Take a look Inside: The life of a artist is a sad & lonely 1 , Its a Gift and a curse.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
People have this false romantic narrative about artistic people. Life as a creative isn't fun. Its very grueling and lonely. People think that artist are upbeat fun loving people for some reason, I blame the media...only to get their feelings hurt once they meet one and discover they're a miserable prick. NO were not unicorns

Creators, atleast the real ones...arent happy people, because how can you be? this shyt isn't a "realistic" or "logical" career field. To have the mindset and belief to pursue a career like this you have to be fukked in the head, because from a rational POV, it makes absolutely no sense on any level. But its the passion inside of us that drive us, because if you get in the game just for money you're a fukking idiot. you're going to tap out eventually.

The reason why..... is because...this is a field based upon luck, self belief and dealing with evil motherfukkers to gain entry. It takes alot to have the patience and discipline to create shyt that might not even result in anykind of profit. Imagine working hours on a project, that might not even be seen. Imagine putting all you energy into something that have a 1 of out 10,000 chance of working.

You have to spend many hours alone in solitude. Solitude can be your best friend and your worse enemy. it'll take you places you might not come back from mentally.

To be in this game you have to be wired mentally a certain way. U cant just be any regular motherfukker or YES you will probably eventually go crazy or kill yourself. To make it in the creative industry, u either A. have to be good at what u do or B. suck the right Jewish person dikk and take a facial after. So, I choose A. That comes with many hours spent alone. grinding... trying to perfect your craft so u can compete with the best in the world. Even after all of that, there's still no guarantee that anything will come from it. Its not like being a engineer, where after school u get a degree and a 100k job. In this game u can put in 10,000 hours in and still end up at burger king...cold game huh?

The worse insult you can say to a artist is "you're lucky" because if you see somebody making money from art, trust me its anything but luck, that poor soul probably been through so much shyt they're basically one tragic event from losing their sanity. Making it far in the creative game is traumatizing and inhumane, but we choose this life so I'm not whining. That's why many of your favorite artist are drugged out or have mental break downs. The stress, the pressure, the deceitful people you encounter plus having to still compete at your craft on a high level eventually eats away at your soul to the point you start to lose pieces of your humanity. Pieces you cant get back.

Being a creative is like being an alien, because the avg person will never understand you. Which is going to cause resentment, because you'll never be able to form normal friendships or relationships. So you begin to hate humanity with a great level of disgust. Nothing is worse then regular people asking you regular people questions like "OW WOW HOW ID YOU DO THAT?" I don't know mothfukker, I was born with a fukking gift, just shut your mouth and cough up the money...and no I don't want to be your fukking friend, for what? I'm the interesting one, what type of mental simulation can u offer me? none, that's the fukking answer

Forming relationships is very difficult, it takes a special person to know how to love a creative person. Our personalities aren't normal at all and we don't pretend to fit in either. Its the rebel inside of us, either u come to our world or we leave you alone, no compromise. , our lifestyle is totally abnormal also. The mood swings and ups and downs will make it impossible to for any regular person to stick with a artist. The lack of companionship adds to the depression a artist may feel. This game is for made for lonely souls.

When u have talent, random motherfukkers want to be friend you. That's another thing. But they don't understand, we have irregular brains, so normal shyt don't turn us on. So having a friendship with a non creative is almost impossible. Were not better people, just different. Our gift is our curse, and it leaves us very isolated in our own dark world.

Having talent is a gift and a curse. You're trapped in your own unique world that nobody can relate too, while at the same time forced to live in the "real world" You're forever alone, you're a prisoner.. that belong to the public. You'll never have a "normal" healthy life. If you want to do this, and do this forreal, at some point you have to realize...your life needs to become 100% about your work. U have to become married to the game and get prepared to create until the day that you die, and no there's no rainbows or light at the end of the tunnel. You create for the people and you die when its time. That's what this thing is, if u don't like it...get a 9 to 5, this game isn't for the weak


Nov 26, 2014
People have this false romantic narrative about artistic people. Life as a creative isn't fun. Its very grueling and lonely. People think that artist are upbeat fun loving people for some reason, I blame the media...only to get their feelings hurt once they meet one and discover they're a miserable prick. NO were not unicorns

Creators, atleast the real ones...arent happy people, because how can you be? this shyt isn't a "realistic" or "logical" career field. To have the mindset and belief to pursue a career like this you have to be fukked in the head, because from a rational POV, it makes absolutely no sense on any level. But its the passion inside of us that drive us, because if you get in the game just for money you're a fukking idiot. you're going to tap out eventually.

The reason why..... is because...this is a field based upon luck, self belief and dealing with evil motherfukkers to gain entry. It takes alot to have the patience and discipline to create shyt that might not even result in anykind of profit. Imagine working hours on a project, that might not even be seen. Imagine putting all you energy into something that have a 1 of out 10,000 chance of working.

You have to spend many hours alone in solitude. Solitude can be your best friend and your worse enemy. it'll take you places you might not come back from mentally.

To be in this game you have to be wired mentally a certain way. U cant just be any regular motherfukker or YES you will probably eventually go crazy or kill yourself. To make it in the creative industry, u either A. have to be good at what u do or B. suck the right Jewish person dikk and take a facial after. So, I choose A.

That comes with many hours spent alone. grinding... trying to perfect your craft so u can compete with the best in the world. Even after all of that, there's still no guarantee that anything will come from it. Its not like being a engineer, where after school u get a degree and a 100k job. In this game u can put in 10,000 hours in and still end up at burger king...cold game huh?

The worse insult you can say to a artist is "you're lucky" because if you see somebody making money from art, trust me its anything but luck, that poor soul probably been through so much shyt they're basically one tragic event from losing their sanity. Making it far in the creative game is traumatizing and inhumane, but we choose this life so I'm not whining. That's why many of your favorite artist are drugged out or have mental break downs. The stress, the pressure, the deceitful people you encounter plus having to still compete at your craft on a high level eventually eats away at your soul to the point you start to lose pieces of your humanity. Pieces you cant get back.

Being a creative is like being an alien, because the avg person will never understand you. Which is going to cause resentment, because you'll never be able to form normal friendships or relationships. So you begin to hate humanity with a great level of disgust. Nothing is worse then regular people asking you regular people questions like "OW WOW HOW ID YOU DO THAT?" I don't know mothfukker, I was born with a fukking gift, just shut your mouth and cough up the money...and no I don't want to be your fukking friend, for what? I'm the interesting one, what type of mental simulation can u offer me? none, that's the fukking answer

Forming relationships is very difficult, it takes a special person to know how to love a creative person. Our personalities aren't normal at all and we don't pretend to fit in either. Its the rebel inside of us, either u come to our world or we leave you alone, no compromise. , our lifestyle is totally abnormal also. The mood swings and ups and downs will make it impossible to for any regular person to stick with a artist. The lack of companionship adds to the depression a artist may feel. This game is for made for lonely souls.

When u have talent, random motherfukkers want to be friend you. That's another thing. But they don't understand, we have irregular brains, so normal shyt don't turn us on. So having a friendship with a non creative is almost impossible. Were not better people, just different. Our gift is our curse, and it leaves us very isolated in our own dark world.

Having talent is a gift and a curse. You're trapped in your own unique world that nobody can relate too, while at the same time forced to live in the "real world" You're forever alone, you're a prisoner.. that belong to the public. You'll never have a "normal" healthy life. If you want to do this, and do this forreal, at some point you have to realize...your life needs to become 100% about your work. U have to become married to the game and get prepared to create until the day that you die, and no there's no rainbows or light at the end of the tunnel. You create for the people and you die when its time. That's what this thing is, if u don't like it...get a 9 to 5, this game isn't for the weak
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Dec 16, 2015
Being an artistic person is probably one of the worst things you can be...

There are so little jobs in your field...none will pay really well...

Then there are big ass fukking rewards...if you reach the top...but if you stay on the bottom...you assed out....

There is no such thing a middle class artist...


All Star
Jul 16, 2014

we got to start writing a manifesto breh, this resonated with me

i've started work on an avant-garde animation that will serve as my introduction to the world

laden with subliminal symbology and commentary on the times we are in

will be accompanied by audio

i have been producing since i was 13, none of the bullshyt you hear now - real music that gently slices to the core

i'm an expert now

i have been working in cad software for close to a year now and ready to produce the preface to my magnum opus

would like to have encrypted text in the work using steganography, one section would be looking inwards dealing with close to what you're talking about

i've yet to encounter a real artist in the world, this post gives me hope that there are others out there

realizing the potential of art (which has not been done to this day) is the key to shifting the entire global consciousness

it will need to be a collective effort
  • Dap
Reactions: DrX


All Star
May 1, 2012
Bro you're not in the position to take such a gamble. Following your dreams is for trust fund babies.


Feb 2, 2016
Most successful people can do thier joy and still hold down a job. If you dont work and claim its your art that keeps you from doing so...your either lazy...prefer to be a bum..or just plain full if shyt....unless your actually making real money from it..then your laziness us justified. But if your just struggling and can do better but dont because you using your dream as a crutch...you deserve every hardship you face in life...