Striving For Greatness For Today's Western Women Is A Lost Cause


Sep 10, 2015
This is in relation to the thread "50% of wives say husband isn't their best sex partner"

A lot of western women don't know what they want and many of those that do, the man they want simply does not exist. Men in general are not winning because of this. Whether it be the exciting, adventurous, spontaneous bad boy or the nice guy simp who women see as husband material. They may give their youth years to the former type of man, but when it comes time to settle down and have a family, they try to change this man to become the father/husband type or they leave him knowing the relationship was temporary. And if he in fact gives in to her ultimatums and threats, and takes on the husband and father role, she eventually becomes bored and wants him to go back to how he used to be.

When it comes to raising children properly and living an exciting, spontaneous lifestyle.. you can't have your cake and eat it too. Parents who do things on a whim are terrible parents and their children suffer for it. Women understand this yet they are still unhappy in their marriages. If you need drama and excitement so much, take up a new hobby or go watch a movie. If your husband takes care of business and does everything to keep the family unit in-tact then what's the problem?

Don't change yourself for women because in the end it will backfire on you. They want someone that they can follow, that can lead them, a man with his own path that he travels, etc. Women are not attracted to men that follow them.

Western women are spoiled, ungrateful, take many things for granted, overly entitled etc. If this doesn't match you, then keep it stepping. To all the women out there that notice the blessings in their lives, marriages, husbands, family etc.. I salute you. :salute:

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President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
true for a segment of today's women.

I feel like we get the "worst of" stories that promote the #GMB philosophy.

Everything you've stated is factual for the western woman who has completely bought into western society and the blurred gender roles it espouses.

case and point:

i know a few women my age 27 who are single mothers with good jobs, college educated and heavy alcohol users. they're all black. sad part is in conversations with them they don't even realize how skewed their perceptions on relationships are- especially relationships between black people.

They want to be passively-domineering and keep their masculine partners:stopitslime:

How the hell is that suppose to work?

they want their partners to be super-fly top earners in a world that actively works against the black male by underpaying him.

they want to be sold a dream about relationships.

compromise is a difficult concept for them and they see it as the male being disrespectful when he wants to do some things his way.

remember they are single mothers...yet they want the best the world has to offer in men...they don't realize

1) 25+ with a kid your value to a #ZKG member is low.
2) Self respecting single men without children will not want to couple up with a single mother, she's got too much baggage.

All that said it all depends on how you chose your women. let's be f'real you know an ain't shyt woman within the first 3 months of knowing her.

denial is your own cross to bear. Once you see the signs move along. life to short to waste with a woman who you know doesn't align with your values.

keep it moving.