The fantasy is better than the reality


Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
When I was younger I used to desire relationships and falling in love. Was enamored by what the fantasy of puppy love. Wanted to experience what love actually was.
I used to write a lot of poems regarding love.

I think men are more romantic than women. Look throughout history, the most passionate plays regarding romance was created by men. There's a quote that says "Men love idealistically, Women love men opportunistically" Men fall in love with their eyes while Women fall in love with what they hear. Reason why "mouthpiece" and having charisma seals the deal.

As I got older I realized that romance portrayed in the media is nothing more than a Disney fairy tale. Most of these love songs these grandpas was tap dancing too is borderline simping with no clear cut boundaries. Saying things like

:mjlol: Comments like this is common on IG.

Once I stopped the love poems my mind registered that it was mostly feelings of lust. I didn't want a relationship with em I was just sexually attracted to them. Some call it being "aromantic" others call it being realistic. The more detached I became it became difficult for me to fall in love. I can find a person physically attractive but lose interest quickly. Relationships require a lot of vulnerability but we all know that vulnerability can be used as a manipulation tactic against someone. Out of all the women I dealt with, only a certain few I actually enjoyed cause they were cool mentally-wise,, others I just tolerated cause I wanted to just do the deed.

If the girl is cool, I don't mind spending my time and attention on her. I'm just very choosy in general with my presence because I enjoy solitude a lot.

Urges wise the more sexual control and selective a man becomes the more women find him attractive. He's not easily accessible nor cannot be manipulated for the sake of sex. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, familiarity breeds contempt. Women want what they cannot have. If man practiced sexual discipline instead of just giving out their attention out like raffle tickets to chicks, they'll progressed further in life. Mike Tyson said something similar to this.

The main problem with incels is they're always in a state of rage like this

Incels end up voluntarily shooting themselves in the foot before even jump starting the attraction. Gotta put in at least a bit effort to get results. Obviously not 0-1000 just enough for it to be subtle. A lot of incels have red-pill rage when they discover raw nature of female nature. Going through phases of hating women:picard:

End of the day date when you want too not because you have too.


May 17, 2012
the internet
Marriage is a decision you make to build a family, have a stable community and a life partner.
Its not about that tingly feeling in your stomach or great sex.

Men & women grew up with the fairytales and have grown up to actually believe in the BS.

Men still believe women are dating for love...
...and women are holding out for that 6 foot, 6 cert Coli breh that makes her p*ssy tingle.

Which is why the survival numbers are horrible...
...and you see so many single 30+ year old women.

Im watching this show Indian Matchmaking on Netflix and you see the shyt play out in the American Indian women.
They are 30+ and refuse to give any man that doesnt fit all their criteria a chance.

The matchmaker keeps trying to tell them bytches you aint gonna get everything you want...youre only going to get 60% to 70% but they wont listen.


Jan 1, 2018
I think men are more romantic than women.

Many people don't realize this but its the stone cold truth. The media, doing what they do, flip turned it upside down because women are ruthlessly pragmatic hence the stealing of husbands or cucking their man to raise the seed of who she truly wanted to reproduce when she settled for someone else or moving on quick to live their best life should the opportunity present without a blinked eyelid or regret. Men are very idealistic but won't admit it.

A mans affection flows all around 360 but a womans goes downward only meaning he can dole it out to his entire family but the apple of her eye will only ever be herself and her kids and the man is a quite literal means to an end. Its brutal but thats exactly how it is which is why women say things like "Who hurt you?" as they know how they do which is why they have a constantly rotating circle of friends and inauthentic relationships based on judgement and superficial interests along with in the now benefits.

Its quite amazing when seen metaphysically as its a perfectly opposing yin/yang spin that fuels reproduction and the propagation of a species who are born ridiculously helpless for such a long period. DNA commands in full effect. It is what it is because its effective.

Knowing this is in your best interests because the mistake men make is thinking women think like them when its quite opposite. Passion for your purpose on this planet fixes that problem real quick and a few others you never suspected as well because the world moves out of the way for a man on a mission and women find that supremely attractive because of what it signals.


Oct 9, 2012
Many people don't realize this but its the stone cold truth. The media, doing what they do, flip turned it upside down because women are ruthlessly pragmatic hence the stealing of husbands or cucking their man to raise the seed of who she truly wanted to reproduce when she settled for someone else or moving on quick to live their best life should the opportunity present without a blinked eyelid or regret. Men are very idealistic but won't admit it.

A mans affection flows all around 360 but a womans goes downward only meaning he can dole it out to his entire family but the apple of her eye will only ever be herself and her kids and the man is a quite literal means to an end. Its brutal but thats exactly how it is which is why women say things like "Who hurt you?" as they know how they do which is why they have a constantly rotating circle of friends and inauthentic relationships based on judgement and superficial interests along with in the now benefits.

Its quite amazing when seen metaphysically as its a perfectly opposing yin/yang spin that fuels reproduction and the propagation of a species who are born ridiculously helpless for such a long period. DNA commands in full effect. It is what it is because its effective.

Knowing this is in your best interests because the mistake men make is thinking women think like them when its quite opposite. Passion for your purpose on this planet fixes that problem real quick and a few others you never suspected as well because the world moves out of the way for a man on a mission and women find that supremely attractive because of what it signals.

Babymama Magnet

All Star
Nov 17, 2017
Many people don't realize this but its the stone cold truth. The media, doing what they do, flip turned it upside down because women are ruthlessly pragmatic hence the stealing of husbands or cucking their man to raise the seed of who she truly wanted to reproduce when she settled for someone else or moving on quick to live their best life should the opportunity present without a blinked eyelid or regret. Men are very idealistic but won't admit it.

A mans affection flows all around 360 but a womans goes downward only meaning he can dole it out to his entire family but the apple of her eye will only ever be herself and her kids and the man is a quite literal means to an end. Its brutal but thats exactly how it is which is why women say things like "Who hurt you?" as they know how they do which is why they have a constantly rotating circle of friends and inauthentic relationships based on judgement and superficial interests along with in the now benefits.

Its quite amazing when seen metaphysically as its a perfectly opposing yin/yang spin that fuels reproduction and the propagation of a species who are born ridiculously helpless for such a long period. DNA commands in full effect. It is what it is because its effective.

Knowing this is in your best interests because the mistake men make is thinking women think like them when its quite opposite. Passion for your purpose on this planet fixes that problem real quick and a few others you never suspected as well because the world moves out of the way for a man on a mission and women find that supremely attractive because of what it signals.

Lieutenant Daniels

I’m up for Major
Mar 11, 2022
Major case squad
Many people don't realize this but its the stone cold truth. The media, doing what they do, flip turned it upside down because women are ruthlessly pragmatic hence the stealing of husbands or cucking their man to raise the seed of who she truly wanted to reproduce when she settled for someone else or moving on quick to live their best life should the opportunity present without a blinked eyelid or regret. Men are very idealistic but won't admit it.

A mans affection flows all around 360 but a womans goes downward only meaning he can dole it out to his entire family but the apple of her eye will only ever be herself and her kids and the man is a quite literal means to an end. Its brutal but thats exactly how it is which is why women say things like "Who hurt you?" as they know how they do which is why they have a constantly rotating circle of friends and inauthentic relationships based on judgement and superficial interests along with in the now benefits.

Its quite amazing when seen metaphysically as its a perfectly opposing yin/yang spin that fuels reproduction and the propagation of a species who are born ridiculously helpless for such a long period. DNA commands in full effect. It is what it is because its effective.

Knowing this is in your best interests because the mistake men make is thinking women think like them when its quite opposite. Passion for your purpose on this planet fixes that problem real quick and a few others you never suspected as well because the world moves out of the way for a man on a mission and women find that supremely attractive because of what it signals.

I’ve learned the hard way that a woman will never love you the way you’ll love her and that’s ever apparent during a breakup.


Jan 1, 2018
Oh yes.

I'm not saying its a bad thing or a good thing. It just is because of how we're built and wired as standard equipment in order to ensure survival of the species as women invest a lot more than men in that respect so it makes sense. Not knowing this can be heartbreaking though as some men think its one thing and its quite different.

The flip is also possible if you've imprinted your women as the best who ever did it because its all energetics when you get down to it and if you're dealing what she can't get elsewhen she'll be down to ride. Literally and metaphorically.

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
I think men are more romantic than women.
But men are pushed to be that way too

MEDIA propoganda

The fairy tales are about men saving women
Boys are told to woo girls

Pull the moon out the sky to give to women

Girls are told to expect to be woo'ed and demand a man be romantic

Women are taught to receive
And even still complain like they the givers:dead: