Syrian Army making big gains cutting supply road to Turkey


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Turkey and Saudi Arabia are going to try to save face but the Syrian Army, Hezbollah and Russia are cutting off the supply routes for the Rebels and if the YPG can seal the Turkish border then the "jihadi highway" where all of these misguided foreign fighters go through will be closed.

Erdogan doesn't know what to do and is trying to get NATO in a war with Russia. Turkey is talking about invading northern Syria. But it's doubtful it actually happens.

The Saudis want to put 150,000 troops in Syria. Since it's so successful in Yemen, right? Oh wait, they've imported mercenaries from Colombia to fight in Yemen

Good news from Syria. The battlefield 'negotiations' over the insurgency's supply route to the north were successfully concluded.

After nearly four years the siege on Nubl and Zahraa has been lifted. The northern supply route from insurgency held areas in Aleppo province and Aleppo city to Turkey has been severed.

Update (12:45 am): A Syrian author in Aleppo just tweeted:

Edward Dark @edwardedark
This is the beginning of the end of jihadi presence in Aleppo. After 4 years of war & terror, people can finally see the end in sight #Syria


Map by SAA Reporter - bigger, HD version - different map showing a larger area

While fire control over the supply route was achieved yesterday there were still Jabhat al-Nusra forces holding the village Muarrasat al Khan. Those forces were destroyed today with a two pronged attack by the Syrian army coming from east and Hizbullah fighters coming from the besieged Nubl and Zahraa area in the west. Those fighters had earlier arrived by helicopter. At least four higher commander of Nusra and other groups where killed during the fighting. They Syrian army will now continue the offensive to widen and secure the new corridor.

There is now only one supply line left between the insurgents in Idleb and Aleppo province and Turkey. It leads north-west from Idleb city along the M45 motorway and crosses at Bab al Hawa to the Turkish city of Reyhanli (map.) It is some 40 kilometers west of Aleppo city and Russian air superiority make the road dangerous to use. The Russian air force will take care that no major traffic is able to use the crossing. Over the next months the current offensive should also have reached that border zone and seal all other potential crossing venues.

Russia made clear that there will be no end to the war until the border is under full Syrian government control:

"The key point for the ceasefire to work is a task of blocking illegal trafficking across the Turkish-Syrian border, which supports the militants," [Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov] said. "Without closing the border it is difficult to expect the ceasefire to take place."
The Russian air strikes will continue until the terrorist organizations are defeated.

Additional progress was made by the Syrian army today in Latakia. East of Aleppo the army took the village As Sin and has nearly surrounded a contingent of Islamic State fighters at the Aleppo power plant. In Homs province the already surrounded large insurgency held area of Rastan will soon be split in two. In the south new attacks were launched to widen the supply corridor to Daraa.

Morale of the Syrian army has remarkably increased and victory begets victory. I expect the campaign to continue at the current pace. The insurgency in north, south and west Syria is faltering on all fronts and their lack of new supplies will soon lead to more decisive defeats. After the insurgency is mostly destroyed it will be time to take serious care of the Islamic State in Deir Ezzor and Raqqa in east Syria. In preparation of that move the Syrian YPG Kurds, with Russian support, are planning to take the rest of the northern border with Turkey from the Islamic State.
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NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
the international summit regarding syria was pretty convincing to me..the coalition is clearly there to contain them..its up to tactics and effectiveness. the jordanians are using this wisely as a power move with the Saudis and in the region altogether..they may have been the smartest country, relatively speaking, regarding this conflict. the thing that I am still worried about is Greece...their economy and government is complete shyt and they are crucial in stopping a northern diaspora of radicals..the jordanians called out cameron and the EU for failing to remedy that situation and rightfully so...anyway, I think they will ultimately come to a compromise with Russia on borders while vetting the refugees..Jordan and the Saudis will get the highest % of "good" refugees..the others will either be detained in a safe zone until further confirmation or sent back the other way since the Syrian government will have shown signs of stability by then. its clearly a quagmire..but at this point, there is no better option than to let Russia deal with EU and NATO regarding land sovereignty while us, the germans, the saudis and the jordanians smoke out and contain isis. Unfortunately, I see this situation ultimately trickling back into Israeli/Palestinian conflict and an elevation of tension between Israel/Iran. If the US/EU/Russia/China etc focus too much on Isis, Syria etc while not simultaneously maintaining peace via proxy with Israel/Iran then it can get far uglier than it is now.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
the international summit regarding syria was pretty convincing to me..the coalition is clearly there to contain them..its up to tactics and effectiveness. the jordanians are using this wisely as a power move with the Saudis and in the region altogether..they may have been the smartest country, relatively speaking, regarding this conflict. the thing that I am still worried about is Greece...their economy and government is complete shyt and they are crucial in stopping a northern diaspora of radicals..the jordanians called out cameron and the EU for failing to remedy that situation and rightfully so...anyway, I think they will ultimately come to a compromise with Russia on borders while vetting the refugees..Jordan and the Saudis will get the highest % of "good" refugees..the others will either be detained in a safe zone until further confirmation or sent back the other way since the Syrian government will have shown signs of stability by then. its clearly a quagmire..but at this point, there is no better option than to let Russia deal with EU and NATO regarding land sovereignty while us, the germans, the saudis and the jordanians smoke out and contain isis. Unfortunately, I see this situation ultimately trickling back into Israeli/Palestinian conflict and an elevation of tension between Israel/Iran. If the US/EU/Russia/China etc focus too much on Isis, Syria etc while not simultaneously maintaining peace via proxy with Israel/Iran then it can get far uglier than it is now.

As long as the Syrian government gets control over the triangle axis of Western/Northern Syria where all the major urban populations are, they'll be on their way to winning the war.

The east and southern areas are just desert and they have oil fields. That's where Daesh is and it seems like they'll be the last group to fall once all of the other rebel groups are squeezed dry and brought to the table.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
As long as the Syrian government gets control over the triangle axis of Western/Northern Syria where all the major urban populations are, they'll be on their way to winning the war.

The east and southern areas are just desert and they have oil fields. That's where Daesh is and it seems like they'll be the last group to fall once all of the other rebel groups are squeezed dry and brought to the table.

Correct. Thats what I am assuming will in fact happen..That was largely what i was referencing in that the saudis/jordanians/germans/usa fighting the rogue groups while allowing for EU diplomacy with Russia to fix the actual sovereignty and war deal with Syria. I think everyone is tired of it and want to tighten border control for their citizens rather than scrap directly in Syria and have to deal with intricate fly zones with about 7 countries. Thats what Trump was referencing when he said hed let Putin work it out then he'd take a cut of the desert oil money in exchange for helping Putin on that front with wiping out Daesh.