The PS4 And Xbox One Have An 'Exclusive' Problem


Aug 7, 2012
New Jersey
The disappointing release of The Order: 1886 has kicked off all sorts of debates and discussions about game length, review scores, ‘cinematic’ gameplay and quick-time events over the past few weeks. It’s a touchstone that can lead to a dissection of many things that ail the gaming industry at present, yet I find myself looking at is as more worrisome evidence that the two biggest players in the console space, PS4 and Xbox One, are losing their touch when it comes to creating and/or cultivating exclusives for their platform.

The Order is a PS4 exclusive, so perhaps this entire article could be about Sony, but just because Microsoft hasn’t made a misstep this month, we still need to look at the larger trend for both systems. Neither has been able to set themselves apart by amassing anything approaching a stable of must-have exclusive games, now more than a year since each console’s release. And looking ahead, there are only a few select potential bright points on the horizon.


If you asked me to name the best PS4 exclusive in existence right now, to me there’s really only one answer. That would be Infamous: Second Son, as any other pick would seem disingenuous at best (would anyone really say Killzone: Shadow Fall?) or be full of caveats (The Last of Us Remastered, which seems like cheating).

Given that Sony has given us such exclusive classics in the past like Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of the Colossus, Heavy Rain and God of War, it’s a strange place to be. An if we’re being honest, Infamous is really only “good” in a sea of bad-to-mediocre titles.

Sony has endured a string of high profile exclusive letdowns, starting with Knack, a seemingly creative launch game that ended up being a complete disaster in practice. Driveclub was an ho-hum racer to begin with, but was marred by persistent online issues at launch. Little Big Planet 3 feels discarded and uncared for, loaded with bugs and lingering issues that no one seems eager to fix. And now we have The Order: 1886, perhaps the most important misstep at all, the attempted birth of a new franchise from veteran Sony developers, yet one that has debuted to shockingly low review scores which are content to overlook its production value to focus on its obvious failures as an actual game.

So where does that leave Sony in 2015? With arguably two “major” exclusive releases, and I would wager only one will have mass-market appeal.

The one that probably won’t have it? Bloodborne, a quasi-evolution of Demon’s/Dark Souls from the mastermind of those games, Hidetaka Miyazaki. All indications point to a quality release, but that’s hardly a sure thing in this day and age. And the punishing difficulty that comes with the Souls games may lead to relatively niche interest in the game when all is said and done. That said, a great game is a great game, however niche, and Sony desperately needs one.
Lastly, of course, we have Uncharted 4, the only weapon in Sony’s arsenal that seems like it could have the potential to be the kind of game-changing uber-blockbuster they need. So far, the visuals and gameplay that demos have put on display are impressive, but Uncharted 4 comes with a fair amount of baggage with much of the core team of the series leaving during production, including game director Justin Richmond and series writer Amy Hennig. The game was taken over by The Last of Us duo Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley, certainly a capable team, but a somewhat unsettling departure for the series all the same.

In the end, it’s an odd situation when in over a year of release, the PS4 has only one quality exclusive to its name, and it will be lucky if it has two or three by the end of 2015. And yet, things aren’t much better for…


Given that Killzone: Shadow Fall was the only moderately worthwhile Sony exclusive when the PS4 launched, Microsoft might have had an advantage early on with their games line-up had the Kinect not mucked everything up. I would argue none of the Xbox One’s launch games are terribly memorable, but Forza, Dead Rising 3 and Ryse settled with being “adequate,” even if they were far from the new Halo game everyone wished had shipped at launch.

And after that? Microsoft kicked off the Disappointment Party that made up most of 2014 with the release of Titanfall, a game that was hyped by them, fans, and the press right up until the moment of its release. Despite quality shooter mechanics, the game itself was content-sparse, offering only a select few multiplayer modes and an anemic “campaign” that was simply a string of multiplayer matches with radio voiceovers. Though Respawn worked tirelessly to add more to the game in time, it’s hard to think of Titanfall as success at this point and its sales numbers have never been publicly discussed. And given its rocky start on Xbox One, it’s clear to all parties that EA’s exclusivity deal with Microsoft was a failed experiment, and so even if the sequel does manage to show dramatic improvement, there’s no way it won’t make it to Sony’s PS4 as well.

But what happened in the fall of last year made the Titanfall launch look like a smash hit. Microsoft was poised to lay claim to one of the best games of the year, an extensive remaster of four of their most popular games ever in the form of Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Instead, what followed was one of the biggest botched launches in video game history, a distinction that doesn’t seem over-dramatic given the fact that over three months later, the game’s multiplayer component is still borderline unplayable due to lingering issues that 343 has been slow to fix. Microsoft had a prime cut of steak that they dropped on the floor, and instead of picking it up and brushing it off, they’ve now left it there for months.

Weirdly, the Xbox One’s best exclusive game mirrors PS4’s. Infamous: Second Son and Sunset Overdrive could be cousins, both superpowered, open world sandboxes with a sense of humor. Overdrive is a bit more zany, and a new franchise, which is refreshing, but both are probably the best exclusives for their systems at present. Even still, it’s a sad state of affairs when the best console exclusives on the top two selling systems fail to crack nearly any critics’ top ten lists for the year.

All of this leads to 2015, where Microsoft has not yet had their own “The Order” style let-down (though many refer to The Order as Sony’s Ryse). But again, their exclusive line-up for this year seems heavily reliant on one title, and seems to have no “sure things.”

A few have potential, sure. We really have no idea what to expect from the high concept Quantum Break. Crackdown could be another fun sandbox romp like Second Son or Sunset, but hopefully make more of an impact. And Fable Legends? I’m not sure how much faith there is in that series at this point, and it’s undergoing a massive shift into unbalanced 4v1 multiplayer.
So that leaves Microsoft’s Uncharted-equivalent, Halo 5, which seems to be the only true potential blockbuster in their line-up. Halo 5 has debuted with an impressive beta that seems to show 343 is returning to the roots of what made the series great, and yet the game still can’t reside safely in the “sure thing” category, given how badly the developer has mangled The Master Chief Collection. No matter how great Halo 5 could be, a botched launch that’s even half as bad as MCC’s will be an utter disaster for the game, and in turn, Microsoft.

What’s Happening?

It’s getting harder and harder for these companies to hold onto exclusives unless they’re directly made by them. Sony used to have Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy in their pocket until those went multiplatform. Microsoft has lost Titanfall and had to shell out big bucks to keep Gears of War in their roster, though a game in that series hasn’t even been announced yet.

Now they’re so desperate for exclusives, they’re now backing games on the promise of even timed exclusivity, which is what Microsoft is doing with the new Tomb Raider sequel. Sony almost did the same with Street Fighter 5, but paid just enough to keep it off Xbox One supposedly for good, though they share it with PC similar to what Microsoft had to do with Titanfall.

Meanwhile, third party multiplatform games continue to win the day. The vast majority of the best console games of last year were released for both systems with few differences between them. That includes Shadow of Mordor, Wolfenstein, Dragon Age, Far Cry, Destiny, Call of Duty and many, many more. These are the games that rounded out the year’s top ten lists, yet Microsoft and Sony exclusives were usually nowhere to be found.

Nintendo, of course, exists on its own little island where it continues to pump out quality first party releases that are among the best games of the year, every year. But the paradox there still makes many hesitant to buy a Wii U, as you’re trading every single other third party game to have access to Nintendo’s catalog. It’s why the Wii U still exists best as a supplementary system, which is not a great place to be in the market. As ever, if Nintendo could have a powerful console that attracted full third party support to join its first party roster of hits, it would be unstoppable. But for years now, that’s seemed like an impossible dream.

All of this has created a landscape where now at equal price points, the Xbox One and PS4 are literal mirrors of one another, right down to their only worthwhile exclusive being a zany sandbox superhero game. Everything else, 95% of the “best” games for the system, is shared, and now comparison points are getting downright nitpicky. Do you like the feel of the Dualshock more? Do you like Xbox’s cable box input? Do the PS4′s sleek angles look better in your living room? It’s nothing but minutiae, with few significant differences between the consoles.

Obviously this can change in time as more games are released, but again, looking ahead, it still seems like in two years each console will have only one potential opportunity for a blockbuster release, Halo for Xbox One and Uncharted for PS4. For that to be the most significant deciding point between the consoles is bizarre, and we’re a long, long way from the console wars of generation’s past.

I can't disagree with him, I still haven't seen anything that has yet to amaze me from neither. Neither of system is better or worse than the other as of right now


May 1, 2012


Aug 7, 2012
New Jersey
Honestly I think the Wii U would be landsliding both PS4 and X1 if the 3rd party devs made games for's fukked up that they won't and given the fact that they still make games for PS3 and Xbox 360..there's literally no excuse for them to be treating Nintendo the way they have been...

Yeah, i don't own a Wii but, exclusively, it's destroying both so called next gen consoles


Aug 21, 2014
Sony keeps pushing :trash: Sony fanboys will eat it up as long as it runs at 1080p, 60fps :yeshrug:

The greatness of gaming compared to other forms of media resides on interactivity and when you have the freedom to create your own unique experiences.

If i wanted to watch scripted shyt i would go to the cinema. Gameplay first, always.

Sony and their games with heavy use of cinematics and quick time events need to:camby:


May 6, 2012
Sony keeps pushing :trash: Sony fanboys will eat it up as long as it runs at 1080p, 60fps :yeshrug:

The greatness of gaming compared to other forms of media resides on interactivity and when you have the freedom to create your own unique experiences.

If i wanted to watch scripted shyt i would go to the cinema. Gameplay first, always.

Sony and their games with heavy use of cinematics and quick time events need to:camby:

M$ keeps pushing :trash: Larrybox fanboys will eat it up as long as it runs at 880p, 28fps :yeshrug:

The greatness of gaming compared to other forms of media resides on interactivity and when you have the freedom to create your own unique experiences.

If i wanted to view scripted shyt i would read a graphic novel. Gameplay first, always.

M$ and their games with heavy use of cinematics and quick time events need to :camby:

Last edited:


May 1, 2012
:snoop: just look at the exclusives coming this year, why are gamers so negative

PS4 owners will eat starting next month, and Wii U owners always eating

only xbox fans will continue to starve, acting like halo 5 and fable will be good


May 8, 2012
Honestly I think the Wii U would be landsliding both PS4 and X1 if the 3rd party devs made games for's fukked up that they won't and given the fact that they still make games for PS3 and Xbox 360..there's literally no excuse for them to be treating Nintendo the way they have been...[/QUOTE]

I think you mean how Nintendo treats 3rd party developers. Nintendo is a very arrogant company.