Trumps anti Iran Mideast visit flopped. Qatar and Saudi Arabia beefing while Iran is chilling.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
The Saudi-orchestrated bloc of Sunni Muslim states celebrated at US President Donald Trump's visit to Riyadh is splintering less than two weeks after the summit. There is growing unease with the summit's intense animosity toward Iran and increasing concerns that the Saudis are inflaming the sectarian divide between Sunnis and Shiites. Trump's domestic troubles are also raising doubts over whether Washington is reliable.

The most acrimonious split is in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which held its own private summit with the president. The Qatari emir allegedly told an audience at home just after the summit that the Saudis were placing too much trust in a president in deep political trouble at home. He also criticized the virulent rhetoric castigating Iran at the summit. Emir Shaykh Tamim bin Hamid Al Thani has publicly said the Gulf states need to engage Tehran, not isolate it. He called Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to congratulate him on his re-election. In response, the Saudis and Emiratis blocked Qatar's Al-Jazeera network. The Qataris said the emir's remarks had been hacked by unknown sources and misinterpreted, but they provided little evidence to support their claim.

The Saudis next escalated the dispute with Qatar considerably. The Saudi media reported May 28 on an open letter from the Al-Shaykh family, the descendants of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The letter is signed by all 200 of the male descendants of the founder of Wahhabism in the kingdom. The al-Shaykhs are the al-Saud's critical partners in the ruling of the kingdom and provide its religious legitimacy. The minister of Islamic Affairs and the grand mufti both signed the letter.

The letter accuses the emir of an unidentified Gulf emirate of falsely claiming that he is a descendant of Wahhab. This false claim is not only "fabricated" but it also is allegedly being used to misinterpret Islam. The letter demands that the bad emir change the name of the largest mosque in his country, currently named the Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mosque. (The largest mosque in Doha, Qatar, is in the only other Wahhabi state aside from Saudi Arabia).

The letter is from the heart of the clerical establishment in Saudi Arabia and amounts to an indictment of the legitimacy of the Qatari ruling family. It is unprecedented in GCC politics for one state to dispute the legitimacy of another's royal family. It's also a quarrel within Wahhabism.

The Saudi media has also accused the Qatari foreign minister of meeting secretly with Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Qasem Soleimani in Iraq to cooperate against American and Saudi interests in Iraq. There is no independent verification of this information.

The Qatari quarrel is highly visible and has gone on before. It's a repeat performance of the "uppity" Qataris' challenging their bigger brother. More quietly, Oman has also distanced itself from the Saudi bloc. Sultan Qaboos did not attend the Riyadh summit and his representative did not get a short bilateral meeting with Trump, as did all the other GCC representatives. Oman has stayed out of the Saudi war in Yemen and has kept open its ties to Iran.

Both Qatar and Oman have economic ties with Iran that constrain their approach to Tehran. But the emir and sultan are also very troubled by the growing sectarian tensions throughout the Islamic world.

Doubts have also surfaced in Pakistan, which shares a long border with Iran and has a large Shiite minority. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif received an apology from King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud for not arranging a bilateral meeting with the president or allowing Sharif and other Muslim leaders the opportunity to speak after Trump addressed them about Islam.

Saudi relations with Pakistan have been troubled since the start of the war in Yemen, which Pakistan decisively refused to join despite repeated Saudi requests. The Pakistani parliament even voted unanimously to keep out. Pakistan is the Muslim world's biggest military power and the only Muslim country with nuclear weapons.

The Pakistani media is now criticizing the Riyadh summit relentlessly for exacerbating sectarian tensions. One commentator called the Saudi-led coalition "dangerous" while another lambasted Trump's "bluster." The Riyadh summit was labeled "theater of the absurd" in the country's leading newspaper. Calls are growing for the Pakistani commander of the Saudi-based Islamic Military Alliance and former army commander Gen. Rahul Sharif to come home and quit his job as the leader of the so-called Arab NATO.

Saudi largesse will ensure the Sunni alliance does not completely unravel. A core group of states share Riyadh's hatred of the Iranians or are prepared to indulge Riyadh. But many more states are eager to avoid fanning the sectarian divide. They blame both Riyadh and Tehran for stoking tensions. For all of them, their own national interests trump Islamic or Sunni unity.
:mjlol: Trumps mideast visit has been failure. Arab NATO :mjlol: Saudi Arabia and Qatar beefing while Iran watching this like

Trumpset lawst :russ:


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
@FAH1223 thoughts on this Qatar-Saudi feud and pakistan thinking of leaving this Sunni NATO? Opening for Iran?


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
@FAH1223 thoughts on this Qatar-Saudi feud and pakistan thinking of leaving this Sunni NATO? Opening for Iran?

I doubt Pakistan is going to stay in that coalition. It's very anti-Iran and Pakistan-Iran relations are good and there is potential for much more economic interdependence with the China-Pakistan economic corridor as well as the drug war, stabilizing Afghanistan, energy projects..

Iran also enjoys good relations with India too.

The Qatar-Saudi feud isn't surprising. Qatar supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, and it's various spin-offs. The Saudis hate the Muslim Brotherhood because of their effective political organizing and branding, it terrifies the Saudis. Qatar also supports Hamas and provided a lot of aid to the Palestinians.

The Saudis and Qataris are on the same side regarding the Syrian war which obviously puts them at odds with Iran.

It's interesting that Qatar is wanting to re-engage with Iran. The Saudis are hellbent on punishing any Arab/Muslim country that seeks to engage with Iran. Hell, I remember the Saudis giving the Somali government $50M last year to tell the Iranian Ambassador to Somalia to go back home.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
I doubt Pakistan is going to stay in that coalition. It's very anti-Iran and Pakistan-Iran relations are good and there is potential for much more economic interdependence with the China-Pakistan economic corridor as well as the drug war, stabilizing Afghanistan, energy projects..

Iran also enjoys good relations with India too.

The Qatar-Saudi feud isn't surprising. Qatar supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, and it's various spin-offs. The Saudis hate the Muslim Brotherhood because of their effective political organizing and branding, it terrifies the Saudis. Qatar also supports Hamas and provided a lot of aid to the Palestinians.

The Saudis and Qataris are on the same side regarding the Syrian war which obviously puts them at odds with Iran.

It's interesting that Qatar is wanting to re-engage with Iran. The Saudis are hellbent on punishing any Arab/Muslim country that seeks to engage with Iran. Hell, I remember the Saudis giving the Somali government $50M last year to tell the Iranian Ambassador to Somalia to go back home.
This feud however is getting serious tho. Saudi Arabia banning al jazeera,calling into question the legitimacy of the Qatari leadership. This has Bin Salamans fingerprints all over it. It could get really bad that they could alienate Qatar. The Qatari stance is why should we put our hopes on a president who is ignorant and plagued by scandals. Fair point. The Saudis are going to calculate real bad by putting their hope in Trump.