The Official Film Room Screenplay Feedback Thread

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
Week 1: Drew Wonder
Week 2: @VillanoVIII
Week 3: @satireprod
Week 4: @The Most Hated Ese

So I've been looking through the main Screenwriting thread and just from seeing some of the ideas as well as reading a TV spec script I realized there's some serious talent on the coli and a lot of people are working on screenplays. For me, feedback from an unbiased person on a script I'm working on is incredibly helpful. So with that in mind, I decided to create this thread.

The Rules

The submitted scripts can be feature length, TV pilot, short film or even a short scene.

Anyone who submits their script for feedback MUST also give feedback to other submitted scripts as well. So if you don't have the time or are unwilling to read and give feedback to one script a week, don't participate in the thread. That's the only way this is going to work. And anyone who doesn't have a script but just wants to read and give feedback is welcome to join in.

I will base the order of screenplays that are submitted for feedback on how quickly people volunteer in the thread. If you want to volunteer, just write "I volunteer" and I'll add you to the list. First come, first serve. For the first week, I'll submit my script to get the ball rolling.

On Sunday, we'll officially start with the first script. I'll PM all the volunteers the script and they will have a week to read and give feedback. As long as the writer is okay with it, feedback will be given in this thread. However, feedback can also be given only through PMs if the writer chooses that option. Every Sunday we'll look at the next script down the line.

For those giving feedback, be honest but don't be an asshole. The purpose of this thread is constructive criticism and suggestions. No trolling. On the flip side, for those who submit their screenplay, be ready for HONEST feedback. If you're overly sensitive about your work being criticized in any way, don't participate in this thread. The feedback can range from gut reactions, formatting notes, etc. and can be as long or short as you want. No rules when it comes to that. Just don't be an asshole as I said.

I HIGHLY recommend that everyone who participates in this thread register their script with the WGA or get it copyrighted if they haven't already. Here's a link to get it registered

Secure Script Registration

So yeah, that's pretty much it. Open to any suggestions or questions.

@Conz @satireprod @VillanoVIII @Ziggiy @1thouwow @Quantan @T-K-G @steadyrighteous @Slangtonomo @StraxStrax @AddictedToHoes @Stepintoaworld @osharif82 @trick @PlayerNinety_Nine @True Blue Moon @Sunalmighty @León de Oro @Kufi Kingston @storyteller @Muad'dib @Cadillac @Lanny Piffo @Otis Kane Jr. @ORDER_66 @KravenMorehead™ @Goat poster @86\*/98 @Shadow King @hex @MartyMcFly @Dominic Brehetto @satam55 @Danie84 @Deltron @FlyRy @Ebonic Plague @Atsym Sknyfs @jayshiggs @Kidd Dibiase @Weedizmedicine @Devilinurear @2 Up 2 Down @Milk N Cookies @NobodyReally @Still FloW @bobbiewishbone @Megadeus @Mowgli @Vincent van G.O.A.T. @Dr.Omega @valet @BelowTheMasonDixon @MrSlyyy @Cacdestroyer @Clutch Robinson @CBSwagga @SCJoe
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May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
I don't think you needed to make a thread if it's gonna be PMs. :heh:

I'll check in from time to time. I have a short script I was working on that I'd like to get feed on, but it's based on the Avatar/Korra world, so I think peeps will be lost if they never saw a show. :ld:

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
I don't think you needed to make a thread if it's gonna be PMs. :heh:

I'll check in from time to time. I have a short script I was working on that I'd like to get feed on, but it's based on the Avatar/Korra world, so I think peeps will be lost if they never saw a show. :ld:

Yeah I just suggested that because I know people are extra paranoid about getting their ideas stolen online. But open discussion in this thread would probably be the best as long as people are cool with it. And it doesn't matter what it's based on, if you got a script, want it read and are willing to read others, you're in. I'll add you to the list bruh