SD Spoilers 5/11/12

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Sheamus and Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio and Chris Jericho: No Contest

Sheamus out to the ring. Followed by Randy Orton. Now here comes Chris Jericho. Now Ricardo to announce Del Rio. No car tonight as the arena is too small to allow. Great way to get the arena amped. Same tag match from last night to start the evening. Orton and Y2J start. Orton tags Sheamus' bad arm. Sheamus returns the hard tag to Orton. Del Rio gets in and takes control. Sheamus to the outside and Ricardo and Y2J attack outside the ring. Things break down and the red rings the bell for a no contest. Refs spill out from the back to split everyone. Orton and Sheamus dispatch their guy and have a stare down. As Orton leaves the ring Sheamus hits him with the Brogue kick to a mixed reaction.

AJ def. Kaitlyn

AJ out to the ring to a decent pop. Kaitlin out next to little/no reaction. Aj starts on fire. Punches flying. And just like that, it's over. AJ wins. Continues attacking after the match. Out comes Daniel Bryan. Bryan says he's impressed with AJ. He is talking her up. He says he's ready to move past it all. Bryan says he's looking forward to moving on to Kaitlyn. AJ looks like she will smack him then leaves. There is a major "Yes" chant breaks out.

Daniel Bryan def. The Big Show

Big Show starts with the "vintage" chops. He continues to dominate early on. Bryan has Show in the Yes Lock and John Laurinaitis stops the match saying Show taps out. Daniel Bryan is your winner.

Johnny makes Show apologize again. Laurinaitis calls him a 40 year old 400 lb freak and leaves Show in ring.

Ryback def. Heath Slater

A typical squash match, with Ryback winning in under two minutes.

Announcement of Sheamus vs. Jericho for later

Teddy Long out to a nice pop to be special guest ref.

Antonio Cesaro def. Alex Riley

Antonio Cesaro is in control from the start with a lot of mat wrestling. Riley went for the Spinebuster and Cesaro reverses it to his finisher and the 3 count. After the match, Aksana says Teddy was just her friend and Cesaro is her lover. Cesaro states this is the natural order of things as Teddy's kind is meant to serve Aksana, not love her.

Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio via DQ

Back and forth to start off the match. Del Rio gets upper hand. Del Rio works on Ortons left arm. Ricardo gets involved from the outside. Orton regains control and hits the normal spots. Hanging DDT from the corner. Crowd erupts for an RKO. Ricardo off the top rope and eats an RKO. The match is over, as Randy wins by DQ. Del Rio locks in the Cross Armbreaker after match. Good match overall.

R-Truth def. Jack Swagger

R-Truth with a 15 second build up to a leg drop. Swagger gains control. Truth builds momentum and hits the Lie Detector. The action spills outside, as Kofi takes out Dolph. Kingston then hits a Trouble in Paradise on Swagger who was in the ropes. Swagger gets hit with R-Truths finisher and the 1,2,3. Ezekiel Jackson appears on the TitanTron flanked by Heidenreich and Snitsky. He says he is healed now and phase two of his plan is about to begin. He says Kofi is of no use to him now but hopefully he will pass on the pain to keep the cycle going. Kofi begins to weep. Snitsky says the tag titles will soon be theirs. Heidenreich says he'd like another "date" with Cole.

WWE advertises John Cena and Johnny face to face on Monday.

Darren Young and Titus O'Neil def. Santino Marella and Zack Ryder

Santino starts out with some comedy. Titus takes over. There are a lot of tags with Young and O'Neil. Zack Ryder gets the hot tag and hits the Broski Boot. The action spills outside. Titus and Young hit their finisher for the win on Ryder. Young and O'Neil cut a promo after match.

Damien Sandow is interviewed by Striker. He cuts a promo on being a savior. Says he is the bright beam of enlightenment...... You're Welcome. No heat.

Brodus Clay def. Hunico

Quick match with Clay getting beaten down before the bell by Hunico and Camacho. Clay hits his usual moves for the victory. Naomi was noticeably absent

Chris Jericho vs. Sheamus ends in No Contest

Jericho works the arm from the get go. The fighting goes to the outside. Jericho takes over with a drop kick from the middle rope. Jericho misses a lionsault and Sheamus takes over. Lots of reversals and finally Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. Sheamus gets to the ropes to break the hold. Sheamus sends Y2J over the ropes and Del Rio comes out and throws Y2J in the steps and applies the arm breaker to Sheamus. Orton comes out for the save. Orton and Sheamus argue. Jericho hits Del Rio with Codebreaker. Orton follows with an RKO to Del Rio, followed by a Brogue kick to Del Rio. Sheamus and Orton stare down. Orton hits the RKO on Sheamus and poses. Dolph Ziggler and Naomi run down to the ring and attack Orton. Ziggler gets on the mic and says he will not be treated like a joke and he is dumping Vickie and Swagger. Says that Naomi is the best women's wrestler on the roster and she's been reduced to a booty shaking ho in favor of a bunch of lily white fitness models. Ziggler then punts Orton in the head to huge boos.

Show was too sorry to even modify :manny:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This Ziggler/Naomi storyline is intriguing as well. At the end I was like "Is that... Is that..... It is them, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING OUT HERE???!!!!" But I thought about it and I want to hear what they have to say. :jawalrus:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012