Rocket League Has Now Brought in $110 Million, PS4 Top Platform for Active Players


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
Developed on a budget of $2 million, Psyonix's soccer-with-cars indie gameRocket League has now generated more than $110 million in revenue from game and DLC sales. Development costs have surely gone up as Psyonix continues to support the game with DLC, but it's clear Rocket League is a runaway hit.

This is according to a Forbes story today, which also reveals that Rocket League has now passed 5 million units sold on all platforms (PS4, Xbox One, and PC). Additionally, Psyonix has sold 5 million pieces of DLC across every system, according to the report.

This is up from $70 million in sales and 4 million copies sold back in February.

"Our numbers are actually going up, not down," Psyonix vice president Jeremy Dunham said. "Which is not very common for a game that's ten months old."

More than 15 million people have played Rocket League since its original launch on PS4 and PC in July 2015, Forbes said, adding that the game saw 5 million "active" players this April.

Since Rocket League offers split-screen play, each individual PlayStation Network and Xbox Gamertag is counted. This means the figure includes people who played Rocket League, but didn't necessarily buy a copy.

Rocket League's total download number has not been shared--and it's unlikely that it will be. If Psyonix did divulge the cumulative download number, it's possible that it could be deduced how many copies were given away on PS Plus in July 2015, a figure Sony would probably like to keep under wraps.

The total number of Rocket League players will always be significantly higher than actual sales numbers because it combines individual split-screen player and those that downloaded it through PS Plus into one overall figure, Psyonix has said.

The PS4 accounts for 42 percent of total active Rocket League players, the report said. That the PS4 edition would lead the way in this regard is no big surprise, as Rocket League was free on PS Plus in July 2015.

Rocket League's PC version is the top-selling of all three platforms, Dunham said, adding that it also has the "most engaged audience." PC makes up 36 percent of Rocket League's active player base with the Xbox One version--which was only just released in February 2016-- accounting for 22 percent.

The full Forbes story is a great read, packed with interesting insight and quotes.Go read it here.

In other Rocket League news, the Xbox One version now supports cross-play with PC. As for whether or not cross-play between Xbox One and PS4 may ever happen, Psyonix has said it's not a technical matter holding it back, but ratherit's an issue of politics.

"The only thing we have to do now is sort of find out where we stand politically with everyone, and then it's full steam ahead to finish the solution that we've already started," Dunham said in March.

Rocket League Has Now Brought in $110 Million, PS4 Top Platform for Active Players

Rocket League 2 gunna be classic :wow: