Victim Blaming vs Telling The Truth

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
About to be negged to high heaven but I have to ask:

Are we never supposed to question a person who claims they were raped?

In.the Kevin Spacey thread I said a 14 year old victim is different to an adult victim.

Even the police, prosecutor, defence attorney and judge will ask questions.

I understand the nature of the crime and the effect on its victims. And the possible effect on other victims not reporting for fear of not being believed.

What of the effect on victims of false accusations?

They cant be defended at all or we are victim blaming.

We cant ask questions on a dodgy sounding story coz we will be victim blaming.

Especially if you are a woman, you cant comment or ask questions because "how can another woman not feel another womans pain?"

Where is the line to be drawn?. Or do we simply not comment? Because unless you have your pitchfork in hand and are ready to see all those accused swing with zero questions asked then apparently you are victim blaming.

So even in this sea of perverts does it mean even if there is one falsely accused should people keep quiet for the greater good?

Am I the only one seeing this trend?

(And no I don't think Kevin Spacey is a victim of a false accusation. I commend the mans courage in coming forward. And though it seems a lot of victims have come forward I think they are just a drop in the ocean, many will probably choose to stay silent.)
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