Rick Ross To Launch Wingstop Scholarship Program


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Nov 5, 2013

Rick Ross, rapper and franchiser, has announced a partnership with the Wingstop Foundation to award scholarships to young people from urban areas, as well as Wingstop employees.

Ross tells Bossip:
“To me, a company as huge as Wingstop, we’ve seen so much success doing what we’re doing, let’s take it to the next level. Let’s make ourselves that much more a part of the community…We see the drop out rates. We know what’s going on. So what’s the biggest thing that we could do? Wingstop as a company came together and put together an urban scholarship that’s for the underprivileged, that’s educationally based. That’s me talking to my audience. We need to hear this, and we need to bring all these ideas and concepts to the table and start as soon as possible.”

The Wingstop Foundation will award scholarships to young people from urban areas, as well as Wingstop employees, to pursue higher education. The nonprofit will also give grants to groups working to stop students from dropping out through education and mentoring.

According to education advocacy group Grad Nation, high school graduation rates for low-income students are 74.6 percent, 14 percentage points lower than their non-low income peers, who graduate at a rate of 89 percent. And the high school drop out rate for urban youth now stands at 54 percent.

Rick Ross is currently signed to Epic Records after ending a 10-year contract with Def Jam Records. Forbes reports that Ross earns at least seven figures from his Wingstop franchises.

- See more at: Rick Ross To Launch Wingstop Scholarship Program