The White Nationalist Presidency - updated 5/5/19

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Racist and race-baiting statements by Trump since January 20, 2017


Jan 25: Trump falsely claims that two people were shot in Chicago while Obama was making a speech there.

Jun 30: Trump claims that crime and killings in Chicago have reached "epidemic proportions". He makes at least 15 more statements attacking the murder rate in Chicago during the first 2 years of his presidency

Sep 23: Trump attacks NFL players who protest police brutality and racial injustice, suggesting team owners should say, “Get that son of a bytch off the field right now. Out. He’s fired. He’s fired!”

Sep 24: Trump attacks NFL players for "disrespecting the flag" and states they should be fired or suspended.

Sep 30: Trump states that Puerto Ricans “want everything to be done for them,” and claims that their leaders are "politically motivated ingrates" who are “not able to get their workers to help."

Nov 27: At an event addressing Native American vets, Trump claims that he knows of a Native American in D.C. and calls Warren "Pocahontas"

Dec 23: Trump says about Haitian immigrants, "They all have AIDS" and claims that Nigerian immigrants would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America.


Jan 11: Trump asks, "Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out," and refers to African nations as "shytholes." He suggests more immigrants from places like Norway.

Mar 10: Trump repeatedly refers to U.S. Maxine Waters as "a very low I.Q. individual", following it with “You ever see her? You ever seen her? You ever see her?”

Apr 18: Trump refers to immigrants in sanctuary cities as "crime infested and breeding"

May 17: Trump refers to some of the immigrants coming into the country as "animals"

Mar 18: Trump announces that the death penalty should be expanded to drug dealers

May 21: A White House press release is titled: "What You Need To Know About The Violent Animals Of MS-13." The statement refers to MS-13 members as "animals" six times.

May 23: Trump states, "They're not people. These are animals."

May 23: In reference to NFL players: "You have to stand proudly for the National Anthem or you shouldn't be playing. You shouldn't be there. Maybe you shouldn't be in the country."

May 24: Trump states, "Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept."

Jun 5: After several Philadelphia Eagles refuse to attend the White House gathering out of disagreement with Trump's policies, Trump falsely claims that they were anthem protesters.

Jun 14: Trump states regarding the NFL protests, "They're all saying, 'oh, it has nothing to do with the flag, it's the way we've been treated.' In the meantime, they're making $15,000,000 a year ... they shouldn't get the politics involved."

Jun 18: Trump claims that migrants in Germany have "strongly and violently changed their culture"

Jun 19: Trump claims that Democrats want illegal immigrants, "to pour into and infest our country."

Jun 24: Trump speaks of, "Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person."

Jul 5: Trump states, "I said it the other day, yes, [Maxine Waters] is a low-IQ individual. Honestly, she's somewhere in the mid-60s, I believe." This is the 7th time in 2018 that he referred to Maxine Waters as low-IQ.

Jul 13: Trump says immigration is "a shame" and Europe is "losing its culture" by allowing large numbers of refugees to enter. He says it "changed the fabric of Europe".

Jul 25: Trump tweets that Stacey Adams is a "crime loving opponent".

Aug 3: Trump tweets, "Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do." It was the 3rd time that Trump had insulted Lemon's intelligence.

Aug 9: Trump tweets, "The NFL players are at it again - taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem. Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their 'outrage' at something that most of them are unable to define."

Aug 13: Trump refers to the fired Omarosa, the only AA on the senior staff in the White House, as "not smart", "vicious", a "crazed crying lowlife", and a "dog."'

Sep 15: Trump launches into a series of attacks on Jemele Hill and claims she is responsible for ESPN's ratings "tanking"

Oct 30: Trump claims Andrew Gillum is a "thief".

Nov 1: Trump releases one of the most racist ads in US election history, equating refugee seekers from Central America with a cop-killer from Mexico.

Nov 1: Trump claims that Stacey Abrams is "not qualified" to be governor of Georgia

Nov 7: When Black reporter Yamiche Alcindor asked if Trump's nationalism encouraged white nationalists, Trump replied, "That is such a racist question. Honestly, I know you have it written down and you're going to tell me 'What do you think?' That is a racist question."

Nov 8: When Black reporter April Ryan asked Trump about voter suppression, he ordered, “Sit down. Sit down." Later he called her "nasty" and "a loser" and said she needed to learn to respect him.

Nov 10: When Black reporter Abby Phillip asked if Trump wanted the new AG to reign in Mueller, Trump responded, “What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question. But I watch you a lot. You ask a lot of stupid questions.”

Nov 19: Trump publicly attacks LaVar Ball and three UCLA bball players and states that he should have left them in jail because they didn't show him proper respect


Jan 14: Trump mockingly referenced Wounded Knee while making fun of Senator Elizabeth Warren

Feb 9: Trump mocking referenced the Trail of Tears while making fun of Senator Elizabeth Warren

Feb 24: Trump falsely accuses Spike Lee of making a "racist hit" against him and brags that he's done more for AA than almost any other president.

Apr 12: Trump combined an Ilhan Omar quote with footage of 9/11 in a tweet that leads to death threats against the Congresswoman

Support for racists and White Nationalists

Dec 13: Trump announces that Stephen Miller, an anti-immigration activist with a history of racist and race-baiting statements, will be a special adviser to the president


Jan 24: Trump appoints Stephen Gorka, who has connections to Neo-Nazi groups in Hungary. Later Gorka blames crime on "black African gun crime against black Africans" and states "Black young men are murdering each other by the bushel", claiming that what is needed is to "Allow the police to do their jobs and rebuild those societies."

Jan 25: Trump removes a picture of the Statue of Liberty from the Oval Office and replaces it with a picture of Andrew Jackson, a slaveowner famous for his military campaigns against Native Americans and instigation of the "Trail of Tears"

Jan 27: After the State Department drafts a statement celebrating National Holocaust Remembrance Day, President Trump replaces it with a statement which does not mention Jewish people at all.

Jan 29: Trump appoints Steve Bannon to the new position of "Chief Strategist." Bannon promoted a racist novel, "The Camp of the Saints", and was seen as an incubator of White Nationalism as head of Breitbart, which featured a section titled "Black crime" during Bannon's leadership.

Feb 8: Trump's appointee Jeff Sessions is confirmed as Attorney General. Sessions was previously rejected by the Senate due to a history of racist statements and actions against civil rights for Black people.

Aug 9: After 3 White men attempt to bomb an Islamic center, Gorka excuses Trump's silence on the matter by falsely claiming that a series of recent hate crimes "turned out to actually have been propagated by the left."

Aug 12: After a White Nationalist murders a counterprotester and injures 35 others during the "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, President Trump fails to condemn the White Nationalists, claiming that there were "very fine people on both sides."

Aug 15: Trump blames "both sides," falsely claims that protesters were just quietly supporting the Robert E. Lee statue, and condemns counter-protesters for acting “very, very violently.”

Aug 17: Trump states that it is "Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments" and "the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!"

Aug 22: Trump states at a rally that those who are attempting to take down Confederate statues, "They’re trying to take away our culture. They’re trying to take away our history."

Aug 31: Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin delays the Obama-era plan to replace racist slaveowner Andrew Jackson's image on the $20 bill with that of Harriet Tubman. The Trump administration has still not announced intentions to move forward with the replacement.

Aug 26: The DOJ states that Sheriff Joe Arpaio had presided over the worst pattern of racial profiling in American history and finds him in contempt of court for continued "extreme racial profiling and sadistic punishments." Trump pardons Arpaio as his first presidential pardon, citing his “life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration."

Nov 29: Trump retweets three inflammatory anti-Muslim videos from Jayda Fransen, deputy head of the ultranationalist "Britain First" party. The videos were later shown to be fake or misrepresented.


Feb 15: DHS releases an anti-immigrant document with a 14-word title: "We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again." This is a dog-whistle to the White Nationalist slogan known explicitly as "14 words": “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Mar 1: Trump nominates David Otis to the US Sentencing Commission, an agency created to reduce sentencing disparities, despite Otis's calls to banish the commission and his history of racially charged statements about crime.

May 25: Trump nominates Ronald Mortensen to head the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, despite his position as a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, an anti-immigrant think tank founded by notorious White Nationalist John Tanton

Jun 13: Trump tweets an endorsement of Virginia Senate candidate Corey Stewart, an associate of White Nationalists who made his name defending symbols of the Confederacy

Aug 23: Trump promotes the White Nationalist conspiracy theory that White South African farmers are being subjected to "large scale killing" and the stealing of their land.

Oct 10: Trump appears at a rally for White Nationalist U.S. Rep Steve King, refusing to pull his endorsement even after King endorsed a notorious White Supremacist running for mayor of Toronto.

Oct 23: Trump announces that he is a "Nationalist"

Oct 29: After an anti-semite murders 11 people a synagogue, Trump refuses to condemn his White Nationalist views and instead blames the "fake news media"

Oct 29: Trump states that he is going to order an end to birthright citizenship

Nov 29: Trump's attempt to nominate Thomas Farr to a District Court position falls apart after he is revealed to have been behind a notorious anti-Black voter intimidation campaign in North Carolina.


Jan 3: Trump praises Brazil's hard-right president the same day that president rolls back land protections for indigenous people and the descendants of slaves. Bolsonaro once called Afro-Brazilians "lazy" and "fat" and called African, Haitian, and Middle Eastern refugees the "scum of humanity"

Jan 5: Robert Wilkie, Trump's nominee for VA Secretary, is revealed to have undisclosed ties to Confederate groups

Apr 27: Trump praises NFL #2 draft pick Nick Bosa, a White player notorious for a history of racist and race-baiting tweets. Trump ignored the Black quarterback picked 1st in the draft.

May 6: Trump pardons Michael Behenna, a US soldier who had been convicted of refusing to release and then killing an uncharged Muslim prisoner in cold blood while he was in his custody, and then trying to cover up the killing.

Other ignorant crap


Feb 16: When asked by a Black reporter whether he would meet with the Congressional Black Congress, Trump replies: “Well, I would. Tell you what, do you want to set up the meeting? Do you want to set up the meeting? Are they friends of yours? Set up a meeting."

Mar 22: When a member of the Congressional Black Caucus tells Trump that not all of her constituents on welfare were Black, Trump replies, "Really? Then what are they?" He also asks caucus members if they know Ben Carson personally, and appears surprised when none of them do.

May 2: Trump claims that if Andrew Jackson had still been alive, the Civil War wouldn't have happened

Trump repeatedly interrupts a briefing on Pakistan to ask the intelligence analyst, "where are you from?" He refuses to accept "New York" and "Manhattan" for answers, pushing her until she tells him that her parents are from Korea. Trump asks why this "pretty Korean lady" isn't working on the North Korea negotiations.


Aug 20: Trump introduces a Latino border patrol officer at an event by saying, “Come here. You’re not nervous, right? Speaks perfect English.”

Actions by President Trump that have hurt minority communities

Ran out of room and had to move this section a couple comments below
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Actions by President Trump that have hurt minority communities


Jan 27: Trump orders the border indefinitely closed to all Syrians, as well as persons from Chad, Sudan, Libya, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen. He issues revised versions of the ban on March 6 and September 24.

Jan 31: The FCC announces that it will no longer defend caps on phone rates charged to prisoners.

Feb 20: Trump appointee John Kelly creates a new division called "VOICE" whose role is to highlight violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants

Feb 21: Attorney General Jeff Sessions releases a memo reversing the order reducing the use of private prisons that had been announced by the Obama Administration.

Feb 27: The Justice Department refuses to continue the Obama-era legal argument that a voter ID law in Texas had been passed with discriminatory intent

Mar 31: AG Sessions lifts all federal consent degrees used to monitor police departments that had been guilty of violations of civil rights

May 2: Trump suggests that he might block a small grant to assist HBCUs as they may violate the ban on funding groups “that allocate benefits on the basis of race, ethnicity, and gender.”

May 10: The White House announces that Kris Kobach will co-chair the "Commission on Election Integrity" to investigate "voter fraud" across the nation. Kobach, once called, "The Most Racist Politician in America", has spent his career curtailing voting privileges across the country.

May 10: Sessions releases a memo instructing federal prosecutors to pursue the charges that carry the longest possible sentence in drug cases and refers to the War on Drugs as a "rousing success"

Jun 12: Sessions urges states to go after marijuana users and even scrap protections for medical marijuana.

Jul 17: Sessions promises to increase asset forfeiture, a practice that even conservative senators and justices have warned may be unconstitutional.

Jul 28: In a speech to law enforcement officers, Trump encourages the roughing up of suspects who are already in custody.

Aug 1: An internal DOJ memo announces that resources in the DOJ's civil rights division were being redirected to fight against Affirmative Action policies in college

Aug 28: Trump rescinds an Obama-era order that had blocked the transfer of military equipment to local police

Sep 1: Over 7 months, Trump rescinds the visa status of 1,000 Sudanese, 2,500 Nicaraguans, 59,000 Haitians, 200,000 Salvadoreans, 9,000 Nepalese, and 57,000 Hondurans who had been allowed to live and work in the USA after disasters in their home nations

Sep 5: Trumps ends DACA

Sep 15: AG Sessions pulls out of a federal effort to reform police departments after officer-involved shootings

Nov: President Trump removes protections for 50,000 Haitian immigrants who had sought refuge in the USA after a series of disasters in their home country.

Dec 21: Jeff Sessions rescinds a Obama letter to courts that advised them to be careful in imposing overly stiff fees and penalties on poor defendants.


Jan 4: AG Sessions rescinds the Obama-era memo ordering non-interference with marijuana crimes in pot-legal states

Jan 18: The DHS announces that it will block Haitians from receiving agricultural or seasonal visas just days after Trump had referred to Haiti as a "shythole country"

Feb 10: White House reports show that ICE has more than doubled the deportation of African immigrants over the previous year.

Feb 14: The State Department orders the closing of over 20 offices related to refugee resettlement, due to the lowest refugee acceptance levels in 40 years

Feb 20: DHS begins separating immigrant children from their families. After months of contradictory statements, Trump ends the policy on June 20.

Feb 23: US Citizenship and Immigration Services removes the phrase "nation of immigrants" from its mission statement, replacing it with "safeguarding its integrity" and "securing the homeland".

Mar 5: HUD removes references to "inclusive" communities "free from discrimination" from its mission statement.

Mar: HUD scales back the enforcement of fair housing laws and shuts down several ongoing investigations. It is revealed that HUD had attempted to block Obama-era laws that would require local governments to produce plans to integrate racially divided neighborhoods.

Mar: Funding shortfalls and policy changes by the Census Bureau lead the NAACP to sue the Trump Administration out of concern that the 2020 census will undercount Black people

Mar 8: It is revealed that the Department of Education hasn't initiated a single civil rights compliance review in relation to racial discrimination during the 13 months that Trump has been in office.

Mar 12: AG Jeff Sessions announces that the DOJ will prioritize funding for more police officers on campus. Black students are far more likely to be arrested by such officers than White students

Mar 12: The Department of Education proposes repealing an Obama-era guidance promoting racial equity in school discipline

Mar 26: The Department of Commerce announces that it will add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, discouraging non-citizens from participating and thus lowering the representation given in impoverished and minority-represented areas.

May 18: HUD suspends the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule meant to desegregate housing

May 23: Trump's budget proposes eliminating the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, which enforces labor and civil rights laws amongst federal contractors

May 24: Trump signs the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, which exempts banks from reporting rules needed to monitor racist lending practices

Jun 8: Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Candace Jackson instructs her staff not to investigate systemic racism unless it is specifically raised by the complainant

Jun 21: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is found to have dropped 1,200+ civil rights investigations initiated under President Obama

Jun 29: Andrew Veprek, a close associate of Stephen Miller who had recently been appointed as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, lauds nationalism and xenophobia and states national leaders have no duty to condemn hate speech or racism, all in the process of gutting a UN anti-racism document.

Jul 2: SecEd DeVos and AG Sessions rescind 7 Obama-era guidelines on affirmative action and issue a statement calling on colleges to end the practice

Aug 22: Trump directs SecState Pompeo "to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers", specifically White farmers.


Jan 4: The WP reported that Trump is rolling back disparate impact regulations, meaning that lenders, insurers, and local governments could now pass regulations that have negative impacts on minorities just so long as there's no proof they did it for openly racist reasons.

Jan 15: In Stokeling v United States, the two Trump-appointed justices joined a 5-4 majority allowing the Trump administration to expand the offenses that count as "violent felonies" under three-strikes laws.

Apr 12: Trump tries to have illegal immigrants released into sanctuary cities

Jun 27: In Rucho v Common Cause, the two Trump-appointed justices joined a 5-4 majority claiming that only state courts can stop racist gerrymandering

Good thread.

Excellent work OP

Thanks. Bump this thread anytime something needs to be added or if you find anything I've missed.
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Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
I'm sick to my stomach that people on here STILL don't get it about Trump

They still talking about politics and policies

They still iffy about voting Trump out or downright defiant about voting

This is so serious. We may have a way back from this but the door is rapidly closing

I literally see fascism overtaking America right now. And it might have been too late since election night


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I'm sick to my stomach that people on here STILL don't get it about Trump

They still talking about politics and policies

They still iffy about voting Trump out or downright defiant about voting

This is so serious. We may have a way back from this but the door is rapidly closing

I literally see fascism overtaking America right now. And it might have been too late since election night
Talking about politics and policy that are popular with the electorate is the only way to beat him in 2020. If the strategy is just to point out how dumb and evil he is Dems are setting themselves up for another L.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Talking about politics and policy that are popular with the electorate is the only way to beat him in 2020. If the strategy is just to point out how dumb and evil he is Dems are setting themselves up for another L.


It's flabbergasting


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
shyt is beyond frustrating, anyone else would have been literally tossed out of political office for his remarks but it's like he doesn't give a fukk a about anything and people that should check him on his bullshyt doesnt speak up because they're little bytches... He's a pathological liar and unabashed white surpremacist.. but the media who's supposed to rebuff his bullshyt are not heard and are too easy on him, his fans are only emboldened by his acts... IT's gonna take some sort of coup to even save america and it's not gonna be nice and friendly a new civil war is gonna pop off you'll see...


Jun 6, 2012
New York
shyt is beyond frustrating, anyone else would have been literally tossed out of political office for his remarks but it's like he doesn't give a fukk a about anything and people that should check him on his bullshyt doesnt speak up because they're little bytches... He's a pathological liar and unabashed white surpremacist.. but the media who's supposed to rebuff his bullshyt are not heard and are too easy on him, his fans are only emboldened by his acts... IT's gonna take some sort of coup to even save america and it's not gonna be nice and friendly a new civil war is gonna pop off you'll see...
I think this is overly dramatic. He's one guy, other Republicans don't act like him.
Why not just beat him in a political contest? It shouldn't be hard.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Talking about politics and policy that are popular with the electorate is the only way to beat him in 2020. If the strategy is just to point out how dumb and evil he is Dems are setting themselves up for another L.

Conservatives did exactly that in 1979-1980 to Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan was elected as a result.

I think this is overly dramatic. He's one guy, other Republicans don't act like him.

I beg to differ.:nuneshead:

Republican leadership hasn't broken ranks to oppose him, either. The only difference between Trump and Rethug elected officials is that Trump says what Rethugs are afraid to say out loud.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Conservatives did exactly that in 1979-1980 to Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan was elected as a result.

I beg to differ.:nuneshead:

Republican leadership hasn't broken ranks to oppose him, either. The only difference between Trump and Rethug elected officials is that Trump says what Rethugs are afraid to say out loud.
And then Hillary tried the same thing and lost. :francis:
Yeah, so like I said Republicans are not like him. :stopitslime: They have some shame not to act like he does. Which is why staying policy based is the right strategy. You can't point to every Republican and say they are acting uncivil or are unfit for office. It only applies to Trump.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Conservatives did exactly that in 1979-1980 to Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan was elected as a result.

I beg to differ.:nuneshead:

Republican leadership hasn't broken ranks to oppose him, either. The only difference between Trump and Rethug elected officials is that Trump says what Rethugs are afraid to say out loud.
Facts. This is what the party has been since at least 1964. In fact they haven’t had a president take office without committing fraud or treason since Eisenhower. He’s also the last president from their party who didn’t leave the nation in dramatically worse shape than it was in when he took office. Trump has simply taken the mask off the party due to his inability to be subtle about anything.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
And then Hillary tried the same thing and lost. :francis:

I'm not talking about 2016...and no, Hillary didn't even do that in a full measure.

Learn to think past one election cycle. :troll:

Yeah, so like I said Republicans are not like him.

You ignored what I said.

Republicans having "shame" is irrelevant if their policy positions are identical to Trump, and are additionally unfazed by his bullsh*t.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I agree with those who say that we shouldn't focus on this as our election strategy.

I agree that we need to focus on positive measures that will help people.

I wrote this up for The Coli community, to ensure that the battle lines are clear. Outside of the community, we won't be able to run on this tact, even with all these receipts, except within liberal circles or people who already have personal investment with us or with the community.