Shaun King responds to accusations that he’s a fraud.


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
I mean seriously this shyt can go on for forever. I can do all black websites or whatever you want.. I am only posting tweets that have links to actual articles. I have no idea who these people are. I am posting for access to the articles that are easily verified

why does this looked at as divisive. It don’t change the protest. Is Sean King supposed to be a bearer and mold that holds our community together. Criticizing him is beyond reproach. We criticize Obama, Cornell West, even Martin L King has been questioned by black people who did not always agree with their actions or philosophies. BUT SEAN KING is beyond reproach???We can’t do without him? I didn’t say cancel him.. if you like him, then so be it... but these are facts you either choose to accept or overlook. It don’t mean say f you if you call out white supremacy. Maybe this site is different.. but in real life. In the real black community here in Atlanta. We see him as a white scammer taking advantage of Black Death by profiteering and climbing social hierarchy to publish more books and fundraisers that raise money and then disappear. He takes credit for other people’s work that he has nothing to do with. He keeps getting called out on that. People here in Atlanta put in work .. and I can name drop my own well respected family members who are activist in the black community here in Atlanta. People want nothing to do with him. Because he wants the credit

I mean it is a very popular opinion that he is a scammer, so this internet shyt is really that... internet shyt. I have too much black self respect.
Shaun King called ‘liar’ after claiming Rachel Maddow reported ‘interference’ with Bernie Sanders campaign
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Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
Literally none of what was raised as a concern was covered in that report. Just a bunch of things Shaun is taking credit for that everyone else initiated. Also hiring your friends is the opposite of unbiased reporting.

The jury is still out on the PACs because he still has time to steal from them

I don’t wanna hear anything about these are just tweets. Again I only posted tweets because they have quick summaries with actual links to articles or factual documentation. Not gossip
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Get Money
Nov 19, 2016

Once again profiting off of Black Death. These are not agents trying to tear him down and work hand in hand with white supremacy. This is black people telling other black people to watch out for him and not fall a victim to his scamming.

I mean damn... I love Barack OBama, but if someone criticized him for how he handled a lot of black issues (Police brutality or Like when he invited a white supremacist cop to the White House for a beer). It would be a fair criticism. Even tho I can feel the good outweighed the bad. And I do beleive that.

So why can Sean King not be called out for the fraudulent activity that too too many people with nothing to gain.. people who are not suing him or anything... are pointing out. It’s absolutely shameful that y’all don’t see you are going out of your mind to defend a white boy in blackface.. or let’s say for the argument.. a regular black man lmao who only came into our conscious during Ferguson. Imagine if you donated $10000 to someone for a charity, and then a month later the charity no longer exist lol.
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Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
For you idiots questioning my acumen

my godfather RIP is former Georgia senator and longtime Atlanta activist and legend Arthur E. Langford Jr.
His brother is still alive and continues doing serious work in the streets trying to help the black community. All politicians and all activist in Atlanta know them both from Gangs, drugs dealers, users, anyone who needs help and fighting white supremacy poverty and injustice head on...talking decades of work...who even has a highway named after him here in Atlanta. My family put work in the Atlanta streets and a faker is easily spotted. A pariah is easily spotted. And I’m pretty sure BLM is very known about in Atlanta of all places. But y’all have a good day. Talking in the internet when I doubt any of y’all even touched dirt. I guarantee you not in the field like I am. Stop it... peace

As a little boy he looks just like a lil regular ol white boy... but as he gets older he develops negro features such as a crisp line up. Soul patch and mustache. His skin complexion is just as white as he is in these pictures. Nose , lips. Everything except the haircut and soul stache Nothing changed.. and that’s his family point black. But y’all be safe . Keep loving that cracka if you want. And for anyone who may say he hair looks curly. All you have to do is look at pictures of him now. Even with a low haircut, you can see his hair is straight white texture(like his father and brother Jason)Why you think he don’t grow his hair out lol

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