To all the women asking "where are all the good men at?"

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
If these nikkas all that why can't they attract women to the point of not being worried about friendzone?
There's truth in what he's saying but there's also another component...

He talks like a soft John.
Notice he said go out, took you out before friend zone. If you smashed you can not be friend zoned. You are either committals or non-committals if you smashed.
Black woman that want you do not want and do not date like white people who soft John. So a guy presenting himself to a black woman in that manner.
will be looked at as a lame and also like a soft John. A soft john trying to buy his way to intimacy.
or be the proverbial dreaded nice guy.
It is a difference between nice guy and the good guy. The good guy smashes or has had intimacy. The nice guy is trying to trade some monetary or social sumfin for intimacy. So, that is where he was flawed but he has some credence. Yet in the black male female dialectic, we can not and do not date like how nice guys have it misconstrued and why they get friend zoned. Also nice guys are so nice they do not make a move and hide behind outings, social, finance etc.
When this shyt is about mating first and that is why the nice guy gets friend zoned and also why women hate the nice guy. As the nice guy is looked at as disengenuine and looking to barter for intimacy. Instead of being man and making a move for to be directly intimate and mate. There is a complete total difference between good guy and the nice guy. Of which I do not think homie knew the full difference. Yet I understand where he was coming from. He was just missing the key pages and info on why nice guys always get friendzoned. The good guy does not get friendzoned because good guy game requires intimacy to be that good guy. The Nice guy is always the bane of both the male and female in the dating dialectic. As the nice guy is always looking to trade sumfin for intimacy. While not realizing or acting upon the feral action and idea of intimacy and mating.

Art Barr