The Past 5 GOP Presidents Have Used Fraud and Treason to Steer Themselves to Electoral Victory


Feb 13, 2013
TN (east)
Reposting for the cheap seats...

Paul Manafort, Roger Stone Jr., and Lee Atwater


Jul 25, 2018
America is a complete failure.

America is a complete failure for me and you. This country, today more than ever, is the wildest dream of a small set of people who call themselves millionaires and billionaires. A nation of brainwashed idiots who will fight tooth and nail to defend the wealth of the rich but are convinced any policy that helps the poor is "crazy" "far left" and "socialist." A nation where we willingly and openly apply the law to its fullest extent only towards the poor but where rich white guys get away with everything short of murder.

Donald Trump manipulated a national election with the help of a hostile foreign government. Then as soon as he entered the White House he openly obstructed any attempt to have himself investigated. Fired or threatened to fire anyone who followed the rule of law rather than giving him "loyalty" including Sessions and Comey--essentially corrupting the insitutions in his favor. He shared intel with Russians prompting resignations of even human resources. He undermined our own confirmed intelligence in some dictator's favor....twice (Russia and Saudi Arabia), and when asled for national television about election interference in the future promised he would do the shyt again.

And in the end, after all these alarming offenses, a crotchety old Republican white man touted by the press as a stalwart patriot decided to grant him all types of strictly-by-the-books privileged legal technicalities Im sure he took glee never granting to poor folks back when he was director for the FBI. And then refused--with NOTHING holding him back; not even out of patriotism--to cooperate with House Dem hearings beyond offering cryptic messages buried in a "report" that he allowed other corrupt white men to fix and put out there for their own defense.

Democrats had to sit on that bullshyt report and bullshyt hearing and take all the blame for having nothing solid to prompt an impeachment hearing thanks to all these white men and their devoted silence for "the President."

It took the dumbass--completely emboldened and now brazen in his corruption--committing the same crime AGAIN for a whistleblower to finally come through and speak up. Trump was given every pass white privilege can offer with no regard for even national security. White men protected Trump as defiantly as they could.

We are only here now because no one, not even Nancy Pelosi, anticipated Trump's stupidity and criminality runs so deep he would do something this stupid. Nor did we anticipate that even stalwart, Department of Justice, career Republicans and special prosecutors can be corrupted into protecting Trump.

Regardless of this impeachment inquiry Trump's Presidency sent a message to this entire world: the United States government is barely a step up from a banana republic. A nation whos government has been overthrown and controlled by rich white men. Who's rule of law only applies to those who have nothing. Who's populace is thoroughly brainwashed by corporate America talking points to direct their anger at "liberals" "the left" "socialists" "immigrants" and other shyt while they write the laws, break the laws, install corrupt cronies, and reach into your wallet while no one touches theirs behind your back.

Trump is an idiot. He was always being taken advantage of by REAL power players behind the scenes for a higher purpose. His dumb ass can go down in humiliation for all they care. His election and his Presidency was VERY successful.


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO
No it's not. Its doing exactly what it was founded and designed to do. That my friend is success. YOu may not like what they doing, but its not a failure
I think thats something people kinda overlook or pretend not to see.... All this shyt happens because someone higher up is okay with it :mjpls:


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
America is a complete failure for me and you. This country, today more than ever, is the wildest dream of a small set of people who call themselves millionaires and billionaires. A nation of brainwashed idiots who will fight tooth and nail to defend the wealth of the rich but are convinced any policy that helps the poor is "crazy" "far left" and "socialist." A nation where we willingly and openly apply the law to its fullest extent only towards the poor but where rich white guys get away with everything short of murder.

Donald Trump manipulated a national election with the help of a hostile foreign government. Then as soon as he entered the White House he openly obstructed any attempt to have himself investigated. Fired or threatened to fire anyone who followed the rule of law rather than giving him "loyalty" including Sessions and Comey--essentially corrupting the insitutions in his favor. He shared intel with Russians prompting resignations of even human resources. He undermined our own confirmed intelligence in some dictator's favor....twice (Russia and Saudi Arabia), and when asled for national television about election interference in the future promised he would do the shyt again.

And in the end, after all these alarming offenses, a crotchety old Republican white man touted by the press as a stalwart patriot decided to grant him all types of strictly-by-the-books privileged legal technicalities Im sure he took glee never granting to poor folks back when he was director for the FBI. And then refused--with NOTHING holding him back; not even out of patriotism--to cooperate with House Dem hearings beyond offering cryptic messages buried in a "report" that he allowed other corrupt white men to fix and put out there for their own defense.

Democrats had to sit on that bullshyt report and bullshyt hearing and take all the blame for having nothing solid to prompt an impeachment hearing thanks to all these white men and their devoted silence for "the President."

It took the dumbass--completely emboldened and now brazen in his corruption--committing the same crime AGAIN for a whistleblower to finally come through and speak up. Trump was given every pass white privilege can offer with no regard for even national security. White men protected Trump as defiantly as they could.

We are only here now because no one, not even Nancy Pelosi, anticipated Trump's stupidity and criminality runs so deep he would do something this stupid. Nor did we anticipate that even stalwart, Department of Justice, career Republicans and special prosecutors can be corrupted into protecting Trump.

Regardless of this impeachment inquiry Trump's Presidency sent a message to this entire world: the United States government is barely a step up from a banana republic. A nation whos government has been overthrown and controlled by rich white men. Who's rule of law only applies to those who have nothing. Who's populace is thoroughly brainwashed by corporate America talking points to direct their anger at "liberals" "the left" "socialists" "immigrants" and other shyt while they write the laws, break the laws, install corrupt cronies, and reach into your wallet while no one touches theirs behind your back.

Trump is an idiot. He was always being taken advantage of by REAL power players behind the scenes for a higher purpose. His dumb ass can go down in humiliation for all they care. His election and his Presidency was VERY successful.

Add to that

Supreme Court is basically an ark of the GOP


Jul 25, 2018
Hard to argue when nearly half the people on the highest court in the country were installed by illegitimate presidents.

Yes, and if Trump wins a second term, RBG kicks the bucket and then the GOP--now an open and about corrupt, racist party of Donald Trump--has all the tools they need to overturn an entire generation of civil rights progress. Voter suppression and redlining tactics will become constitutional (gerrymandering is already being upheld), while affirmative action and other such civil rights measures will become unconstitutional. Just like that, overnight. All gone. Poof.

And then all the fake woke jokers who don't know shyt about politics, passively voting Republican by committing to vote against Democrats and whining about an exclusive black agenda will have to learn the very hard way that an agenda to defend our rights and help advance our prosperity was embedded in the Democrat party platform already. Our ancestors risked life and limb so that we can have SOME sort of political power to at least vote. The LEAST of a contribution any one of us can make to our families, our communities, our government, and our society is to vote; participate. But a whole new generation of kids who get their life advice from YouTube decided to tune out, withdraw and hand over that voting power when it was more important than ever, and then bytch all day on social media while doing nothing productive about it. This is the height of activism in 2019...


KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015
Hard to argue when nearly half the people on the highest court in the country were installed by illegitimate presidents.

Sam Seder tried to proselytize about this going into 2016 and it is why Jimmy Dore is no longer at TYT.

The greatest myth that Scalia and Republican judges have put forth is their originalist construction and that they don’t engage in judicial activism.
Allowing this many conservative SC justices will control policy direction for decades.


All Star
May 9, 2012
Get rid of the Electoral College, and you see how many more national elections these Republicans can win :lolbron:

13 states already abandoned it.......when this picks up, a lot of people gonna be shocked.
Once Texas turns blue it wont even matter and that is coming pretty soon, but im sure theyll figure out some other way to cheat


All Star
May 9, 2012
Sam Seder tried to proselytize about this going into 2016 and it is why Jimmy Dore is no longer at TYT.

The greatest myth that Scalia and Republican judges have put forth is their originalist construction and that they don’t engage in judicial activism.
Allowing this many conservative SC justices will control policy direction for decades.
Sam Seder really bodied Jimmy Dore in that impromptu debate they had