Uncharted 4 will expand the sandbox gameplay


May 6, 2012
Naughty Dog is designing PlayStation 4 action-adventure game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End in an open, sandbox style, where players have a range of options for how they want to tackle an objective. The overall goal, according to co-lead designer Ricky Cambier, is to never force players down one path or another, but instead to set them free to take on challenges as they see fit.

"I think our goal with the layouts in some of these spaces is that there's not that golden path," Cambier told Game Informer. "You turn this corner, you're going to find something surprising. Or maybe this way you're going to use your potions; the mixup of your different tools. There might be a shimmy ledge this way, there might be things that break this way; so every path has that action, that tempo that you want."

Cambier, who previously worked on The Last of Us, added that Naughty Dog's task with Uncharted 4 is "figuring out how to design on this new scale" that thepower of the PS4 provides.

"Because you want to go bigger in this jungle layout that we have," he said. "You can see just all the avenues that Drake has; these new tools. You give the player a tool like the grappling hook. Then you realize how much space you need to fulfill that and how far you can go. How you design a space that has that size and that epicness, but is still understandable, digestible."

Cambier pointed out that past Uncharted games, as well as The Last of Us, started to move toward a more sandbox approach, but explained that Uncharted 4 is moving things even further forward with regards to player freedom. The demo shown during PlayStation Experience in December (above) highlights this new level of non-linearity, as Drake can swing from ledge to ledge, and take down foes in any number of ways.

Uncharted 4 launches later this year exclusively on PS4. Sony has not yet announced a release date for the game. For more on Uncharted 4, check outGameSpot's previous coverage.



Edit: Posted in the other thread
Originally Posted by Game Informer

Yates says that Nathan’s climbing animations alone use more memory than Drake’s entire moveset from Uncharted 3. The climbing system has been rewritten from the ground up, and now includes a reach mechanic that allows players to move Drake’s hand to pinpoint where he should move next. “All of the different combinations and possibilities of where he can put his hand required us to have hundreds of new climbing animations,” Yates adds. “We wanted to create a system that scaled really well and had a more grounded feel, but could also scale up to give Drake the agility he needs for fast-paced traversal combat.”

Yates and some of Naughty Dog’s animators trained with climbers on indoor walls to understand the true nuances of rock climbing. “What it came down to was balance, and leaning, and reaching,” Yates says. “We wanted to capture that essence here. Every climb has a different animation. It’s been a tremendous effort. We have full-body inverse kinematics andfull-body physics systems that fill in all of the nuances and help smooth out the animations.”

Originally Posted by Game Informer

Drake’s animations also change depending on what type of ledge he is interacting with. The handholds have different properties and affect the way he climbs. The larger handholds allow him to move faster and recover quickly. On the smaller handholds, Nathan’s hands act differently. His fingers are together, and his movements are slower, more calculated. His body shakes on the smaller ledges, showing he’s exerting more effort. “It adds a sense of danger,” Yates adds. “We’ve never been able to achieve stuff like this before. We’re trying to capture every detail in the climbing system.”

Originally Posted by Game Informer

Naughty Dog has the same ambitions for the melee system, which has also been reworked for Uncharted 4. One of the goals for the hand-to-hand combat was to steer away from quicktime events. This means no UI, and no moments where the player hits a button to watch a sequence unfold.

Yates says they want each hit and movement to be on the stick and buttons."We also want more contextual animations," he says. "If Drake has a pistol in his hand, his animations will be different. If he has an assault rifle, those animations will be different. These difference are subtle, but you can see they are there.”

The melee combat mechanic places a greater emphasis on timing and reading an opponent’s moves than we've seen in the series. Using a technique called pose matching, Naughty Dog is able to make the moves flow in and out of each other based on the position of the combatants. In previous Uncharted titles, no matter what positions the characters were in, the next move was randomly selected, and didn’t necessarily flow from the character’s position. In Uncharted 4, pose matching ensures that the proper moves are used next and that there’s a natural flow to the transitional animations.

Another big breakthrough tied to the melee component is the decoupling of animations between Drake and his opponent. This means that the enemy no longer slides unnaturally to lineup with Drake's animations. “Sometimes they’ll synch when they are grappling together, but all of the openers and attacks that get you into position are completed unsynced," Yates says. "The hit reactions have nothing to do with the animation from the attacker. It’s all based on the angle from which Drake punches, and where he hits them on the body. We have a huge library of hit reactions. It’s very dynamic, and you can come at it from any angle. It’s not just ‘Okay, we have front, left, right, and diagonals.’ It’s anything, and it feels so much better.”

These actions are viewed intimately through a new procedural camera system that Naughty Dog implemented just for combat. In previous games, Naughty Dog built cameras into the moves themselves. When the move was used, the game would do a quick check for the best camera position and activate that viewpoint. The new procedural system in Uncharted 4 finds the best angle to frame Drake and the enemy, along with anyone else who may be a threat. These dynamic cameras are not locked – players can interact with them in the same way they use the game's standard camera controls.


Originally Posted by Game Informer

The mercenaries Drake squares off against are more formidable than the human enemies seen in the other Uncharted games. They communicate with other foes in the field, coordinate tactics, and find the optimal path to attack Drake or reach his location – even if it means they have to leap across caverns.

“You are going to see different roles expanded into the A.I. systems,” says director Bruce Straley. “Some of the enemies, like surveyors and overwatchers, communicate things they see inside of the environment. We also have helpers who watch each other’s backs, communicate, and split up into areas as they search. We have a richer system as to how the player gets to engage with and toy with the A.I.

“In the Last of Us, we didn’t have as many traversal mechanics. Just getting behind a car was an important thing, or getting to a building was huge because it would afford more opportunities to evade and flank. Here, Nathan Drake can run faster, he can jump and swing on a rope. He chews up environment so quickly that that’s why we have the group mentality, and the splitting and factioning of guys like, ‘You go left, I go right.’ We’ve addressed their ability to fluidly move in the environment, such as run, jump, drop, and all of the traversal moves. They don’t quite parallel Nathan Drake – he still has a leg up – but they have high-powered weapons and projectiles as well. The A.I. is quick on their feet and thinks fluidly.”

The A.I.’s boost in intelligence and mobility is also present in Drake’s A.I. companions. For the majority of the adventure, Drake will have an A.I. companion at his side. Some of these people, like his brother Sam, are just as skilled at environment navigation as he is.Sam knows how to handle situations and he can take care of himself. He has his own rope, and as Straley says with a smile, "he can do some pretty amazing things."
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All Star
Jan 8, 2015
Another big breakthrough tied to the melee component is the decoupling of animations between Drake and his opponent. This means that the enemy no longer slides unnaturally to lineup with Drake's animations. “Sometimes they’ll synch when they are grappling together, but all of the openers and attacks that get you into position are completed unsynced," Yates says. "The hit reactions have nothing to do with the animation from the attacker. It’s all based on the angle from which Drake punches, and where he hits them on the body. We have a huge library of hit reactions. It’s very dynamic, and you can come at it from any angle. It’s not just ‘Okay, we have front, left, right, and diagonals.’ It’s anything, and it feels so much better.”



May 2, 2012
uncharted trynna take notes from the GOAT, tomb raider :obama:

they need to stop fronting like it'll come out in 2015 though, we wont see it til 2016


Xbox Woe
Oct 2, 2013


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Why does every developer feel the need to turn their game into an open world sandbox this generation?


May 6, 2012
: last week you were defending uncharted's linear game style, said you didn't want a more opened up sandboxish game:laff: what changed? :heh: sony stans
Where I said that?? I said there was nothing wrong with Uncharted's game design(the first three). ND simply saying that they're improving upon the variation in gameplay systems and expanding it from what they designed in TLOU(Funny how you ignore that game which has more diverse gameplay options than TR, a game that came out the same year).
Keyword, they "WANT" to open up some levels. They also said it will still have linear sections in the game. They didn't say "we couldn't make Uncharted 2/3 more open because of hardware constraints so thanks to the PS4's power we can do this finally.."

A game being "too linear" is the dumbest fukking critique I've heard and honestly it's a lazy ass critique because it really says nothing. A style of game which may or may not appeal to you doesn't make it objectively good/bad. Is modern warefare 2's campaign worse than Battlefield 4's because BF4's is not linear?? :sas2:
Quick, tell me what's better.. Battlefield 4 or Modern Warfare? :sas2:
Super Mario Kart or Diddy Kong Racing?
Crash Bandicoot 3 or Jak 3?

Just because they're doing new things to a game doesn't mean the old is bad. Druckmann said in the latest interview there will be more linear sections and more open sections in the demo.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with linear games, stop it slime.
How could I have said that when we already saw a demo of this expanded sandbox level design?? don't put words in my mouth. I never said I don't want Uncharted to expand it's gameplay systems, I said I didn't think anything was wrong with Uncharted before and I still stand by my point.

Y'all dudes need to read in between the lines.
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May 6, 2012
uncharted trynna take notes from the GOAT, tomb raider :obama:

they need to stop fronting like it'll come out in 2015 though, we wont see it til 2016
Because tomb Raider has great AI and a dynamic melee system right?

Another big breakthrough tied to the melee component is the decoupling of animations between Drake and his opponent. This means that the enemy no longer slides unnaturally to lineup with Drake's animations. “Sometimes they’ll synch when they are grappling together, but all of the openers and attacks that get you into position are completed unsynced," Yates says. "The hit reactions have nothing to do with the animation from the attacker. It’s all based on the angle from which Drake punches, and where he hits them on the body. We have a huge library of hit reactions. It’s very dynamic, and you can come at it from any angle. It’s not just ‘Okay, we have front, left, right, and diagonals.’ It’s anything, and it feels so much better.”
Yup, sounds like tomb raider :troll:
Tomb raider switched its whole style up cuz of Uncharted. Lara was banging out with Tigers and lizards and now she fighting mercenaries.

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