Share some funny stories from High school


Oct 19, 2015
Ran into one of my old friends yesterday, name's Keith. I hadn't seen him in 3 years, after we got caught up on what we've been doing lately we started talking about funny shyt that happened in HS. Sophomore year, I transfer to a new school and he was one of the few people I knew there, so I stuck around him half the time. He's the ringleader of a roasting crew along with these 2 cousins Benny and Darius.

We ran around campus with Keith mostly throwing shots at everyone, the teachers, principals, the juniors and seniors dressed better than everyone, the Holy Trinity of the baddest girls in school, tons of innocent bystanders:mjlol:

Keith had a particular method that earned him a lot of enemies: He'd say something over the top, immediately followed by a laugh similar to this guy that he could do at will to stop you from getting your jokes in:

and had everyone in the room dying at his shyt and the way he's laughing. He never lost a roasting session because of this:wow:

One day he decides to get at this guy named Terry. Terry at the time is 15 years old built like this:

with a box cut, likes fat girls and lives right around the corner from my house. We also played ball together on the weekends.

Me:":whoa: Chill out, I seen him beat up this Mexican at the park. He'd fukk you up, let's just go to class"

Him: :childplease: Man, anybody touch me, they gon' catch these hands(He had just gotten back from a suspension from a fight for roasting some fat guy:snoop:)

Benny and Darius: "Tetsuo just being scared, let's go get his ass":lolbron::pachaha:

Keith was about to let it go, but Terry's girlfriend walked up him at his locker, started kissing on him and he couldn't help himself. He ran up to him and started talking about his box cut and his girlfriend and had everyone else at their lockers yuckin' it up. Quentin and Darius right next to him adding their jokes at the end.

Terry didn't do anything, but I saw how he was looking at Keith and did a
to my next class and went about the day as usual.

The next day I notice 1st period is unusually quiet, that's because Keith's loud ass wasn't there:obama: Couple of Mexican classmates that he was always bagging on come up to me like "you hear about ya boy gettin' his ass beat?:sas1:"

I told 'em no, they tell me that Terry walked up to him after school,(I rode the bus home and the other 3 waited for their rides) ready to square up. Keith wasn't taking him seriously, had his arms folded, eyes closed, mouth wide open, laughin' in his face and Terry took a swing at his jaw, made him roll down the hill that was next to the parking lot and as soon his body reached the gates, his mom pulled up at the same time :mjlol:They both got suspended for the rest of the week.


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
Got up to all kinds of bullshyt in Highschool; I'll drop a short tale about the time I got suspended selling blue tapes (Porn) 'cause nikkas is stupid.:snoop: Anyone that's read my stories or even seen most of my posts know that one of my weaknesses is a lack of brevity so...there's a healthy chunk of shyt to read. Enjoy, or don't. Have a good day.

Aight, so this is back in 96-97.:flabbynsick: Era for dudes about that fap life. Internet wasn't as common as it is now back then, and the porn revolution ain't really kicked off as yet enough to bless the common man with amateur vids and the whole nine so in them days you either jacked off to magazines or beat off to porn tapes that an uncle or some other relative had and that wasn't something you could just readily jump on whenever your joint got hard or the mood hit you. And as for the computer? Family comp, son. Out in the living room or some open ass area where you cant just pull ya dikk out during the day So dudes back then was FIENDING for pump material they can access whenever.

Now, even as a young breh it was known that I had access to Porn, damn near every which way due to my Uncle and his, uhhhh... "healthy interest":shaq: in that shyt. He had VHS tapes, Magazines and even clips and pictures back on his computer in the Dial-up era where porn was normally stuck behind the pay-wall. So being the:hamster: hustler that I was, I got in on this shyt from early and noticed that Porn was pretty much male currency in them days (Still is in a sense), so I decided to make my own lane and start recording porn and selling. Now, around this time we had JUST gotten Cinemax.....breh.:mjcry: This shyt was a revolution in the Caribbean, or at the very least my Island 'cause back then we ain't had no cable channels and them USVI brehs was laughing at us 'cause they had access to The Spice Channel and Playboy'n'shyt in some areas 'cause if their US TV packages, so we BVI brehs stayed jacking off late night to that After dark softcore porn shyt:mjlol:....but we wasn't complaining, a nut is a nut, right? So after a while it hits me...why the fukk am I waiting until 11pm in the fukking living room, wrapped up in a gotddamned blanket sitting in the lotus position under a bed of fukking Paper Towels looking to flog my shyts during them 3 minute scenes, trying to pick and choose which scene to give my nut to when I can just up and record the shyts:stopitslime:.

See, back then VHS tapes and machines were just becoming accessible like Flatscreens today so not many households had it long enough and those that did, had like one. So I started recording them latenight softcore porn flicks, filling up a 4 hour tape with like 2, 3 movies until I realized brehs ain't want all that fluff ass story, they just want the fukking:lolbron: So I started manually hitting record to the point where I had tapes upon tapes of just pure scenes, no movies, no plot, nothing. One scene finished, bam, next one, so I stayed ahead of the other brehs trying to cut in on my market.:birdman: Then my uncle taught me how to dub tapes.

Dubbing a tape back then required TWO VHS machines, something that was like super rare back in them days since wasn't nobody letting you take the family videomachine over by no 'nother dude's house to try that shyt. That's like unplugging the family Compaq computer and going over to your friends house with the CRT and the wanna get your ass whupped, son? Nah, so I had a MAJOR advantage since my Uncle had TWO VHS machines he used to use for bootlegging VHS movies and recording shyt off of PayPerview to mass sell to other dudes, Boxing fights mainly.

So he puts me up on the dubbing game, teaches a breh how to set the tracking, clean the VHS spool heads, how to clean the tape threads, the whole nine so my shyt is being recorded in QUALITY, not no fuzzy shyt where you might see like half a titty in all that snow. So when he think I'm dubbing Ninja Turtles shyt from the rental, I'm steady dubbing that 4 hour softcore porn scene tape I done made from weeks of selecting and I'm collecting BANK.:krs:

But it only took me a minute to go:lupe: Why the fukk am I dubbing softcore...when I can just dub one of his hardcore tapes and sell THAT for more or at the very least, create my own lane on this shyt? So I grab my stack of blank VHS tapes and start building.......:ohlawd:

Fast forward a few weeks and I'm:myman: 'cause ERRYBODY know I got them hardcore tapes while brehs steady slanging blurry softcore bullshyt that might show you maybe some jiggling fake titties with not nary a black chick in sight. I got Black Cheerleaders 1-15, I got big butt cum freaks #69, I'm getting creative with the shyts and making up bullshyt like Mr Marcus Vs Jake Steed, recording these dudes baddest scenes on one VHS...I'm pretty much Master P Status in these streets:datazz:, young school brehs hollering, cousins hollering, fukking old ass dudes who ain't tech savy hollering..I'm doing good.

Now, if you been reading so far (Brevity is a tactic I lack severely in since Primary school and I'm sorry, breh/brehette.) you prolly wondering "WHAT THE fukk DOES ANY OF THIS GOT TO DO WITH HIGHSCHOOL?!"

.....I sold the tape that got me in trouble to two retarded ass brehs in school AT school. Now, as I said, I had the hardcore shyt, so everybody who could afford the shyts ($20 a tape) all they had to do was put in a order and, bam, next day. So I bless these two a$$holes with a tape, same like I was doing for everybody else my age attending school with no problem....these fools, however, decide to WATCH that shyt on campus:snoop:

fukking feckless cumshedding, type retards, these dudes. Now we had a Technical drawing teacher that was cool enough for an adult, on them end of term off days he'd let you hook up ya snes/ps1 to the
in the class room (90's kids know what I'm talking about with that four wheeled monster right there:obama:) so them fools decided to watch the shyt in there for a minute since the class room was empty. So they watching, I guess, then they notice something...ain't no hardcore shyt..just softcore, so them fools sent a girl out to go get me (The room they was in was like at the back of the campus) and they got me all:AU_SCC: talking 'bout I sold 'em a dud when truth is, I had to use one of my older softcore tapes from the earlies to put the shyt on, but I didn't erase like an hour or so into it since THAT tape in particular, I'd never forget, I had to record in haste 'cause my Uncle came home and I just had to let the shyt dub as much as it could off the hardcore, anyways, enough of that shyt.

So I fast forward, they see the hardcore:AU_FMO: and they set, so I give 'em back 5 dollars 'cause I'm an honest business man:AU_SK: and I'm out. Now fast forward to after lunch, I'm in class, chilling, everything's cool and I notice one of them fools come up to the door, knock on it and ask to speak to the teacher. Ain't none of my business, I'm Omar in THAT Corner shop, if you catch that reference, not really paying attention until I hear him go "We need to get Address_Unknown, the principal asked for him.....huh? In regards to a certain tape..."

I'm like
..........WHY THE fukk DID THEY CALL ME OUT ON THIS shyt?!:damn::damn::damn::damn:

So I'm all :sadbron: inside, but I'm playing it cool, I get excused and I'm walking confident with these dudes until we reach out of earshot and I'm like "WHY IN fukkS NAME Y'ALL WATCHING THIS shyt ON CAMPUS, FOOLS?! fukkING WAIT UNTIL YOU GO HOME!" And I'm looking to fight these two fukkers on some anger shyt, but we make it down to Principal's office, step inside and there's a Tv waiting...with a VHS....The Principle and sperheading this whole demonstration that's about to take place, the fukking Religious Affairs head (Super Holy Roller) who also teaches history and is my teacher as well.

So she stops talking when them boys came back with me and I'm noticing that there's a chick in there too with her face all down'n'shyt and I'm like :lupe: Is she being chewed out for another incident and they just put us on the same bill? Religious Affairs head goes "You're the one that's been passing off this filth, selling this deplorable, adult material, as a minor, for profit?" :usure:

Now I know I only had that ONE tape on me so I ain't holding, so I'm going into full ass lie mode and I'm like "I ain't know nothing about this, ma'am. I dunno why these dudes looking to pull me into their found THEM, right?:leostare: Where was I? Not in class? You wanna ask..."

Then that bytch jumps up "HE LYYYY-YIIIING! HE SOLD IT TO THEMMMMMMMMMAH...CHECK HE POCKET THEMMMMMAAH..." I'm like :merchant:"bytch......." Them dudes made me rabbit ear out my shyts and I got prolly about 50 in ones in one pocket and a 20 note for lunch in the next. (Toss that Yeyo, but keep yo bank roll Bone Thugs)

So I'm trying to tell them fools I got this money that I saved, 'cause I'm gonna go buy a videgame from one of the local electronic stores in town after school, but this bytch steadily hawping on about how that the tape got MY handwriting on it.........(THIS fukkING bytch!..)

So between the RA head looking at the handwriting on the label I wrote and trying to decide who's right, she puts the shyt on and the entire room watching some softcore, jazz music bullshyt and I'm feeling a bit better, focusing on trying to win my case going. "I dunno what this has to do with me...Can I please go? Obviously you caught these kids doing what.." ......then the hardcore shyt cuts in. Black Cheerleaders.:francis: The Camera man had a fish eye lens on his shyt and these zooming up on the p*ssy while some other dude just spreading them lips apart, groaning, talking about how teen flesh so pink...:mjcry: How she gon' fukk the crew, and these brolic ass dudes pulling her pom poms and panties away from her'n' shyt.....

I honestly can't remember what the RA did or what she said but I know she was trying her best to turn the shyt off before the fukking start...I look up:sadcam: and the principal who was pretty much silent just reaches for the phone 'cause as far as he's concerned he had enough, dials and goes. "Hello, Yes. Principal blah blah from Blah Blah Highschool, can I speak to Mrs Unknown please? In regards to her son. He's being suspended for dispensing nastiness. That's right. NAWWW-STEEE-NISS!!!"


Epilogue, lol. Apparently them dudes got caught watching the shyt with the girl and I guess they was feeling her up or some shyt, so when they got nicked, she started singing and casting the blame on everybody else, with me being the biggest target since they wanted to know where they got it from. My mom wasn't in when the principal called so I was given a paper to have her sign and bring back saying that she acknowledged I was suspended.....but I ain't give it to her, I just ditched school at a friend's house for them two weeks praying to god they don't ever call the house.:whew:Also the bytch that ratted us out got slumped the following year in a stairwell fight and I had front row seats.
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brother walt

Feb 7, 2015
Got up to all kinds of bullshyt in Highschool; I'll drop a short tale about the time I got suspended selling blue tapes (Porn) 'cause nikkas is stupid.:snoop: Anyone that's read my stories or even seen most of my posts know that one of my weaknesses is a lack of brevity so...there's a healthy chunk of shyt to read. Enjoy, or don't. Have a good day.

Aight, so this is back in 96-97.:flabbynsick: Era for dudes about that fap life. Internet wasn't as common as it is now back then, and the porn revolution ain't really kicked off as yet enough to bless the common man with amateur vids and the whole nine so in them days you either jacked off to magazines or beat off to porn tapes that an uncle or some other relative had and that wasn't something you could just readily jump on whenever your joint got hard or the mood hit you. So dudes back then was FIENDING for pump material.

Now, even as a young breh it was known that I had access to Porn, damn near every which way due to my Uncle and his healthy interest in that shyt. He had VHS tapes, Magazines and even clips and pictures back on his computer in the Dial-up era where porn was normally stuck behind the pay-wall. So being the:hamster: hustler that I was, I got in on this shyt from early and noticed that Porn was pretty much male currency in them days (Still is in a sense), so I decided to make my own lane and start recording porn and selling. Now, around this time we had JUST gotten Cinemax.....breh.:mjcry: This shyt was a revolution in the Caribbean, or at the very least my Island 'cause back then we ain't had no cable channels and them USVI brehs was laughing at us 'cause they had access to The Spice Channel and Playboy'n'shyt in some areas 'cause if their US TV packages, so we BVI brehs stayed jacking off late night to that After dark softcore porn shyt:mjlol:....but we wasn't complaining, a nut is a nut, right? So after a while it hits me...why the fukk am I waiting until 11o'clock in the fukking living room, wrapped up in a gotddamned blanket, looking to flog my shyts during them 3 minute scenes, trying to pick and choose which scene to give my nut to when I can just up and record the shyts:stopitslime:.

See, back then VHS tapes and machines were just becoming accessible like Flatscreens today so not many households had it long enough and those that did, had like one. So I started recording them latenight softcore porn flicks, filling up a 4 hour tape with like 2, 3 movies until I realized brehs ain't want all that fluff ass story, they just want the fukking:lolbron: So I started manually hitting record to the point where I had tapes upon tapes of just pure scenes, no movies, no plot, nothing. One scene finished, bam, next one, so I stayed ahead of the other brehs trying to cut in on my market.:birdman: Then my uncle taught me how to dub tapes.

Dubbing a tape back then required TWO VHS machines, something that was like super rare back in them days since wasn't nobody letting you take the family videomachine over by no 'nother dude's house to try that shyt. That's like unplugging the family Compaq computer and going over to your friends house with the CRT and the wanna get your ass whupped, son? Nah, so I had a MAJOR advantage since my Uncle had TWO VHS machines he used to use for bootlegging VHS movies and recording shyt off of PayPerview to mass sell to other dudes, Boxing fights mainly.

So he puts me up on the dubbing game, teaches a breh how to set the tracking, clean the VHS spool heads, how to clean the tape threads, the whole nine so my shyt is being recorded in QUALITY, not no fuzzy shyt. So when he think I'm dubbing Ninja Turtles shyt from the rental, I'm steady dubbing that 4 hour softcore porn scene tape I done made from weeks of selecting and I'm collecting BANK.:krs:

But it only took me a minute to go:lupe: Why the fukk am I dubbing softcore...when I can just dub one of his hardcore tapes and sell THAT for more or at the very least, create my own lane on this shyt? So I grab my stack of blank VHS tapes and start building.......:ohlawd:

Fast forward a few weeks and I'm:myman: 'cause ERRYBODY know I got them hardcore tapes while brehs steady slanging blurry softcore bullshyt that might show you maybe some jiggling fake titties with not nary a black chick in sight. I got Black Cheerleaders 1-15, I got big butt cum freaks #69, I'm getting creative with the shyts and making up bullshyt like Mr Marcus Vs Jake Steed, recording these dudes baddest scenes on one VHS...I'm pretty much Master P Status in these streets, young school brehs hollering, cousins hollering, fukking old ass dudes who ain't tech savy hollering..I'm doing good.

Now, if you been reading so far (Brevity is a tactic I lack severely in since Primary school and I'm sorry, breh/brehette.) you prolly wondering "WHAT THE fukk DOES ANY OF THIS GOT TO DO WITH HIGHSCHOOL?!"

.....I sold the tape that got me in trouble to two retarded ass brehs in school AT school. Now, as I said, I had the hardcore shyt, so everybody who could afford the shyts ($20 a tape) all they had to do was put in a order and, bam, next day. So I bless these two a$$holes with a tape, same like I was doing for everybody else my age attending school with no problem....these fools, however, decide to WATCH that shyt on campus:snoop:

fukking feckless cumshedding, type retards, these dudes. Now we had a Technical drawing teacher that was cool enough for an adult, on them end of term off days he'd let you hook up ya snes/ps1 to the
in the class room (90's kids know what I'm talking about with that four wheeled monster right there:obama:) so them fools decided to watch the shyt in there for a minute since the class room was empty. So they watching, I guess, then they notice something...ain't no hardcore shyt..just softcore, so them fools sent a girl out to go get me (The room they was in was like at the back of the campus) and they got me all:AU_SCC: talking 'bout I sold 'em a dud when truth is, I had to use one of my older softcore tapes from the earlies to put the shyt on, but I didn't erase like an hour or so into it since THAT tape in particular, I'd never forget, I had to record in haste 'cause my Uncle came home and I just had to let the shyt dub as much as it could off the hardcore, anyways, enough of that shyt.

So I fast forward, they see the hardcore:AU_FMO: and they set, so I give 'em back 5 dollars 'cause I'm an honest business man:AU_SK: and I'm out. Now fast forward to after lunch, I'm in class, chilling, everything's cool and I notice one of them fools come up to the door, knock on it and ask to speak to the teacher. Ain't none of my business, I'm Omar in THAT Corner shop, if you catch that reference, not really paying attention until I hear him go "We need to get Address_Unknown, the principal asked for him.....huh? In regards to a certain tape..."

I'm like
..........WHY THE fukk DID THEY CALL ME OUT ON THIS shyt?!:damn::damn::damn::damn:

So I'm all :sadbron: inside, but I'm playing it cool, I get excused and I'm walking confident with these dudes until we reach out of earshot and I'm like "WHY IN fukkS NAME Y'ALL WATCHING THIS shyt ON CAMPUS, FOOLS?! fukkING WAIT UNTIL YOU GO HOME!" And I'm looking to fight these two fukkers on some anger shyt, but we make it down to Principal's office, step inside and there's a Tv waiting...with a VHS....The Principle and sperheading this whole demonstration that's about to take place, the fukking Religious Affairs head (Super Holy Roller) who also teaches history and is my teacher as well.

So she stops talking when them boys came back with me and I'm noticing that there's a chick in there too with her face all down'n'shyt and I'm like :lupe: Is she being chewed out for another incident and they just put us on the same bill? Religious Affairs head goes "You're the one that's been passing off this filth, selling this deplorable, adult material, as a minor, for profit?" :usure:

Now I know I only had that ONE tape on me so I ain't holding, so I'm going into full ass lie mode and I'm like "I ain't know nothing about this, ma'am. I dunno why these dudes looking to pull me into their found THEM, right?:leostare: Where was I? Not in class? You wanna ask..."

Then that bytch jumps up "HE LYYYY-YIIIING! HE SOLD IT TO THEMMMMMMMMMAH...CHECK HE POCKET THEMMMMMAAH..." I'm like :merchant:"bytch......." Them dudes made me rabbit ear out my shyts and I got prolly about 50 in ones in one pocket and a 20 note for lunch in the next.

So I'm trying to tell them fools I got this money that I saved, 'cause I'm gonna go buy a videgame from one of the local electronic stores in town after school, but this bytch steadily hawping on about how that the tape got MY handwriting on it.........(bytch...)

So between the RA head looking at the handwriting on the label I wrote and trying to decide who's right, she puts the shyt on and the entire room watching some softcore, jazz music bullshyt and I'm feeling a bit better but I'm going. "I dunno what this has to do with me...Can I please go? Obviously you caught these kids doing what.." ......then the hardcore shyt cuts in. Black Cheerleaders.:francis: The Camera man had a fish eye lens on his shyt and these zooming up on the p*ssy while some other dude just spreading them lips apart, groaning, talking about how teen flesh...:mjcry:

I honestly can't remember what the RA did or what she said but I know she was trying her best to turn the shyt off before the fukking start...I look up:sadcam: and the principal who was pretty much silent just reaches for the phone, dials and goes. "Hello, Yes. Principal blah blah from Blah Blah Highschool, can I speak to Mrs Unknown please? In regards to her son. He's being suspended for dispensing nastiness."


Epilogue, lol. Apparently them dudes got caught watching the shyt with the girl and I guess they was feeling her up or some shyt, so when they got nicked, she started singing and casting the blame on everybody else, with me being the biggest target since they wanted to know where they got it from. My mom wasn't in when the principal called so I was given a paper to have her sign and bring back saying that she acknowledged I was suspended.....but I ain't give it to her, I just ditched school at a friend's house for them two weeks praying to god they don't ever call the house.:bryan:Also the bytch that ratted us out got slumped the following year in a stairwell fight and I had front row seats.

bro this is too damn funny how much u will charge me to pass my writing test

Sauce Dab

Feb 28, 2015
Got up to all kinds of bullshyt in Highschool; I'll drop a short tale about the time I got suspended selling blue tapes (Porn) 'cause nikkas is stupid.:snoop: Anyone that's read my stories or even seen most of my posts know that one of my weaknesses is a lack of brevity so...there's a healthy chunk of shyt to read. Enjoy, or don't. Have a good day.

Aight, so this is back in 96-97.:flabbynsick: Era for dudes about that fap life. Internet wasn't as common as it is now back then, and the porn revolution ain't really kicked off as yet enough to bless the common man with amateur vids and the whole nine so in them days you either jacked off to magazines or beat off to porn tapes that an uncle or some other relative had and that wasn't something you could just readily jump on whenever your joint got hard or the mood hit you. And as for the computer? Family comp, son. Out in the living room or some open ass area where you cant just pull ya dikk out during the day So dudes back then was FIENDING for pump material they can access whenever.

Now, even as a young breh it was known that I had access to Porn, damn near every which way due to my Uncle and his, uhhhh... "healthy interest":shaq: in that shyt. He had VHS tapes, Magazines and even clips and pictures back on his computer in the Dial-up era where porn was normally stuck behind the pay-wall. So being the:hamster: hustler that I was, I got in on this shyt from early and noticed that Porn was pretty much male currency in them days (Still is in a sense), so I decided to make my own lane and start recording porn and selling. Now, around this time we had JUST gotten Cinemax.....breh.:mjcry: This shyt was a revolution in the Caribbean, or at the very least my Island 'cause back then we ain't had no cable channels and them USVI brehs was laughing at us 'cause they had access to The Spice Channel and Playboy'n'shyt in some areas 'cause if their US TV packages, so we BVI brehs stayed jacking off late night to that After dark softcore porn shyt:mjlol:....but we wasn't complaining, a nut is a nut, right? So after a while it hits me...why the fukk am I waiting until 11pm in the fukking living room, wrapped up in a gotddamned blanket sitting in the lotus position under a bed of fukking Paper Towels looking to flog my shyts during them 3 minute scenes, trying to pick and choose which scene to give my nut to when I can just up and record the shyts:stopitslime:.

See, back then VHS tapes and machines were just becoming accessible like Flatscreens today so not many households had it long enough and those that did, had like one. So I started recording them latenight softcore porn flicks, filling up a 4 hour tape with like 2, 3 movies until I realized brehs ain't want all that fluff ass story, they just want the fukking:lolbron: So I started manually hitting record to the point where I had tapes upon tapes of just pure scenes, no movies, no plot, nothing. One scene finished, bam, next one, so I stayed ahead of the other brehs trying to cut in on my market.:birdman: Then my uncle taught me how to dub tapes.

Dubbing a tape back then required TWO VHS machines, something that was like super rare back in them days since wasn't nobody letting you take the family videomachine over by no 'nother dude's house to try that shyt. That's like unplugging the family Compaq computer and going over to your friends house with the CRT and the wanna get your ass whupped, son? Nah, so I had a MAJOR advantage since my Uncle had TWO VHS machines he used to use for bootlegging VHS movies and recording shyt off of PayPerview to mass sell to other dudes, Boxing fights mainly.

So he puts me up on the dubbing game, teaches a breh how to set the tracking, clean the VHS spool heads, how to clean the tape threads, the whole nine so my shyt is being recorded in QUALITY, not no fuzzy shyt where you might see like half a titty in all that snow. So when he think I'm dubbing Ninja Turtles shyt from the rental, I'm steady dubbing that 4 hour softcore porn scene tape I done made from weeks of selecting and I'm collecting BANK.:krs:

But it only took me a minute to go:lupe: Why the fukk am I dubbing softcore...when I can just dub one of his hardcore tapes and sell THAT for more or at the very least, create my own lane on this shyt? So I grab my stack of blank VHS tapes and start building.......:ohlawd:

Fast forward a few weeks and I'm:myman: 'cause ERRYBODY know I got them hardcore tapes while brehs steady slanging blurry softcore bullshyt that might show you maybe some jiggling fake titties with not nary a black chick in sight. I got Black Cheerleaders 1-15, I got big butt cum freaks #69, I'm getting creative with the shyts and making up bullshyt like Mr Marcus Vs Jake Steed, recording these dudes baddest scenes on one VHS...I'm pretty much Master P Status in these streets:datazz:, young school brehs hollering, cousins hollering, fukking old ass dudes who ain't tech savy hollering..I'm doing good.

Now, if you been reading so far (Brevity is a tactic I lack severely in since Primary school and I'm sorry, breh/brehette.) you prolly wondering "WHAT THE fukk DOES ANY OF THIS GOT TO DO WITH HIGHSCHOOL?!"

.....I sold the tape that got me in trouble to two retarded ass brehs in school AT school. Now, as I said, I had the hardcore shyt, so everybody who could afford the shyts ($20 a tape) all they had to do was put in a order and, bam, next day. So I bless these two a$$holes with a tape, same like I was doing for everybody else my age attending school with no problem....these fools, however, decide to WATCH that shyt on campus:snoop:

fukking feckless cumshedding, type retards, these dudes. Now we had a Technical drawing teacher that was cool enough for an adult, on them end of term off days he'd let you hook up ya snes/ps1 to the
in the class room (90's kids know what I'm talking about with that four wheeled monster right there:obama:) so them fools decided to watch the shyt in there for a minute since the class room was empty. So they watching, I guess, then they notice something...ain't no hardcore shyt..just softcore, so them fools sent a girl out to go get me (The room they was in was like at the back of the campus) and they got me all:AU_SCC: talking 'bout I sold 'em a dud when truth is, I had to use one of my older softcore tapes from the earlies to put the shyt on, but I didn't erase like an hour or so into it since THAT tape in particular, I'd never forget, I had to record in haste 'cause my Uncle came home and I just had to let the shyt dub as much as it could off the hardcore, anyways, enough of that shyt.

So I fast forward, they see the hardcore:AU_FMO: and they set, so I give 'em back 5 dollars 'cause I'm an honest business man:AU_SK: and I'm out. Now fast forward to after lunch, I'm in class, chilling, everything's cool and I notice one of them fools come up to the door, knock on it and ask to speak to the teacher. Ain't none of my business, I'm Omar in THAT Corner shop, if you catch that reference, not really paying attention until I hear him go "We need to get Address_Unknown, the principal asked for him.....huh? In regards to a certain tape..."

I'm like
..........WHY THE fukk DID THEY CALL ME OUT ON THIS shyt?!:damn::damn::damn::damn:

So I'm all :sadbron: inside, but I'm playing it cool, I get excused and I'm walking confident with these dudes until we reach out of earshot and I'm like "WHY IN fukkS NAME Y'ALL WATCHING THIS shyt ON CAMPUS, FOOLS?! fukkING WAIT UNTIL YOU GO HOME!" And I'm looking to fight these two fukkers on some anger shyt, but we make it down to Principal's office, step inside and there's a Tv waiting...with a VHS....The Principle and sperheading this whole demonstration that's about to take place, the fukking Religious Affairs head (Super Holy Roller) who also teaches history and is my teacher as well.

So she stops talking when them boys came back with me and I'm noticing that there's a chick in there too with her face all down'n'shyt and I'm like :lupe: Is she being chewed out for another incident and they just put us on the same bill? Religious Affairs head goes "You're the one that's been passing off this filth, selling this deplorable, adult material, as a minor, for profit?" :usure:

Now I know I only had that ONE tape on me so I ain't holding, so I'm going into full ass lie mode and I'm like "I ain't know nothing about this, ma'am. I dunno why these dudes looking to pull me into their found THEM, right?:leostare: Where was I? Not in class? You wanna ask..."

Then that bytch jumps up "HE LYYYY-YIIIING! HE SOLD IT TO THEMMMMMMMMMAH...CHECK HE POCKET THEMMMMMAAH..." I'm like :merchant:"bytch......." Them dudes made me rabbit ear out my shyts and I got prolly about 50 in ones in one pocket and a 20 note for lunch in the next. (Toss that Yeyo, but keep yo bank roll Bone Thugs)

So I'm trying to tell them fools I got this money that I saved, 'cause I'm gonna go buy a videgame from one of the local electronic stores in town after school, but this bytch steadily hawping on about how that the tape got MY handwriting on it.........(THIS fukkING bytch!..)

So between the RA head looking at the handwriting on the label I wrote and trying to decide who's right, she puts the shyt on and the entire room watching some softcore, jazz music bullshyt and I'm feeling a bit better, focusing on trying to win my case going. "I dunno what this has to do with me...Can I please go? Obviously you caught these kids doing what.." ......then the hardcore shyt cuts in. Black Cheerleaders.:francis: The Camera man had a fish eye lens on his shyt and these zooming up on the p*ssy while some other dude just spreading them lips apart, groaning, talking about how teen flesh so pink...:mjcry: How she gon' fukk the crew, and these brolic ass dudes pulling her pom poms and panties away from her'n' shyt.....

I honestly can't remember what the RA did or what she said but I know she was trying her best to turn the shyt off before the fukking start...I look up:sadcam: and the principal who was pretty much silent just reaches for the phone 'cause as far as he's concerned he had enough, dials and goes. "Hello, Yes. Principal blah blah from Blah Blah Highschool, can I speak to Mrs Unknown please? In regards to her son. He's being suspended for dispensing nastiness. That's right. NAWWW-STEEE-NISS!!!"


Epilogue, lol. Apparently them dudes got caught watching the shyt with the girl and I guess they was feeling her up or some shyt, so when they got nicked, she started singing and casting the blame on everybody else, with me being the biggest target since they wanted to know where they got it from. My mom wasn't in when the principal called so I was given a paper to have her sign and bring back saying that she acknowledged I was suspended.....but I ain't give it to her, I just ditched school at a friend's house for them two weeks praying to god they don't ever call the house.:whew:Also the bytch that ratted us out got slumped the following year in a stairwell fight and I had front row seats.
I'd rep this if I could


Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
Got up to all kinds of bullshyt in Highschool; I'll drop a short tale about the time I got suspended selling blue tapes (Porn) 'cause nikkas is stupid.:snoop: Anyone that's read my stories or even seen most of my posts know that one of my weaknesses is a lack of brevity so...there's a healthy chunk of shyt to read. Enjoy, or don't. Have a good day.

Aight, so this is back in 96-97.:flabbynsick: Era for dudes about that fap life. Internet wasn't as common as it is now back then, and the porn revolution ain't really kicked off as yet enough to bless the common man with amateur vids and the whole nine so in them days you either jacked off to magazines or beat off to porn tapes that an uncle or some other relative had and that wasn't something you could just readily jump on whenever your joint got hard or the mood hit you. And as for the computer? Family comp, son. Out in the living room or some open ass area where you cant just pull ya dikk out during the day So dudes back then was FIENDING for pump material they can access whenever.

Now, even as a young breh it was known that I had access to Porn, damn near every which way due to my Uncle and his, uhhhh... "healthy interest":shaq: in that shyt. He had VHS tapes, Magazines and even clips and pictures back on his computer in the Dial-up era where porn was normally stuck behind the pay-wall. So being the:hamster: hustler that I was, I got in on this shyt from early and noticed that Porn was pretty much male currency in them days (Still is in a sense), so I decided to make my own lane and start recording porn and selling. Now, around this time we had JUST gotten Cinemax.....breh.:mjcry: This shyt was a revolution in the Caribbean, or at the very least my Island 'cause back then we ain't had no cable channels and them USVI brehs was laughing at us 'cause they had access to The Spice Channel and Playboy'n'shyt in some areas 'cause if their US TV packages, so we BVI brehs stayed jacking off late night to that After dark softcore porn shyt:mjlol:....but we wasn't complaining, a nut is a nut, right? So after a while it hits me...why the fukk am I waiting until 11pm in the fukking living room, wrapped up in a gotddamned blanket sitting in the lotus position under a bed of fukking Paper Towels looking to flog my shyts during them 3 minute scenes, trying to pick and choose which scene to give my nut to when I can just up and record the shyts:stopitslime:.

See, back then VHS tapes and machines were just becoming accessible like Flatscreens today so not many households had it long enough and those that did, had like one. So I started recording them latenight softcore porn flicks, filling up a 4 hour tape with like 2, 3 movies until I realized brehs ain't want all that fluff ass story, they just want the fukking:lolbron: So I started manually hitting record to the point where I had tapes upon tapes of just pure scenes, no movies, no plot, nothing. One scene finished, bam, next one, so I stayed ahead of the other brehs trying to cut in on my market.:birdman: Then my uncle taught me how to dub tapes.

Dubbing a tape back then required TWO VHS machines, something that was like super rare back in them days since wasn't nobody letting you take the family videomachine over by no 'nother dude's house to try that shyt. That's like unplugging the family Compaq computer and going over to your friends house with the CRT and the wanna get your ass whupped, son? Nah, so I had a MAJOR advantage since my Uncle had TWO VHS machines he used to use for bootlegging VHS movies and recording shyt off of PayPerview to mass sell to other dudes, Boxing fights mainly.

So he puts me up on the dubbing game, teaches a breh how to set the tracking, clean the VHS spool heads, how to clean the tape threads, the whole nine so my shyt is being recorded in QUALITY, not no fuzzy shyt where you might see like half a titty in all that snow. So when he think I'm dubbing Ninja Turtles shyt from the rental, I'm steady dubbing that 4 hour softcore porn scene tape I done made from weeks of selecting and I'm collecting BANK.:krs:

But it only took me a minute to go:lupe: Why the fukk am I dubbing softcore...when I can just dub one of his hardcore tapes and sell THAT for more or at the very least, create my own lane on this shyt? So I grab my stack of blank VHS tapes and start building.......:ohlawd:

Fast forward a few weeks and I'm:myman: 'cause ERRYBODY know I got them hardcore tapes while brehs steady slanging blurry softcore bullshyt that might show you maybe some jiggling fake titties with not nary a black chick in sight. I got Black Cheerleaders 1-15, I got big butt cum freaks #69, I'm getting creative with the shyts and making up bullshyt like Mr Marcus Vs Jake Steed, recording these dudes baddest scenes on one VHS...I'm pretty much Master P Status in these streets:datazz:, young school brehs hollering, cousins hollering, fukking old ass dudes who ain't tech savy hollering..I'm doing good.

Now, if you been reading so far (Brevity is a tactic I lack severely in since Primary school and I'm sorry, breh/brehette.) you prolly wondering "WHAT THE fukk DOES ANY OF THIS GOT TO DO WITH HIGHSCHOOL?!"

.....I sold the tape that got me in trouble to two retarded ass brehs in school AT school. Now, as I said, I had the hardcore shyt, so everybody who could afford the shyts ($20 a tape) all they had to do was put in a order and, bam, next day. So I bless these two a$$holes with a tape, same like I was doing for everybody else my age attending school with no problem....these fools, however, decide to WATCH that shyt on campus:snoop:

fukking feckless cumshedding, type retards, these dudes. Now we had a Technical drawing teacher that was cool enough for an adult, on them end of term off days he'd let you hook up ya snes/ps1 to the
in the class room (90's kids know what I'm talking about with that four wheeled monster right there:obama:) so them fools decided to watch the shyt in there for a minute since the class room was empty. So they watching, I guess, then they notice something...ain't no hardcore shyt..just softcore, so them fools sent a girl out to go get me (The room they was in was like at the back of the campus) and they got me all:AU_SCC: talking 'bout I sold 'em a dud when truth is, I had to use one of my older softcore tapes from the earlies to put the shyt on, but I didn't erase like an hour or so into it since THAT tape in particular, I'd never forget, I had to record in haste 'cause my Uncle came home and I just had to let the shyt dub as much as it could off the hardcore, anyways, enough of that shyt.

So I fast forward, they see the hardcore:AU_FMO: and they set, so I give 'em back 5 dollars 'cause I'm an honest business man:AU_SK: and I'm out. Now fast forward to after lunch, I'm in class, chilling, everything's cool and I notice one of them fools come up to the door, knock on it and ask to speak to the teacher. Ain't none of my business, I'm Omar in THAT Corner shop, if you catch that reference, not really paying attention until I hear him go "We need to get Address_Unknown, the principal asked for him.....huh? In regards to a certain tape..."

I'm like
..........WHY THE fukk DID THEY CALL ME OUT ON THIS shyt?!:damn::damn::damn::damn:

So I'm all :sadbron: inside, but I'm playing it cool, I get excused and I'm walking confident with these dudes until we reach out of earshot and I'm like "WHY IN fukkS NAME Y'ALL WATCHING THIS shyt ON CAMPUS, FOOLS?! fukkING WAIT UNTIL YOU GO HOME!" And I'm looking to fight these two fukkers on some anger shyt, but we make it down to Principal's office, step inside and there's a Tv waiting...with a VHS....The Principle and sperheading this whole demonstration that's about to take place, the fukking Religious Affairs head (Super Holy Roller) who also teaches history and is my teacher as well.

So she stops talking when them boys came back with me and I'm noticing that there's a chick in there too with her face all down'n'shyt and I'm like :lupe: Is she being chewed out for another incident and they just put us on the same bill? Religious Affairs head goes "You're the one that's been passing off this filth, selling this deplorable, adult material, as a minor, for profit?" :usure:

Now I know I only had that ONE tape on me so I ain't holding, so I'm going into full ass lie mode and I'm like "I ain't know nothing about this, ma'am. I dunno why these dudes looking to pull me into their found THEM, right?:leostare: Where was I? Not in class? You wanna ask..."

Then that bytch jumps up "HE LYYYY-YIIIING! HE SOLD IT TO THEMMMMMMMMMAH...CHECK HE POCKET THEMMMMMAAH..." I'm like :merchant:"bytch......." Them dudes made me rabbit ear out my shyts and I got prolly about 50 in ones in one pocket and a 20 note for lunch in the next. (Toss that Yeyo, but keep yo bank roll Bone Thugs)

So I'm trying to tell them fools I got this money that I saved, 'cause I'm gonna go buy a videgame from one of the local electronic stores in town after school, but this bytch steadily hawping on about how that the tape got MY handwriting on it.........(THIS fukkING bytch!..)

So between the RA head looking at the handwriting on the label I wrote and trying to decide who's right, she puts the shyt on and the entire room watching some softcore, jazz music bullshyt and I'm feeling a bit better, focusing on trying to win my case going. "I dunno what this has to do with me...Can I please go? Obviously you caught these kids doing what.." ......then the hardcore shyt cuts in. Black Cheerleaders.:francis: The Camera man had a fish eye lens on his shyt and these zooming up on the p*ssy while some other dude just spreading them lips apart, groaning, talking about how teen flesh so pink...:mjcry: How she gon' fukk the crew, and these brolic ass dudes pulling her pom poms and panties away from her'n' shyt.....

I honestly can't remember what the RA did or what she said but I know she was trying her best to turn the shyt off before the fukking start...I look up:sadcam: and the principal who was pretty much silent just reaches for the phone 'cause as far as he's concerned he had enough, dials and goes. "Hello, Yes. Principal blah blah from Blah Blah Highschool, can I speak to Mrs Unknown please? In regards to her son. He's being suspended for dispensing nastiness. That's right. NAWWW-STEEE-NISS!!!"


Epilogue, lol. Apparently them dudes got caught watching the shyt with the girl and I guess they was feeling her up or some shyt, so when they got nicked, she started singing and casting the blame on everybody else, with me being the biggest target since they wanted to know where they got it from. My mom wasn't in when the principal called so I was given a paper to have her sign and bring back saying that she acknowledged I was suspended.....but I ain't give it to her, I just ditched school at a friend's house for them two weeks praying to god they don't ever call the house.:whew:Also the bytch that ratted us out got slumped the following year in a stairwell fight and I had front row seats.

Was Worth The Read lol