Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Practicing Mindful Meditation for 20 mins daily will help. This is something the African American community should embrace. Detoxing ourselves from the daily distractions of society and learning the self through absolute stillness and silence. With mindful meditation , you will want to gradually move up to doing an 1 hour or 2 each day to increase the likelihood of experiencing enlightenment. The journey towards enlightenment will give your life a sense of purpose. In between that journey you'll recognize the importance of time and self discipline. Recognizing and reorienting your life around these two will enhance the quality of your life by making you a more effective and accountable person.

Getting adequate sleep, exercise and nutrition are all equally important. LACKING in anyone of these areas will only exacerbate feelings of depression and make the journey towards enlightenment much harder.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
A huge health issue that is prominent in our community yet inexplicably avoided, undiagnosed, or swept under the rug is depression, particularly male depression.

As many as six million American men suffer from the illness of depression every year, and it’s a major cause of suicide. Of the roughly 41,000 Americans who tragically took their own lives in 2013, nearly 80 percent were men.

There are plenty of possible causes for depression. They may include imbalances of certain chemicals in the brain, or genetics (depression may run in families). Personality may be another cause: those who are easily stressed, have low self-esteem, or have a pessimistic outlook tend to become depressed more often. And environmental factors, such as poverty, neglect, abuse, and living in violent households or neighborhoods, raise vulnerability to depression in some people. Other times, an event triggers depression: the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or changes in circumstances that are beyond one’s control.

The Symptoms of Male Depression:
*Anger (sometimes abusive)
*Loss of interest in work or hobbies
*Sleep disturbances (insomnia, oversleeping)
*Risky behavior
*Substance abuse
*Persistent sadness
*Loss of concentration
*Difficulty making decisions
*Poor memory
*Appetite or weight changes
*Persistent physical problems (pain, nausea, headaches)

The Telling Signs Of Male Depression

Brehs (and brehettes), depression isn't overcome by hiding in shame or trying to handle it alone. If you have loved ones in your lives and you feel that you are depressed or experience moments of depression, PLEASE seek their help and attention. If you don't have loved ones in your life, SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. Yeah, I know that we as a community frown upon psychiatric and psychological professional treatment but in 2016, we are more enlightened than the older generations and we should feel no shame utilizing each and every available resource to solve our mental and emotional issues.

Being black in America is already a tall order but being black AND DEPRESSED in America is damn near unbearable.

For those suffering from severe or mild depression, please take initiative and fight back through professional treatment, reaffirmation and having a support system. Also keep a nutritious diet, a regular exercise/work out routine, a positive outlook in life, and positive people in your life.
Great post fam :salute:


May 22, 2012
I have a decent amount of those symptoms. Use to have more though so im probably on an upswing
everyone typically goes through or presents with a few of those symptoms at different points of their lives, and sometimes even have a few of those symptoms every day week (however they may change).
If you feel like you have PERSISTENT feelings of 5-6 of those symptoms you should definitely go talk to someone if you can.

Also, what many ppl fail to do, is do a self evaluation and see if any of those symptoms are caused by something else, such as insomnia, appetite, fatigue, etc. There are lifestyle choices that ppl make that contribute to this and often times makes things even worse without realizing it.

Poor diet and exercise are very important, and also WHEN and how you eat is important.

I had this one dude that would drink a large coffee at 9 at night(every night) then complain that he had insomnia cause he couldn't sleep, or had terrible sleep. Which incidentally made him more tired and fatigued in the morning and throughout the day, which made him irritable, which leads to loss of concentration, difficulty making decisions, etc.

I mean that right there is 5 symptoms off that list. Once he cut out that coffee and avoided all stimulants (smoking, caffeine, etc.) before bed, he noticed a HUGE difference.

Also, going for a run or doing a workout will boost your dopamine and serotonin levels which help to increase mood and decrease depression.(as well as many other positive psychological effects).
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Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
Just use to be a negative fukk growing up , I'm not saying that I completely cured my problems because there's always gonna be problems in your life , it's just the way you handle it , I also started praying , the spirtual side of these are kinda a tough subject since everyone has different beliefs , but if you honestly search for God you'll find him
God is within you. He's not outside somewhere else.

Happy for you though