
Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
Good Morning, Evening or Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We're going to talk about the ancient BaTWA "Pygmies" aka the OG Black Afrakans that populated the world and their roles in world civilization.

Who are the Twa people? Notice in the left, the guy is shadin the European hella hard:russ:


The first Paleolithic man was the Twa who was evolved in Central Africa at the source of the Nile Valley and from here all originated (civilization) and was carried throughout the world.

The Twa aka Anu lived from the Nile Valley to Mali (called Tellen).
The Twa created religion. They are the first human. Connection between Twa, Khoi, Masaba connected with Nilotic black created spirituality. The first Nilotic Egyptian deities (representations) were Twa (Ptah, Bes) and the Goddess were Twa.


To this day, the Twa have the secret herbal knowledge to heal all illnesses of the body. This is why they have historically stayed in the rainforest, as guardians of the most sacred herbs. Their average lifespan is 110 years!

Ever heard of St. Patrick's Day? What does this have to do with them?

The Leprechaun was thought to be a type of fairy who dressed in a green or red coat and worked as a shoemaker. These Leprechauns would save their earnings, in the form of gold coins, in a pot and the end of a rainbow. It was thought that if you could capture one of them that they would grant you three wishes. The name Leprechaun comes from the Old Irish luchorp, a compound of the roots (small) and corp (body).

It turns out that the Leprechauns of legend were actually people from Africa known as the Twa. These Twa were diminutive men and women (luchorp) that grew to a height of about 4'11". They migrated into Ireland many thousands of years ago. The Twa were craftsman and had advanced knowledge of medicine, metallurgy, textile and clothing manufacturing and apparently shoe-making, which Caucasians thought was ¡°magical¡±. So we find that it was the Twa people that have come to be known as Leprechauns.

Why Chase Serpents?

According to legend, St. Patrick was well known for chasing the serpents out of Ireland. Now on the outside they make it sound like some miracle that he saved the people from deadly serpents. There is in fact no evidence that real serpents ever existed in Ireland. But if you understand that the serpents they are speaking of are really a symbol for something else, this particular plot point in the story becomes a lot more interesting. As will be demonstrated below the serpents of the story are an allusion to the people of African descent (the Twa) who lived in Ireland.

Its important to note, that in addition to Twa, some of the names for our people include; Naga, Nagar and Negus, which means loosely serpent people or people of the serpent. The name is also synonymous with Pharaohs and Kings. In many African cultures the serpent is not a symbol of evil but one of eternal life, regeneration, power, protection and wisdom.

The Uraeus is a Symbol of Royalty, Power, Wisdom and Protection

Chasing the serpents out of Ireland is a metaphor for genocide.

So what St. Patrick is really famous for, is waging a genocidal war against the indigenous people of Ireland who had migrated there many thousands of years before the Caucasians and before Christianity, who were African (and coincidentally, thought to be Pagan).

If you¡¯re interested in reference materials about the African presence in the British Isles and Ireland check out the book Ancient and Modern Britons by David MacRitchie.

Skull of Ancient Twa Pygmy found in Ireland


Twa Pygmies in the U.K.



Twa Pygmy found in France

Twa Pygmies in Australia aka Melanesia. Called the Tasmanians

The Twas lived in Portugal, Germany and England (called Picts and Lapps).They lived in Scandinavia were they are called Finns (Finland name after them).

The Twa lived in Greenland, Canada (called Skraelings), North America(called mounds builders).They lived in the tip of South America where they are called the Fuegians.

Twa Pygmy Skull of Luzia found in the Americas (Brazil)

Moving West to Hawaii where the Twa were called Menehune.

Twas in the Philippines called Negritos. Named by the Spanish as "Little Negros". Remember, Philippines was occupied by the Spaniards.

Twa Pygmies in Malaysia also called the Negrito

In Indonesia on the Island of Flores skeletons of Twa were called Hobbits.

Twa Pygmy skull found in Indonesia

In India we find the Twa in a Islands in the bay of Bengalis where they are called Andaman Islanders. The Twa are found all over the world.

Twa Pygmies in the Andaman Islanders


This is a map that shows the Ancient Batwa pygmy migration. You can see the areas where they traveled.

Twa Pygmies in Papua New Guinea

Twa Pgymies in Solomon Islands

While Caucasian colonists look down at our ancestors as primitive dwarfs, we should celebrate our ancestors as the OG's of world traveling.

Sources (Synopsis 6: Negrito and Negrillo)

Hope you enjoy the post!


May 28, 2015
This is so interesting that you posted this. If you look through some of the messages I have posted, you know I am very interested in metallurgy in west/central Africa, particularly iron smelting. Many west Africans (tropical) state that they were a product of two major populations; Short, often stocky men that lived in the area initially and were very attuned to nature and the spiritual realm, and a taller immigrating population from the north that brought along their own type of civilization. For example, some Ghanaians pointed out that the native people of the area before the Akan immigrated there were peaceful but had physiques that were built for war , - I can't find the article anymore-an Igbo elder stated that there was a short yellow race that lived in igboland before tall people from the north immigrated and brought along modern civilization, and I think Dogons as well stated that these aboriginals, who were also their ancestors, were deeply spiritual people who had knowledge of many mysteries and passed it down to them. Research in West/central Africa especially in the tropical and forested areas show that these people had the knowledge of iron smelting ( a major indication of technological advancement) thousands of years before anyone outside of Africa.

P.s Funny that you mentioned mythology, because the short, muscular, race that are deeply spiritual and are master blacksmiths sort of resembles the myth about Dwarves.



HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
The OP is right...

And yes the European has always been aware of this..

Ptah the god is the basis for all Western religion gods..(Yahweh...Etc) and as I learned as a young traveler in the lodge (P.H.A) listening to lectures he is the Grand Architect (lost word) we all as brothers seek

He was a Builder ..just like Yeshua aka Jesus the carpenter

Also synonomous with H.I.R.A.M in masonry the master builder

Great thread brother



HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
This is so interesting that you posted this. If you look through some of the messages I have posted, you know I am very interested in metallurgy in west/central Africa, particularly iron smelting. immigrated there were peaceful but had physiques that were built for war , - I can't find the article anymore-an Igbo elder stated that there was a short yellow race that lived in igboland before tall people from the north immigrated and brought along modern civilization, and I think Dogons as well stated that these aboriginals, who were also their ancestors, were deeply spiritual people who had knowledge of many mysteries and passed it down to them.

Yes indeed brother ...

That is the story of TUBAL CAIN ...

A character in the bible

As I learned in the second degree of the craft
Tubal Cain

Tubal Cain was a master blacksmith and iron worker

He represented the Masculine principle of GOD

It is also a double entrende joke in the lodge my dad use to tell me..

"Yeah son ...a woman can't be a MASON because she doesn't have TWO BALLS and a CANE "

It's also referenced in the original Lion King movie which is basically the original African version of the Master Mason degree

Get it :lolbron:
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Saint of Commerce

Debts is paid in the Death Parade
Sep 25, 2012
NY Universal
This is so interesting that you posted this. If you look through some of the messages I have posted, you know I am very interested in metallurgy in west/central Africa, particularly iron smelting. Many west Africans (tropical) state that they were a product of two major populations; Short, often stocky men that lived in the area initially and were very attuned to nature and the spiritual realm, and a taller immigrating population from the north that brought along their own type of civilization. For example, some Ghanaians pointed out that the native people of the area before the Akan immigrated there were peaceful but had physiques that were built for war , - I can't find the article anymore-an Igbo elder stated that there was a short yellow race that lived in igboland before tall people from the north immigrated and brought along modern civilization, and I think Dogons as well stated that these aboriginals, who were also their ancestors, were deeply spiritual people who had knowledge of many mysteries and passed it down to them. Research in West/central Africa especially in the tropical and forested areas show that these people had the knowledge of iron smelting ( a major indication of technological advancement) thousands of years before anyone outside of Africa.

P.s Funny that you mentioned mythology, because the short, muscular, race that are deeply spiritual and are master blacksmiths sort of resembles the myth about Dwarves.


U are correct in the dwarves assertion, this also goes elves, fairies, dragons, etc as well. All mythology is basically analogous 2 forgotten black history. Regardless of the region or ethnicity of said mythology, u could always find the original archetype in the life sciences of the Afro-asiatic that predates every1 else's by thousands if not more yrs. Ex: Obatallah=Odin, Shango=Thor, so on and so forth......

Nonetheless, good shyt :salute:


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
Many are familiar with the text in which Harkhuf, the governor of Aswan under /nswt bjt/ Merenre, went on an expedition in the area of modern Sudan to acquire and secure a person of the BaTwa tribe, known in ciKam as /dng/ (so-called ‘pygmy’).

The /nswt bjt/ was elated to have such a “present” sent to him by his servant Harkhuf; so much so that he promised him that he would reward him handsomely if he brought “the /dng/” to the king safely.

What we don’t get a sense of is how was this /dng/ obtained? Was he kidnapped? Or did he come willingly? (Completely rhetorical btw) Given that he came by himself, with no family and friends, one can assume he was kidnapped like an animal and brought to the king for his “amusement.”

Although Merenre instructed that "victuals be taken by his care in every warehouse town and in every temple, without exception" for the sustaining of “the /dng/,” this in order to ensure that he would be taken care of while in /km.t/, what does this say to his sense of humanity that he was to be paraded around like a zoo animal and pet in Egypt? I mean, the BaKami didn’t even take the time to write out the /dng/’s name.

It appears that they viewed the BaTwa as something other than human. How does this knowledge shape our attitudes towards the BaKami rulers who actively sought to kidnap and exploit members of the BaTwa communities of the south? Is this why they are only relegated to the forests regions of the Congo in modern times? Trying to avoid capture and exploitation from the taller Africans? What about our perception of those who blindly followed orders of the /nswt bjt/? Did anyone standup for the human rights of the BaTwa? Were there conceptual principles and protocols in place in /km.t/ that should have protected his rights as a citizen of the earth? If so, what were they and can we say that Merenre and Harkhuf violated these principles? Or was this something that justified in the collective mind of the BaKami?


May 20, 2013
Yes,I do know these little dudes had and still have a worldwide presence! They were commonly seen in N Queensland,Oz in the early 60s but are now completely unseen and forgotten.
"In 1962, the first volume of Manning Clark’s History of Australia recorded their presence on its first two pages and repeated the then influential anthropological theory about their origins and their place in the waves of migration of hunter-gatherer peoples from Asia who populated the Australian continent in the millennia before the British arrived in 1788."
The extinction of the Australian pygmies – Quadrant Online


Ofc,you know what the Cacs did back in the day:

“… awoke to the sound of much gunfire… came across a most despicable act of humanity… as if a great war had been fought… bloodied native corpses covering the grounds and in the stream waters… recognised these were the Dhi’lumi little peoples of … previous acquaintances… peppered with gunshot… his woman bearing signs of harsh raping… throat slashed… their daughter and son… killed part decapitated and hanging over a tree branch – the son less his manly wares… slaughter appears to have been immediate without warning… cooking fires were still burning… their shantys and possessions lay strewn about the ground… utter disgust that these shy, ancient and good people had been shot to their deaths… Who could have done such an evil and dastardly deed?
The Little People of Kuranda

Swahili P'Bitek

Jan 16, 2018
Occupied many lands before the bantu expansion. From the central-west, to the East and south.