The Lambo Pastor Caught Red Handed?


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State

True Or False: Woman Claims Pastor John Gray Allegedly Sweet Chariot Clapped Her Cheeks To Second Samuel Smithereens
Posted on 3 hours ago - ByBossip Staff


Source: Robin L Marshall / Getty


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John Gray and his wife Aventer Gray both appeared on “The Real” and reassured their followers that there was never a sexual affair that took place between the man of God and another woman. They instead said that the affair, while inappropriate, was only emotional.

“I did not sleep with anyone, there’s no baby, there’s none of that,” said Pastor John Gray. “And so it’s important for me to take “responsibility for the areas where I did come up short. Sharing things about my marriage outside of my wife and outside of trusted counselors is an emotional affair. It was wrong. I take responsibility for that.”

Now, with that said—there’s an anonymous woman who’s come forward with what’s she calling receipts and claims that John Gray “went up yonder” dress to Habakkuk hump her to Second Samuel smithereens.

YouTuber Larry Reid Live recently posted a lengthy video that included ALLEGED voicemails from Pastor John Gray to his alleged mistress. The woman who doesn’t want to be identified told Reid that she’d known John Gray for twenty years before he allegedly pursued her. The woman claimed that the man of God came to her after she got a divorce and went to him for counsel.

From there the woman claimed that she and the parishioner carried on an alleged sexual affair. She also claimed that throughout their tryst he would give her money and say damning things about his wife.

“I ran into an issue financially and he was just like absolutely. and it was a big deal. It was a really big thing. From that moment on, it started from there. It snowballed into ‘I just love you so much. I always loved you. I always thought about you. I always cared about you.’ Then he was going through the stuff with his wife and he was saying how he didn’t like her, didn’t love her, that he was never attracted to her, that he only married her because she looked good on paper. His exact words were, ‘She don’t suck. She don’t f*ck. She ain’t never washed a pair of my drawers.”

Voicemail starts at 1:02:50
