Jesus Bhrist

All Star
Feb 22, 2017
15% of the population commit 50% of the homicides is white conservative talking point that is used whenever the topic of police brutality is bought up or they say what about Chicago? What about Detroit? What about Baltimore? Or they say they something like Democratic run cities with large African American populations are rampant with crime, gang and drug violence

There’s 42,020,743 African Americans in this country of that total number there were 5,025 Black Americans that were arrested for homicide in 2019 according to the FBI. That would mean that 0.1% percent of Black Americans were arrested for homicide. Then you look at violent assaults and 151,744 of Black Americans were arrested which would come up to about 0.36% , which would mean that 99% of Black Americans DO NOT COMMIT VIOLENT CRIME. Looking at those statistics how can you justify the disproportionate amount of media attention that “Black on Black crime” gets in the media. This myth that black people are committing genocide through murder is a white supremacist tactic to absolve police officers of the accountability in killing unarmed black citizens. There are about 197,181,177 White Americans in The United States, and About 328, 239, 523 people in total in America. African Americans make up 13% which is a Total of about 42 Million. In 2019 there were 1,004 people fatally shot by the Police, 235 of that were Black Americans or 23%, which would mean African Americans are like 150% more likely to be killed by police than White Americans even though there’s like 100 million more White Americans than Black Americans

These same people don’t care about “Black on Black Crime” and only use it as an expedient to absolve state officials of their accountability in disproportionately killing unarmed black men and women, look no further than this article lol

Opinion | The Myth of Systemic Police Racism

Not only is the data that this article espouses flawed but it doesn’t take into account the times police have killed Black Americans with illegal chokeholds like Derek Chauvin and George Floyd or Eric Gardener and Daniel Pantaleo or police officer Jody Martell tasing a pregnant Safiya Satchell in the stomach causing her to miscarriage smh anything to shift the blame from these outta control racist police officers who think they have a license to kill black people with Impunity

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
That Author is notorious for writing mjpls books
And correct OP
those stats dont account for cases like Ahmauds where Ahmauds was about to be pushed under the rug until people mobbed up. We're not accounting for how many other Ahmauds who never got justice

Jesus Bhrist

All Star
Feb 22, 2017
That Author is notorious for writing mjpls books
And correct OP
those stats dont account for cases like Ahmauds where Ahmauds was about to be pushed under the rug until people mobbed up. We're not accounting for how many other Ahmauds who never got justice

My thing is how come “Black On Black Crime” statistics are used as a Justification for killing unarmed black men, when it’s statistically proving that homicide is intra-racial and crime is a proximity issue. These same people will use “Data” “Statistics” and claim that police killing black citizens are some kind of outlier or irregular occurrence, but using that same logic black men are more likely to be killed by an airplane or struck by thunder then being killed by another black man, So why are the fear mongering by the media? Of course there’s an agenda but it’s disheartening seeing black people using these canards and broadly generalize their own people and openly support a racist why’re supremacist in the White House lol


Aug 29, 2013

This is why I dont bother with the Statistics Susans and out here. Gives me a head ache. They just post blind stats to make a point. No context and l ask where are you getting your numbers and it's always according to this website or such and such. Anybody can just post a percentage with no mathematical evidence to back it up to make their silly assertion sound meaning. But at the end of the day, It's just plain fallacy and deflection.

That goes for Statistics Stehpens too, lost and conformed as nikkas be on that shyt too.
