The Erasure of real Egyptians


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
African history was rewritten and/or erased due to cultural arrogance. Prejudice pseudo-scientific theories and discriminating versions of history were both developed to further political ideology and its objectives. Erasing the identity of ancient Egyptians was critical to erasing the transcendent contributions of Africans. The significance of Egypt and Africa to world history cannot be overstated. However, the truth is obscured due to the many errors, omissions and biases.
The ugly ass "Sphynx Cat" doesn't look anything like an Egyptian Sphynx and it doesn't even hail from Egypt. This ugly piece of shyt originated in Toronto fukking Canada.


A certain delusional set, that worships the kitty litter these ugly fukks wallow in, would have you believe that cats were the only Egyptians that mattered. "Bastset is the only set" "Catset takes no loses" are amongst some of their most idiotic mantras. What they don't want you to know is that Egypt has birthed these noble, majestic loyal and loving creatures.
Have you heard of them all?Saluki[/paste:font]
  • GettyImages-870255568-8639765b08c6441dbe35ed72e2d8fb48.jpg

    SerKucher / Getty Images
    The elegant and athletic Saluki is often argued as being one of the oldest of all dog breeds. Their history can be traced back over at least 5,000 years. With dogs resembling the modern-day Saluki featuring on Egyptian tombstones and sculptures. With their regal looks and athletic hunting prowess, they became much prized by Egyptian Pharaohs and other prominent leaders through history, like Alexander the Great. Their popularity grew across the Middle East, Egypt and Asia over the years.

    Like many Sighthounds, the Saluki is incredibly fast and usually has a high prey drive. They don't tend to be a good choice to live in a house full of small furry pets. Providing they get enough exercise, Salukis are known for being docile and calm around the home. They tend to enjoy nothing more than curling up on a comfy sofa.

    They can be rather independent and even stubborn, though, and they can sometimes be rather sensitive too. This means you will likely need more patience when it comes to training, although using lots of gentle, positive reinforcement can see great results.

    Although they aren't known for being a cuddly breed, Salukis do form strong bonds with their family and can be prone to separation anxiety if left alone for too long.


Ryhor Bruyeu / Getty Images
The Basenji is another breed that is often quoted as being one of the oldest in the world. They also bear a striking resemblance to dogs that were painted on the tombstones of Egyptian Pharaohs. Over the years, the breeds excellent hunting skills became sought after by tribesman in Central Africa. During this time they became known as the Congo Dog. The word Basenji means 'village dog' in the Congolese language.

Because they were hidden away in remote African villages, it meant that the breed has remained relatively untouched by selective breeding. The Basenji you see today, still very closely resembles its ancestors from thousands of years ago.

Although Basenjis tend to be loyal, gentle and alert, they can have a very independent streak, and this can mean extra patience is needed when it comes to training. They tend to be reserved, and even aloof with new people, but do form strong bonds with their families. Don't expect a velcro, lapdog with a Basenji, though. They will seek attention on their terms.

Because of their size, calm nature and the fact that they don't bark, they can make an appealing choice for apartment living. Although they aren't as high energy as some breeds, they do still need a decent amount of exercise to prevent problem behaviors surfacing as a result of boredom. Basenjis can be destructive, and they're agile climbers too.

Last but certainly not least are the children of Anubis
Pharaoh Hound[/paste:font]

Eudyptula / Getty Images

Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound is an ancient dog breed that’s changed little since their development more than 5,000 years ago. They were the dogs of kings and may have hunted gazelles with pharaohs, hence their name. This loyal hunting companion later made their way to Malta, where they’re now the national dog.

Even though these are purebred dogs, some may still end up in the care of shelters or rescues. Consider adoption if this is the breed for you.

You need not be royalty to befriend the Pharaoh Hound. Adaptable and affectionate, these pups make great family companions, even for novice pet parents and apartment dwellers. Pharaoh Hounds delight their humans with playful antics and will love to make you laugh. They also have a sensitive side, though, and are even known to blush! Return this pup’s love in kind, and you’ll have a loyal friend for life.

So you see Dogs have walked prominently among the great philosophers, scientists, hunters, healers and Pharoahs of Egypt. They were considered benevolent guides to the after life and healers. Did you know that Egyptians believed that being licked by a dog, especially on an open wound, would aid in recovery or even cure the disease causing the illness?

This concept was carried into the ancient Greek beliefs, where they would have dogs that were trained to lick wounds in many temples dedicated to Asclepius, the god of medicine and healing. According to Psychology Today, “The value of being licked by a dog is still believed by many cultures to have curative powers. There is even a contemporary French saying, “Langue de chien, langue de médecin” which translates to “A dog’s tongue is a doctor’s tongue.”
Just a little something to think about