#Trumpset, why no thread about the new national poll?


Jan 1, 2015
Poll: Clinton leads Trump by double digits

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.

Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.
Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.
It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

The poll also asked voters to what degree recent Trump and Clinton controversies "bother" them.
Fifty-five percent of those surveyed said they were very bothered by Trump's remarks, which drew rebukes from top Republicans such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who called Trump's remarks "the textbook definition of a racist comment."

Seventy-two percent of voters said Trump's comments about the judge bother them. Another 71% say the Trump University lawsuits bother them, and 67% said they're bothered that Trump hasn't released his tax returns.
Also damaging: His attacks on women such as Heidi Cruz and Carly Fiorina bother 81% of those surveyed; 66% said they are bothered by his attacks on Mexicans as "bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists," and his plans to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. The same number, 66%, say they're bothered by his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

Seventy-two percent of voters said Trump's comments about the judge bother them. Another 71% say the Trump University lawsuits bother them, and 67% said they're bothered that Trump hasn't released his tax returns.
Also damaging: His attacks on women such as Heidi Cruz and Carly Fiorina bother 81% of those surveyed; 66% said they are bothered by his attacks on Mexicans as "bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists," and his plans to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. The same number, 66%, say they're bothered by his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"Clinton has a number of advantages in this poll, in addition to her lead," pollster J. Ann Selzer, who ran the poll, told Bloomberg. "Her supporters are more enthusiastic than Trump's and more voters overall see her becoming a more appealing candidate than say that for Trump."
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The survey found that the mass shooting in Orlando did little to affect voters' preference in the presidential race.
However, Trump bested Clinton, 45% to 41%, when voters were asked which candidate they'd have the most confidence in if a similar attack occurred, once that question was added Sunday and Monday night.
Meanwhile, 50% said Trump would better combat terrorist threats at home and abroad, while 45% chose Clinton on that question.
The poll's margin of error on those issues is plus or minus 4.9 percentage points, compared to 3.6 percentage points for the bulk of the survey.


Warrior for the Babies
Apr 21, 2013
Was trump not up 5 before? And Clinton up 8 in March? Get back to me on labor day!
You think this is the first rodeo for the Clintons? They know how important those summer months are. They're coming for his neck.

Clinton to Unleash TV Hell on Trump

Politico said:
Clinton to unleash TV hell on Trump

Hillary Clinton is opening her wallet and seizing the moment.

Just hours after the votes were cast in the final Democratic primary, the Clinton campaign started reserving advertising blocks in eight battleground states on Wednesday, marking the presumptive Democratic nominee’s first significant attempt to define Donald Trump.

Clinton’s camp has already released one of the spots, which offers a harsh contrast between Trump — encouraging violence at his rallies and mocking a reporter’s disabilities — and the former secretary of state. Other spots are expected to be softer focus, positive ads about Clinton.

By reserving time in key swing states — at least Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia — the Clinton camp is sending an unmistakable message to the presumptive GOP nominee that it intends to press into traditionally Republican territory without spending too much time worrying about defending traditionally Democratic destinations where Trump insists he will compete, said a handful of high-level Democrats close to the Clinton effort.

The ad barrage — slated to start on Thursday — will combine with a weeks-old onslaught from the major pro-Clinton super PAC, Priorities USA Action, which has already blanketed swing states with its own blistering negative spots and plans to stay on air until Election Day.
Politico said:
And, roughly one month before Republicans gather for their convention, Trump’s political operation shows no signs of being ready to respond to the flood that could easily cost three times as much cash as he has on hand — just $2.4 million, as of his last federal report.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“I’m of the opinion that the whole thing comes down to June. It’s the last month when kids are still in school, people are still paying attention and minds are open before everyone tunes out for summer vacation,” explained David Cohen, a Democratic strategist who led battleground budget planning for Obama in 2008. “The important piece is you’ve got to communicate in that window so that they can start to build up their messaging before everybody tunes out."

“It’s welcome news,” added Ohio Democratic Party Executive Director Greg Beswick, noting that Democrats' coordinated campaign staff on the ground there is already bigger than Trump’s entire national staff -- meaning the ads represent a second phase in Clinton's operation there. “We’re Ohio, so political ads are always taking shape here. To me this doesn’t seem early whatsoever. It seems to me like a campaign that’s carving out a strategy and trying to dictate the pace."

In omitting Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin from the buy while including North Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but not 2012, the Clinton campaign joins Priorities — which this month added North Carolina to its buy — in implying that it doesn’t believe the Trump argument that he can win over sufficient numbers of Rust Belt, working class white males to reset the map.
Politico said:
Clinton and her allies had long been planning to unleash a large-scale television ad flood against Trump. And the move lands at an especially opportune time for her, as she steps up her swing state travel and as a series of new polls show her extending her national lead — to a wider margin in the Huffington Post Pollster average than Obama had over Mitt Romney at any point in 2011 or 2012.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Have you ever voted a straight ticket, voting entirely for candidates of one party? (If yes, ask:smile: Was that for the Republican party, the Democratic party, or both?
17% Yes, Republican party
24% Yes, Democratic party
7% Yes, both
1% Yes, some other party (VOL)
48% No 3 Not sure

Garbage ass poll:outtahere: