and losing their jobs/careers
Oh look, the Coli's biggest Candace Owens fan also believes in race and IQ drivel. What a surprise. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

When did you come back anyway, I thought you were banned for co-signing racism? Go back to the Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan podcasts you claim make so much sense.

Go to any of the actual IQ/race debate threads, where your argument is taken apart at every level. IQ has correlations with success and can be predictive to a degree but it's not even remotely determinative, there is zero consensus whatsoever that it is genetically determined by race as opposed to correlated due to social/historical inequalities, and people have no problem studying IQ and race and outcomes as much as they want without it affecting their careers so long as they don't start advocating for eugenics (like Charles Murray did - I bet you're a fan of his too) or publishing in trash white supremacist journals.

But this isn't the thread for that argument. Do you agree with Peterson that White Privilege doesn't exist, Africa's poverty isn't due to colonialism, some races are just naturally superior and deserve their place in society, and hierachies/inequalities aren't things that we should work to address?

That's why he's banned.


Jun 11, 2012
Water wet if you read. Truth be told, i dont even bother a lot of people because they believe in the bullshyt. The universe is too big and life is too short to limit yourself to being ignorant. Just because i understand the society that i live in doesnt mean that i believe in the stupid shyt that theyve tried to convince me is real. Race and gender are social constructs. In other words, i refuse to be programmed into the bullshyt. These fools really think that having black skin or white skin or man or woman or nationality means they have to follow a certain identity or norms they must go by. All that ignorant shyt and people not even realizing. I cant.
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