#Trumpset, who does Trump pick as his VP?


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Dude looks like he's being held hostage whenever they appear together.
All those meet and greets he's being doing it's like "Hi I'm Mike Pence, I'm Donald Trumps running mate :jawalrus:"

"...please help...this motherfukker is batshyt crazy and I just wanted to come along for the ride but real talk I want to get off of it now" :damn:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012


Would be an unstoppable ticket:obama:

She's the only one who can neutralize the fact that Hillary Clinton is a woman. She's a very smart black woman with a lot of experience in politics and as state secretary and well regarded by both democrats and republican, her record is clean.

Of course, she's a republican who was secretary of state back then, but once Trump secure the nomination, i don't think she will say no to the offer. Obama and Clinton's record is more of a problem for the democrats than Condi and her position during the Bush administration. The only thing people remember about Condi is that she did well as secretary of state and was well liked around the world, her experience in foreign affairs would be a asset in the Trump administration.

People are power hungry, who's going to refuse the VP office just because of personal feelings, Biden and Hillary hate Obama before he get the nomination now both work in his office. VP is a powerful position to get money during and after the presidency, corporations pay you a hundred thousands dollars to speak at their events. Once Trump get the nomination, all the personal feelings will be set aside for personal interests, this is how politics work.

Trump is not a right winger, he's the most liberal republican from the remaining candidates, when the primaries in the southern states will end, he's going to lean more to the moderate side to gain the Northern states. I don't think Condi will have a problem with his political stances. The crazy Trump circus is going to end when he'll secure all the votes he needed in the south, the guy is a mastermind, he playing chess and only a few people understand it.

:russ:Some people actually thinks that politicians have any sort of dignity or loyalty through their bones, that's very naive. Trump don't respect them because most of them are political whores. You respect what it's worth to respect, and none of these guys will say no to trump once he get the nomination. I thought people knew how politics works.:mjlol:People will get in line to be Trump's best friend once he win the nomination:pachaha:

Are you trying to tell me that the republican wasn't racist, sexist, and jackass before Trump:usure:. I won't make you a list of things they said in the past because this would be too long. Condi was republican under the Bush administration, come on, remember Katrina:francis:, if she really cared about racism, i don't think she would have accepted to serve under George Bush and dikk Cheney:mjlol:

Condoleezza Rice: Trump 'should withdraw'