The Underappreciated Genius Of K-Rino's Song Deprogrammed

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
This song is 1 of the most underappreciated genius songs in Hip Hop history, the concept and then the execution.

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Deprogramming refers to measures aimed at bringing a person that has been indoctrinated into a given belief system to recognize that s/he has been indoctrinated so as to gain his or her agreement to abandon allegiance to the religious, political, economic, or social group associated with the belief system

The album itself is a conceptual classic but I wanted this to focus on the specific song.

To outline the concept simply it is a story track but with a message....

K-Rino plays the role of the doctor, trying to help a patient that has been programmed by the system, the systematic negativity in the music industry, like being beaten in the head at every corner with negative destructive music, hearing it all the time, the deliberate programming and also through other things in society that brainwash, like false religions, Hollywood (Burn Hollywood Burn) etc.

So the first verse starts with K-Rino sitting in his office mediatating when a new patient comes in, he diagnoses his condition quickly and starts treatment, which initially consists of a pill, similar to The Matrix but also there's metaphorical elements at play because also the music which the listener is hearing and the album as a whole IS the pill in a sense.

The chorus, highlights the resistance of the patient, who is also just a mere representation of society and certain music listeners at large, but he potently says you'll thank me when I'm through. Because often when people wake up from out of brainwashing eventually they are thankful and grateful they have done so. And they are able to be more constructive and productive.

The 2nd verse again starts off with more resistance from the patient, physical and mental even after being treated, this particular patient was DEEPLY brainwashed so the resistance was an extreme case. Then he goes on to say, in a really dope way actually cause you can visualize it, that he hooked his brain up to a projector screen to analyse him and it shows like a history of his thoughts, dreams, ideas, and it goes to some of the root causes of the programming and manipulation. There was still rejection even during this process...

"When the needle spiked hard I got anxious
I saw how the dangerous language came through his subconscious chambers
Initiating gradual changes that were rendering him brainless
The power blew and shorted out the main switch"

The needle spiked and the doctor (K-Rino) got anxious and worried for the patient, because there was so much rejection, and he saw how the dangerous language and messages within the music he was being exposed/programmed by was effecting him subconsciously, and gradually as a process how it was effecting him and destroying his intellect and morality, just as he did this because of the persistent resistance the power blew and shorted.....

3rd verse he used 1 of his mechanisms to power the generator and started to analyse him further, filling his conscious with both positive and negative to monitor his responses and reactions to each. So with the negative he reacted positively to, and anything positive his mind rejected due to the programming. If you listen/read you will then see how he tries to encourage the patient verbally while stating that it was DELIBERATLY designed to have to effect on you, to OVERTAKE you as he put it, which is perfect word usage from a lyrical perspective. He elaborates on this too, it's what they specifically have done to stagnate people and keep their true potential hidden, unlocked and untapped. If you are taking in negative in you constantly what do you become? A product of what you take inside you. He also mentions radio placement within this as 1 of the tools that is used, why do you think we have to hear the SAME songs over and over again?. Anyway during treatment he was hoping for improvement but it wasn't getting better, the patient started yelling "turn up" and doing funny dances, this also is an example of the masterful execution within the song, even in a serious conceptual message filled story track he's able to add humour in it even though it is humour within the backdrop of truth. So he seemed to be getting even worse and this worried the doctor, a potent multi dimensional line is "he would die if I don't stop this ignorance from reigning". So now the time was running out to save the patient, and the doctor had never lost a patient before, so the pressure was growing and growing, so he decided to take more extreme measures and handle it directly and inject some of his own intellect into the patient physically to help get him in a stable condition, this was a risky strategy though because if it didn't work he would lose all of his own brain fluid and become contaminated himself, even his intern begged him not to do it but he insisted cause he wanted to save his patient so much, this is also an indication to how those who sacrifice for others sometimes even have to risk or give their life for the cause, whether it's in music or otherwise. Anyway, the doctor continued the process and even though it wasn't easy the patient was healed and successfully deprogrammed, but the doctor now wasn't responding, despite them trying to resuscitate him and read the bible and all sorts, so they considered him a martyr and were grateful for his self sacrifice to save the patient, so they put his body in the ocean as a burial and mourned him, but crazily enough they were shoked when they returned and saw him in his office acting normal, and watching TV lol....

The last bars.....

They came back to the building walked inside and nearly lost it
Looked down the hall and saw me watching TV in my office
Drinking a cup of coffee, relaxed trying to chill
As the patient tried to hug me, I just handed him the bill
Everyone was like, "We thought you had suffered sure disaster"
I said, "Yes, I know that's why you're the students and I'm the master"

Unadulterated genius, in an age where we have so many "rappers" talking some of the most nonsensical childish meaningless shyt we get a conceptual masterpiece like this.

Now let's gauge from the responses who does and doesn't need to be Deprogrammed.......

[Verse 1: K-Rino]
As I pondered the thought of evolving as an artist
I was inside of my office meditating in the darkness
An uncomfortable pounding was hitting in my chest
When the patient walked in I was sitting at my desk
As my thought reached it's height, the room became bright
Then I stood up and slapped him for turning on the light
Then I told him to be seated as he started to explain
How the negative influences had targeted his brain
"The ratchetness defeated my ability to fight it
I know that it's atrocious but somehow I've grown to like it"
In one minute I deciphered the symptoms, "Shut up and listen
You've been poisoned and conditioned through audio repetition
And media false religions and visual exhibitions
The medicine to the sickness requires no prescription"
I opened up a cabinet a container was revealed
Then I told him to, "Be still, lay back and take this pill"

[Chorus : K-Rino]
"What are you tryna do?" "I'm going to deprogram you"
"What are you going to do?" "I'm going to deprogram you"
"No just let me go, I can't stand you, doctor damn you"
"You'll thank me when I'm through, just let me deprogram you"

[Verse2: K-Rino]
It was obvious his mind was rejecting cause he was choking
Three seconds after he took it his body started convulsing
I've been doing this for years, I'm trained, I'm not a novice
So I recognized quickly an exorcism was in progress
The process wasn't clean, he was harder to redeem
This was one of the most extreme cases I'd ever seen
I expected little resistance but never a rejecter
Hooked his brain up to this thing that showed his thoughts on a projector screen
Every idea and dream he ever dreamed
Told my secretary Jean to bring me a nectarine
As I ate it I sat back and let the method take it's course
It rewound back eventually landing at the source
When the needle spiked hard I got anxious
I saw how the dangerous language came through his subconscious chambers
Initiating gradual changes that were rendering him brainless
The power blew and shorted out the main switch

[Chorus : K-Rino]
"What are you tryna do?" "I'm going to deprogram you"
"What are you going to do?" "I'm going to deprogram you"
"No just let me go, I can't stand you, doctor damn you"
"You'll thank me when I'm through, just let me deprogram you"

[Verse 3: K-Rino]
My maintenance coordinator powered the generator
Then I placed him into great situational simulator
Filled his conscience with both beneficial and nonsense
Featured good and evil and monitored his responses
With weaker content his vessel paraded about
Anything positive, he regurgitated it out
I leaned over the table to scream, "Don't let it break you"
This fake music was specially designed to overtake you"
The superficial nature of this garbage I revealed
"It's an audio mirage this stuff is not even real
It's only a spell they sent to keep your true potential in the basement
Demented strategic radio placement"
I thought it would get better but then I saw no chances
He started yelling, "Turn up" and doing funny dances
He seemed to be getting worse than he was when he came in
I hollered for my intern to come help me restrain him
He would die if I couldn't stop the ignorance from reigning
The clock was ticking down only two minutes remaining
To save him I was racing but he gave no indication
My track record's impeccable, I've never lost a patient
So failure I never knew, each second the pressure grew
Came to the conclusion there was only one thing left to do
He's nearly a vegetable, I have to handle this directly
Laid on the table next to him, told my intern to connect me
And effectively inject more intellect till he was stable
Similar to car batteries connected with jumper cables
But if it didn't work I would lose all my brain fluid
My intern said, "Please don't". I said, "Shut up and do it"
When he plugged me to try it sparks flew from the wires
The lights were flicking on and off,the room was on fire
And purple communication after that was non-verbal
The screen said, "Total completion of transferral"
The course had ran thorough but something was still concerning
In silence both of us were laid motionless on the gurney
The patient's eyes opened as the Sun beamed through the window
My team started removing the chords from our temples
He raised up and said he was healed, "The method's proven"
They waited for me to respond, still I wasn't moving
They entertained the thought that I had let my tactics break me
They did everything in their power to resuscitate me
One of them read the bible as I laid there idle
And multiple devices were used to check the vitals
They shocked me, medicated me but still wasn't recovering
They worked to bring me back a whole hour but still nothing
Then grateful for my sacrifice and all of my devotion
They drove me 700 miles and placed me in the ocean
I floated out to sea as they cried and started grieving
They stayed the entire evening, said some words before leaving
They travelled home mourning the demise of the doctor
Returned to the facility to empty out their lockers
They came back to the building walked inside and nearly lost it
Looked down the hall and saw me watching TV in my office
Drinking a cup of coffee, relaxed trying to chill
As the patient tried to hug me, I just handed him the bill
Everyone was like, "We thought you had suffered sure disaster"
I said, "Yes, I know that's why you're the students and I'm the master

[Outro: K-Rino]
"Now get back to work"
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The Beast

Jan 15, 2015
Do you think Rino would ever collab with Drake? I think their styles could work well together.

are you being serious?


The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Looks like garbage.

"They entertained the thought that I had let my tactics break me"

you call this lyricism? shyt doesnt even make sense... puttin words together just to match


LMAO. You are DUMB as fukk lol. If you had followed the story, which you are probably incapable of given your LACK of intellect then you'd know it meant that his team entertained the thought that his tactic of trying to directly help the patient had ended up destroying him, so by being so personally involved had damaged/killed himself in the process.

You dumb as fukk, you should be ashamed to have the word intellectual in your name, even though you patently can't even spell it properly lol.

Keep listening to your "Drizzy Drake" and "champagne papi" bullshyt because your intellect isn't advanced enough to grasp such a concept.

This is lyricism, and K-Rino is the pinnacle of lyricism....

The pinnacle of lyricism to you as you have professed is....

"rain like a slight chance of rain when it's raining"

"you're like a contemporary museum of art, that farts"

"the flow is tight, SKINNY JEANS, SKINNY JEANS"


Will add on the many more if necessary if and when you reply.
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The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Good god, listen to this Nintendo Entertainment System beat :heh:

poor lyrics and poor beat
nikka switch up ya flow, your shyt is garbage :scusthov:

The lyrics are impeccable, nothing wrong with the beat and suits the song perfectly, and the flow is absolutely exceptional, how he has the consistent steady flow when necessary and the more rapid flow when required. To have that rhyme dismount and flow considering the lyrical proficiency, vocabulary and articulateness of the lyrics is sheer mastery. It's also ironic and humorous to me that YOU would come in hating lol, you perfectly corroborate and emphasise the accurateness of the song, and you are so deeply programmed you don't even see how lmao.... This is like a perfect psychological human experiment and you are the ignorant guinea pig that is proving the reality of the philosophy and assessment, we need stupid mindless drones like you to prove genius's like K-Rino's words. This is your purpose in life, to be the nemesis of righteousness and intellect with evil and ignorance, you are the balance, how would we know what real and great is without fake and terrible like you?
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The Beast

Jan 15, 2015
Good god, listen to this Nintendo Entertainment System beat :heh:

poor lyrics and poor beat
nikka switch up ya flow, your shyt is garbage :scusthov:

this sh*t's too advanced for you
"what are you going to do?" :scust:

fukk you listenin to eurocac?

NEGGED.... in my short time on here, you and @Yoda have to be 2 of the biggest d*ckheads to run they're mouths on here, you quite clearly haven't got a clue about Hip Hop nor the culture so you spend your time trying to get under people's skin. breh You listen to Drake lmao your opinion holds no weight when you listen to that fake mo'f*cker, your profile pic is of the man who had been identified as the guy to shoot/kill Biggie? Your a f*ckin idiot?


The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
"what are you going to do?" :scust:

fukk you listenin to eurocac?

You are gigantically reaching, there are literally no wack bars in the whole song so you are reaching enormously, to the point it makes literally NO sense because it all fits the consistent coherent creative masterful concept and content of the song.

Lmao, eurocac? So you idolize half Jewish lullaby nursery rhyme artist like Drake yet diss arguably the most pro black Hip Hop artist in existence, your hypocrisy holds no bounds.