
All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
I'm interested to know the real answer to this question nationwide. Cause when things like the Harvard lawsuit or arguments about AA come out, there are millions of people coming out of the woodwork, "Well, college should be restricted to those who DESERVE to go there" and other bullshyt. Or when the intelligence of a public figure is being debated, then his Ivy League education is trotted out, even if he came from a rich-as-fukk family who paid his way in there. Did all those people not realize the bullshyt involved, or were they just cynically ignoring it for argument points?

I went to one of these elite schools, I was one of the ones who "wasn't supposed to be there". It was weird as fukk for me. Like, when I grew up I knew we were kinda poor but we weren't poor poor. My dad always had a job and we never lacked for anything even if our income was below average. But college was a different story - I was legit the 2nd-poorest person in my ENTIRE freshman class. There was this Latina from the straight hood, her whole family was gangster af but she was a math genius, she was the only one in our entire freshman class who came from a rougher background than me. I was legit scared as hell on day 1 cause they were all rich, damn near all private schools or elite public schools, all came out of special clubs and internships and all that shyt. Everyone had a dad who had owned this company or worked in that lab or whatever.

There were these two guys I had to live with freshman year that emphasized White privilege to me the most.

One of them was this prick from Alaska with a mouth on him. He legit had to have had the worst high school grades of ANYONE in our school, and his test scores weren't that great either. He supposedly got in cause he was an all-state swimmer in Alaska, but who could possibly give a fukk about swimmers from Alaska, he didn't even go out for the team. In reality it was solely because his older brother was an alum who had been some sort of star at the school and now owned his own company (that would be sold for $150 million that year). I don't think he had to pay his way in, but I think they accepted him solely on the strength of his brother and maybe on the hopes that his brother would be more likely to donate big if they kept his family in the loop. He stayed getting WOAT grades his whole way through school but eventually graduated a year after he was supposed to and works as an engineer now.

And again, I know all this shyt because he had a mouth that wouldn't shut up. You think I was telling them about my family? :gucci:

The other guy was even worse. So this guy's story was that he was smart but sucked ass in high school cause he didn't give a shyt, was getting C's and stuff. But his parents were both hot-shot lawyers and big-donor Oregon alums who thought high school just wasn't challenging enough for him, so after his SOPHOMORE year they got him into UofO based solely off of him having a good SAT for a sophomore. He legit got into college after just two years in high school when his high school grades sucked. He goes to UofO at 16 and does even worse, by the end of his first year he's failing literally every subject. So his rich parents pull him out and send him back to high school, but they send him to an elite boarding school in Canada so he'll "get some discipline." He falls in line and does better there. When it comes time to apply for college the Canadian grading system is different than the American one, so even though his grades are okay (the equivalent of As and Bs), he or his parents got the school to misrepresent it as a 4.0 average in the college apps. So then he gets accepted to our elite school, literally his FOURTH chance not to fukk up.

The kid was book-smart enough but the other white boys nicknamed him "lush" cause he was literally drunk all the time, and lazy as fukk too. He was the kinda drunk who did stupid-ass drunk shyt, like the time he rolled out of bed the wrong way and fell out his fukking window on the 2nd story, broke his thumb and his nose on the fall, then took a piss and walked back and went back to sleep. By his senior year his grades are so bad that he fails out of school. The admin said that he could go to another college and work his grades up then come back the next year, but his hot-shot lawyer parents sued the school to challenge the decision. The school put him in his place and not only upheld the ruling but said he couldn't come back at all. So I never had to see him again since then, but like 10 years later I google his name and he's working AS AN INSTRUCTOR at a fukking college (with a B.A. from an Ivy League that he somehow got accepted to AFTER he failed out of our school). :gucci:

These are the guys I had to live with freshman year. Other people are breaking their ass trying to beat a rigged system while dealing with all sorts of other shyt in their lives, and they stay fukking around and getting second and third and fourth and fifth chances cause of who their family is.
I went to the best private highschool in my state on scholarship and I gotta say it was a damn good experience. I never really ran into any "prick" type people and was nothing but accepted, so my experience is not like yours Per say. What I will say is that I do know my fair share if rich kid doctors, lawyers and hedge fund managers, that if their parents didnt have money their lives would be fukked. None of them bad people, just made shytty choices but were lucky enough to be able to fund a rebound. What is a death sentence in a lot of cases for the poor or working class is often a 6 month sabbatical to some therapeutic retreat.

That being said, I had my fill of rich entitled kids in college and my professional life.
Aug 21, 2014
13,837 brehest of brehs....literary and literate have different should've used the word "reading" right there [instead of attempting to come off as intelligent]....

....I fukk around on TheColi mostly for fun, this isn't a TedTalks forum....I'm not here to read over 30 paragraphs in a single thread my nikka....:trash:....

....the poster should've given a summary of it with their own thoughts and a link for those who want to get down and read all that....
I'd google the word literary before you start trying to pull grammatical teeth, its pretty broad. I didnt question your literacy because you're clearly in here typing and reading, but if you can't handle that small sample OP posted it begs a lot of questions. Whens the last time you read a book? It was your choice to come in here and proclaim your ignorance as opposed to seeing all the text, saying "fukk that," and dipping

And WTF is that bolded portion? It it One Mic or is it Oochoe Wally? You want someone to think for you or do you want him to drop a link to something that will contain more paragraphs than what he already posted?


Nov 19, 2016
@Smoking With Cigarettes - That post was about 30 paragraphs....imagine if all the threads on this website had that many paragraphs from just the OP....a summary with an opinion and a link for the rest would've been the way to go....and clearly you're skewing your angle in an attempt to take the high meant my ability to read [literary in reference to an individual means being well read, not the actual ability to read]....and you did question my literacy - to be limited, just not my general ability to read and write [or be literate...not literary...]....last time I read a book was when I was reading the Bible....and a summary is a literary tool [that's how you use that word by the way] to connect the reader to a broader scope of information.... I said before....I griped because this is primarily a social platform and we're here to clown around....I thought it would be funny to represent that response to the thread....ya'll nikkas act like you can only be serious around here....
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Master Baker
May 1, 2012
i aint read all that (not sure when highlighting the good part became posting pages...), but the part about wealthy sports being affirmative action for rich white kids is on point...ties to the bigger argument of paying college kids who are in the money generating sports (mainly football and basketball) and/or letting them make money off their likeness
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Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
i aint read all that (not sure when highlighting the goof part became posting pages...), but the part about wealthy sports being affirmative action for rich white kids is on point...ties to the bigger argument of paying college kids who are in the money generating sports (mainly football and basketball) and/or letting them make money off their likeness
I have my daughter in ice hockey and lacrosse. That’s her in to Stanford. Or at least that was my plan.


Dec 21, 2016


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Interesting read

Lock those parents up don’t just fine them
Now that’s a good, fictional story.

Prosecutors asking for something like 1-2 years prison time. :banderas:

Prosecutors want prison time for Felicity Huffman

I think they might actually get a few months, which is what I think they deserve. Give them 9-12, make sure they serve at least six, they and their childrens' reputations are ruined....that's good for me. :myman:

I went to the best private highschool in my state on scholarship and I gotta say it was a damn good experience. I never really ran into any "prick" type people and was nothing but accepted, so my experience is not like yours Per say. What I will say is that I do know my fair share if rich kid doctors, lawyers and hedge fund managers, that if their parents didnt have money their lives would be fukked. None of them bad people, just made shytty choices but were lucky enough to be able to fund a rebound. What is a death sentence in a lot of cases for the poor or working class is often a 6 month sabbatical to some therapeutic retreat.

That being said, I had my fill of rich entitled kids in college and my professional life.
I ain't saying that every rich white kid is a prick, my school was like 90% privileged white/asian kids so there were obviously plenty who were cool...I'm just saying I know the type that's being talked about, and I've seen the reality of kids who get one chance after another and think they deserve it.

The bolded is spot on.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Great read.

I need people wake up and realize this shyt is all rigged. Instead of trying to be these a$$holes, we need to overthrow them and create a fairer system.
This is a concept I ponder about fairly often.

For example which is worse:

Street life consisting of gangs in major cities that: rob sell drugs, generate havoc, and overall dabble in various forms of exploitation.

Or :hula:

Neocolonialism, where prestigious and prominent individuals with money, kill and influence corrupt puppet leaders to carry out their agenda of exploiting countries of their natural resources, while screwing over the local population, causing instability(food scarcity, massive unemployment, corrupt police, guerrilla warfare, etc. ) all in the name of enriching themselves while cloaking it as some savior complex.


Nov 19, 2016
@BoBurnz - Ol' candy cane ass nikka, scared of getting your head chopped off....clowning like you take higher learning seriously....hypocrite....hope you like warm weather b....

"They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." - Revelation 12:11


Dec 21, 2016
@BoBurnz - Ol' candy cane ass nikka, scared of getting your head chopped off....clowning like you take higher learning seriously....hypocrite....hope you like warm weather b....

"They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." - Revelation 12:11
You are one goofy ass, weird ass, dumbass motherfukker.

It's that hard to read what amounts to literally one chapter in a chapter book that you gotta come in and shyt up a thread? God damn you're dumb. Tryna talk about "nobody takes this seriously" while being an evangelist :mjlol:

Goofy ass.


Dec 21, 2016
On topic, a great read on the subject at hand is "Class Warfare: Class, Race, and College Admissins in Top-Tier Secondary Schools". It's a complex look at the depths to which these people go to maintain even their dominance among the upper class given that despite being atop the social hierarchy, they still aren't atop the hierarchy that their strata inhabits, which is a feedback loop that destroys the perceived institutional legitimacy of these "prestigious" Ivy schools which in reality function as a feeder program for the bourgeois to simply reaffirm their grip on power with their own scions and those they've deemed "worthy" to join their ranks.

There's plenty of reading that highlights just how stacked the cards are against the working classes to even dream of penetrating the upper class. The systemic and societal barriers are functionally impassable unless, basically, you get lucky and know someone that's in the upper classes that provides you with a way up the ladder. But it is designed in no small part to cordon off people of lesser means from doing so, which is why there exists a stigma against "public" universities as they don't provide that chosen avenue to just anybody like those that choose to attend Yale and Harvard.

The concept of the meritocracy is a delusion created by the upper classes to maintain the thin holds on society from coming apart when the masses realize that there really isn't any way to climb the ladder of hierarchy other than pure moral depravity and sheer dumb luck.


Mar 10, 2017
Max 40 years for those who didn’t take the plea deal???

O woow


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I think about that all the time, and all the ways my life would be different, if I came from a different class, even just 1/3 more towards the "real" middle class in the late 90's, and even then, I am not quite in the realistic category for an Ivy league education, no matter what my intelligence, because of all the other dynamics against it, money, class, opportunity. I don't know anyone who went from poverty class/lower middle class to Ivy league, not one person, I know they exist, but it is extremely uncommon.

In regards to the case, they filed more charges, because they are the defendants who wouldn't plea, (which is why the other ones did, so quickly) now, only the most arrogant and wealthy will take it to trial, the rest will plea shortly.