Update on Jordan Jackson (young man who defended his sister against cacs)


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
Update 6
Posted by Cris Colbert
2 days ago

Update: Overall, Jordan is still recovering. We have come to realize that Jordan's diagnosis of PCS (Post Concussion Syndrome) is very real. Although we are prayerful the symptoms will pass sooner rather than later, there is no definitive way to know when that will be. Things can go from everything being fine; to the sudden headaches, light & sound over-sensitivity, confusion, agitation and anxiety. We're learning from support groups that these are normal symptoms and the most important thing is to be attentive and listen as he is trying to process why he just isn't feeling himself. So we are educating ourselves on everything from mental exercises, to diet changes that foster recovery of the brain, to new treatment techniques.

We understand now that this rollercoaster ride may just be beginning and we are pacing ourselves. We are extremely appreciative of all who've continued to reach out concerned with Jordan's condition. We know you are in this with us and want to share as much about his recovery as possible. At the same time we realize that providing day-by-day snapshots probably won't give a complete picture either. Instead we are going to give weekly updates for now and hope that gives better insight to the overall process.

As we continue to wait for any word from the investigation, we can't say how much your generosity, support, prayers, cards and gifts have meant to us. We've read several of your positive messages to Jordan and J'Niaha & are really trying to make sure that they see that people actually care and not everyone is bad. We refuse to let either of them grow up resenting people for this, and in teaching that we are learning it in a whole new way ourselves.