TRUMP Shows He's a Regular Guy by Eating KFC- Twitter GOES IN! #TrumpJustLikeUs

Jul 13, 2015

On his private jet. :stopitslime:

With a Knife & Fork. :comeon:

With not a damn biscuit in sight. :martin::snoop:

GrubStreet pointed out that the knife Trump is holding appears to be a butter knife, which is far too dull to cut into a thick piece of fried chicken. This raises a number of serious questions: Is this just a staged photo-op? If so, why the knife and fork? Is Trump just going to eat the chicken with his hands, like a regular Joe, after the camera is off?

Trump, meanwhile, is a master in the dark art of unwarranted knife-and-fork usage. In 2011, Trump and Sarah Palin ate pizza with the utensils at a pizzeria in Manhattan’s Times Square. Palin, who’s from Alaska, can perhaps be excused. But for Trump, who purports to be a genuine New Yorker, there is no such absolution.


Some have put forth the theory that his hands cannot hold the large piece of chicken. Others have posited that the miniature salt and pepper shakers are present in order to make Trump’s hands appear larger. That, also, raises an important question. Is he putting salt and pepper on his fried chicken?


Thats tha new movement #TrumpJustLikeUs
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