Read My Freekey Zeekey Interview From 2010 Find Out How Dipset Got Their Name


May 2, 2012
Shout out to @Deltron for helping me find some of my old interviews. I interviewed Freekey Zeekey over the phone in 2010, it's a good interview and this dude is legit 730.

Redhands: What’s with the reunion you guys are back together?

Freekey: Yea everything is good money right now we swept away the cobwebs and cleaned the shyt out the window. We came back and talked about all the little stuff and now we ready to punch the hip-hop world.

Redhands: Did I read you signed with Interscope?

Freekey: The papers are not actually signed right now but you could basically say it’s going down.

Redhands: I was watching the “Let Me Know” video and I see you and Jim in there right?

Freekey: Yea I'm jumping on the crowd Jim’s calling up to the window were playing video games.

Redhands: What year was that do you remember?

Freekey: I would say around 99.

Redhands: It’s crazy your coming back together because you been together for a while.

Freekey: from ‘98 to 2010 and beyond it’s not a game. We made such a strong impact on this hip-hop thing. People talk like us, dress like us; recite our lines to the females and all that.

Redhands: What was your role back then?

Freekey: I was the president and still am of Diplomat Records and that’s because of my work ethic. Anything Cam asked me to do I get it done no problem.

Redhands: Through this break were you and Cam still cool?

Freekey: There was never a time Cam and I didn’t talk. All the little fighting went down while I was in jail. I was in jail for allegedly supplying North Carolina with E-Pills. I got locked up in 2002 right at the height of our career. Cam went multiplatinum like 1.7 or 1.9 million records, Juelz was doing his thing too and Jim. For three years from 2003 to 2006 is when all the turmoil happens. When I came home I couldn’t believe none of that shyt. I know Cam and Jim for 20 plus years and Juelz for like 16 years we are stronger than this. This isn’t just some hip-hop shyt we are an actual family that’s why we made such a major impact.

Redhands: Even in that “Let Me Know” video you were wearing Dipset shirts.

Freekey: Yep.

Redhands: How exactly did Dipset start?

Freekey: It formulated when Cam signed to Sony Records in ‘98. We were Diplomats from beginning when we were in Cam’s uncle’s car. We saw a car parked by a hydrant and when he went to write down the license number he ripped up the ticket and threw it out. We saw him doing that and asked him yo why are you doing that? The parking guy said he has Diplomat plates he can park where he wants and do what he wants. We were like oh shyt that’s what we are. We do what we want when we want so that’s when we became the Diplomats.

Redhands: What other stuff do you do besides hip-hop? I hear you got some investments and stuff.

Freekey: I got a restaurant in North Carolina called Palmettos, I got club Plush in North Carolina, we in business conferences to buy some condos too. That’s why Cam has me as the president because I am a businessman. I also have 730 Dips, which is my group outside of Dipset, you got to have that foundation baby. 730 Dips is me, Sen City, Tito Green and King Tut may he rest in peace.

Redhands: I remember reading about Tut.

Freekey: That’s my man forreal he was a hard working and loyal dude and that’s what I expect out of my people.

Redhands: I got to ask you about your adlibs. You got your FREEKEY ad-libs down pack. How did you start doing that? You kill it every time.

Freekey: That’s basically a statement of my character a person that is strong and out going and who can touch the souls of people, one word, one name that carries out across America FREEKEY. When you hear that you know it’s about to go down!

Redhands: I would ask you why they call you Freekey but I’m not sure I want to hear that story.

Freekey: For the ladies that’s to be shown not to be told. For the hood though my name is F r e e k e y it’s a free key. Other than that I am just moving I'm just moving I’m just moving as a freak. Something that’s an outcast of nature and very different I am a unique individual. My outfit isn’t gonna be like no one else’s and people going to say man that dude freaked that outfit. I do my shyt to a different extent its extra ordinary like a freak of nature.

Redhands: I was telling people I was interviewing you and a lot of people asked me the same question. People want to know what’s the story behind the break up?

Freekey: It was basically a communication issue. It was a lot of things that Cam and Jim didn’t get across to each other. As far as the business side we came from a family oriented group and we didn’t ask too many questions. The person that is running the show we gave our life to. Let’s say you and I grew up together since 2 years old I’m going to trust you we are tighter than mosquito p*ssy. A lot of stuff went through the cracks and as time went on it got worst and worst and love turned to hat for a moment.

Redhands: It seemed like everyone always supported each other. You had an album, Juelz had one, and Jim had a situation. Cam was telling people Jim was going to be a rapper before Jim really blew up.

Freekey: Yea it fell apart because we weren’t communicating like that. You have to communicate with your people and tell them what's up.It doesn’t matter how small the issue is you have to explain it to your people.

Redhands: What’s up with Dipset now you working on a mixtape or an album?

Freekey: Were in the studio doing music right now. Were not saying this song is for the album or for a mixtape. Were doing it like back in the day where we just record music and keep it moving. We taking this world by storm like a hurricane or a tornado.

Redhands: Being that you’re from Harlem and Camron was in a group with Big L did you know Big L before he passed?

Freekey: Yea they were in COC Children of the Corn. L was a real good dude and he was the next dude coming up. He was ahead of his time and a major figure in Harlem and Harlem’s hip-hop history.140th and Lennox stand up 102 and 3rd is where I’m from but rest in peace to L.

Redhands: Do you have a quick Big L story you could tell me?

Freekey: I remember him one day I was in the hooptie just working and doing what we doing. He was older than all of us and he pulled up in an MPV with the rims and the tint. I didn’t know it was him until he rolled down the window. I was like oh shyt that’s L and he couldn’t talk like his mouth wouldn’t move. I’m like yo L what’s up man? He was just shaking a little bit and I go up to his car and I see him getting head. I’m like man you a crazy ass nikka it is what it is my g. He was a real down to earth dude and I salute him.

Redhands: To wrap this up what else do you got going on right now besides Dipset?

Freekey: Besides the Dip’s I am also running my 730 Dip’s project. I got “Gangstas Ambition” out now it has over 700,000 downloads. I am looking to do some movies right now maybe some short hood films. In about a year or so we going to do a lot of TV shows too. We working on Sen City and Tito Green artist project too. Hit me up on my twitter at@freekey730 or go to freekeyzeekyextra that is my facebook. Other than that let’s get it popping shout out to my boy Rickey Ratchet helping me with my real estate stuff in North Carolina. Shout out to all my people helping me including my publicist person Lexi, my man Capone and all that. Get ready for the Dipset cause we back FREEKEY!


May 2, 2012
I like reading these old interviews to see what's happen and what didn't happen. Like a succesful Dipset reunion.