TheColi Guide to Shopping (3/12) for SARS-CoV-2/coronavirus


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Well, I am not a chicken little or saying this is the end or state breakdown is coming and honestly, the death toll will hopefully not be too bad. But I do work with distributors with my business and more items than N95 masks and hand sanitizer are having buying restrictions implemented now. I also just got back from the grocery store which was pretty busy for 10pm on Thursday. So with what I know here is what I advise you buy (WITHIN REASON) as soon as probable, tonight (3/11) or tomorrow (3/12) since the Trump speech is going to probably cause mass panic buying.

I am not new to this (see my 2017 threads below)

First, I want to state that is highly unlikely that basic utilities will cease to function. Nowhere in the world has water, electricity, or Internet shut down though things get scarce. The below are more to cover yourselves and prevent inconvenience than tell you to buy a year of provisions which most people can't afford or store.

Think of this like a snow storm that could last for a month.

What to get now

1. Paper products - toilet paper, paper towels, wet wipes; Uline (one of the biggest distributors in the USA) is now restricting these to industrial customers (like me) that did not buy these before January and is limiting how much you can buy. Previously they only did this for masks and sanitizer. I would buy enough for a month, again not due to dire conditions but it won't be readily available.

These shelves are already empty at my local store and I live in PA.

Alternative locations to buy if you can't find these at Costco/grocery: office supply stores, dollar stores, ethnic grocery stores

2. Two - four weeks (four is better) of food you (and your kids) like. Again this is not a long emergency but people will buy certain things like crazy and many people may get stuck at home for extended periods and can't eat out, etc.

Ironically I think vegetables, meats and milk may be kinda available since they are perishable and you can't stock up unless you have a chest freezer or something. You should still maybe get 5-10 lb if you have a freezer though. Top recommendations:

Soup and saltines (for illness or basic eating)
Rice/Pasta you like
Oatmeal/Grits - cheap and last a while
Dry cereal; you can also get almond milk in a box if you are concerned about milk running out
Coffee/tea - especially the 'health tea'
Canned meat like tuna fish if that is your thing
For kids: apple sauce, granola type stuff, cereal
Frozen and canned veggies you like
Frozen or canned fruit you like
Frozen pizza
Eggs (these last longer)

Only buy things you and yours will eat. If your store looks sparse you can check out:

ethnic (African, Asian, whatever) stores that aren't well known and stock more stuff (like bulk rice)
local farm/country stores; check for farm stores that are connected with orchards, sell cheese, or local meat/eggs/produce

Other sites besides Amazon; and smaller food websites that ship dry goods (serious)

Things I think are a waste to buy:

Bottled water; seriously unless your public utility has issues I wouldn't waste money on this. The water supply is not shutting off. You are just as well off buying a food safe 5 gallon pail from Lowe's sanitizing it with 5 Tbsp bleach + 5 gallons of water and then filling it with your tap. Don't fill with a garden hose unless you have a food safe hose. You can store water in a closed pail for months with 1/8 tsp bleach per gallon added.

3. Medicine, sanitary supplies

Prescription meds - get your refill now before supply issues cause a rush. Especially if you have something chronic like asthma or depression; birth control

Common OTC meds - big bottles of acetominophen/ibuprofen, any antihistamines you think you might need and illness medicine. Halls too if you want. I don't expect too much disruption but you never know.

Sanitizing stuff - there is actually a lot that works. Clorox/Lysol wipes do. You can also just buy a gallon of bleach and make a sanitizer with 1 gallon water and 1 Tbsp bleach. Hand sanitizer can be cool but antibacterial liquid soap is probably more effective since you need hand sanitizer to rest at least 30 seconds to get real effective. If you have to have hand sanitizer the cheap way is get 150 proof Everclear from the liquor store. Cheaper by volume anyway and same alcohol content. Don't use vinegar since it isn't as effective.

Random shyt - yeah I got ammo for my guns, again not on some apocalypse shyt but just general preparedness for dumb shyt people do.

Batteries - mostly for flashlights @CreepyMcCreeperson

Condoms - laugh if you want; if people are home for a month on end them shyts will be hard to cop

I'll keep updating this list as I think of stuff. This will blow over eventually but this is a lesson on why you (and us as a people) need to get prepared for the unexpected.
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