Sea of Thieves XB1 [Rare] - Meach handing out free fades, enter with caution


Feb 23, 2015
N.O. 9th Ward East Beast in San Jose


You're literally wrong.

How am I wrong? Some of the main core artists, directors and composer left and made their own studio called Playtonic. Even the founders of Rare left in 2007. Microsoft has been putting Rare to the back burner for a good while and made them do Kinect Sports games. Go look up Rare game development list and you will see that haven't had anything worth playing in a decade maybe 1 or 2 games being an exception.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
How am I wrong? Some of the main core artists, directors and composer left and made their own studio called Playtonic. Even the founders of Rare left in 2007. Microsoft has been putting Rare to the back burner for a good while and made them do Kinect Sports games. Go look up Rare game development list and you will see that haven't had anything worth playing in a decade maybe 1 or 2 games being an exception.

Still wrong :francis:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Sea of Thieves- Rare’s most ambitious title ever

We were all expecting Rare to make an appearance at this year’s E3 and show off a sequel to one of their classic games but what we did not bank on was them showing off a new I.P. Showcasing a new I.P was a risky endeavour on its own had it not been for the announcement of the extremely generous and much welcomed Rare Collection. Rare have been under extreme scrutiny for years now for what is their perceived failure to deliver that one killer title that can sit well with the seminal franchises they fostered when they were under Nintendo’s wings. Contrary to popular opinion, Rare have in fact released some great titles on the Xbox platforms including Viva Pinata and Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts but these titles never really lived up to the quality of their older ones. All that might change however with their latest title, Sea of Thieves.

The ‘Special Formula’ Returns
Rare’s studio head, Craig Duncan pulled no punches on stage when he stated just how serious this project is:
Rare has redefined genres with its own special formula and we’re ready to do that again…This is by far the most ambitious game Rare has ever created
Talk is cheap however and many of us seasoned gaming fans have heard similar statements with such frequency that we are indifferent to them at face value. However, what immediately followed was footage for Sea of Thieves and all the signs are there of that special formula making a comeback, that Rare magic that could easily propel this game into the lofty heights of Rare classics and beyond.
Stealing our breath away
Sea of Thieves is visually stunning. The art style resembles that of No Man’s Sky and similarly the world seems really dense but also populated by other players. The waves crashing against the ships that you commandeer, the trees swaying in the wind, down to the little details of other players, everything just screams next-gen and then some.
<img class="size-medium wp-image-7868" src="" alt="The visuals and art style are simply sublime" width="400" height="207" />
The visuals and art style are simply sublime
Traditionally, MMO’s have started off life on PC’s and undergone the uneasy transition onto consoles. Console based MMO’s really need to take a different approach to cater for the differences and dynamics of the hardware. Why developers have continued to follow the the templates of MMO’s of old so strictly is beyond me but a fresh approach was always needed. Aside from Destiny, a game that can hardly be regarded as an MMO anyway, there are no MMO’s out now that feel like they were purpose-built for consoles. Sea of Thieves look set to change all but also promising something unique for the genre. The pirate setting is different and exciting. The world appears truly to be one that is open, not a set of glorified corridors (ala Destiny above) and the game just oozes style, quality and depth. The prospect of having a an actual crew commandeer a ship, encountering other players online and looking for loot (oh this wouldn’t be an MMO without one) is really exciting (it what’s I’ve always really wanted except that its not set in space) especially when the game itself looks so damn good. Important details are still missing however. How many players can populate a world? What is the limit on the size of your crew? What will loot give you? can you trade? How big is the game world? Is there an end game? An overarching story? There are far too many unknowns to commit full confidence in Rare’s new title just yet but the title shows great promise at this early stage.
Here’s hoping Rare have the talent to match their lofty ambitions
One should realise that all this is being done by Rare who are on a mission to prove all naysayers wrong. No longer shackled by the Kinect or other gimmicks, Rare can now be the force they were once before and Sea of Thieves could finally be their weapon of choice worthy to leave a mark on the gaming landscape today. It has been too long but all signs are promising. Here’s hoping Rare have the talent to match their lofty ambitions. They not only have to contend with a sea of other competitors but also the reverence we hold for their classic titles of old.