Teen shows up to church in all black , ready for action


Nov 25, 2014

ABBEVILLE, La. (KADN) - A tragedy may have narrowly been avoided at a Louisiana church, where police say a teen armed with a rifle was stopped by parishioners from getting inside as dozens of children were making their First Communion.

The chaos and panic Saturday at Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church in Abbeville was captured on a livestream of the service during which 60 children were making their First Holy Communion.

The video shows that 48 minutes into the service, a man approached Nicholas Dupre, the church’s associate pastor who was leading the service, and whispered something in his ear. Dupre stopped what he was doing then told everyone to sit and started praying the Hail Mary.

Attention soon turned to the back of the church. Witnesses say a teenager, dressed in black and armed with a rifle, opened the building’s back door. He was confronted by parishioners and escorted outside, where police later arrested him.

Police descended on the building around 10:35 a.m., even on the altar, where altar servers ran to safety and clergy crouched behind the altar. Witnesses say police made the sweep because they were concerned there could have been another person with guns inside the church.

As parishioners panicked, police tried to restore calm while the church was evacuated.

“So, guys, just get a hold of your child. Go slowly. We did apprehend a young man. He is in police custody. Calm down and just get next to your child,” one officer said.

Abbeville Police Chief Mike Hardy says the 16-year-old suspect was interviewed by officers then taken to the hospital for a medical evaluation. He is charged with terrorizing and two counts of possession of a firearm by a juvenile.

Authorities say the parishioners who stopped the teen from entering the church likely saved lives.

Lafayette Diocese Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel released a statement praising the police and alert parishioners for avoiding a tragedy. He says it’s a great example of caring for children, “the most vulnerable in our community.”

The FBI are investigating the incident alongside Abbeville Police and the Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Office. There will be added security at the church for all upcoming Masses.


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC
Someone in the chorus was out of tune. :picard:

