WCW Worldwide - Ice Train vs Hardwork Bobby Walker (2/19/2000)

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
Just was on youtube the other night watching random matches and came across this. I was pretty much firmly cemented in the WWF at this point, so there's not a whole lot of WCW I was watching at this time. I know y'all probably remember Bobby Walker, a Worldwide/Pro/Saturday Night mainstay. He was a face for the majority of his career, mostly beating heel jobbers, but never really advancing beyond that. Ice train had more notable success being Ron Simmons' protege for a bit, along with feuding with Harlem Heat and both feuding and teaming with Scott Norton to form Fire & Ice. As far as this vid, both dudes are making a comeback of shorts. I wanna say both were coming off injury lay-offs. Walker came back as a heel (as commentary makes it a point to stress his new attitude), and Ice Train comes back weighing a little less (but still huge) and seemed like he was back in his original face character. The match is alright, but the thing I noticed the most was how much commentary was putting them over, and how much the crowd was into everything :leon: you would've thought this was on a PPV or something. Another thing I noticed in regards to Ice Train....this HAS to be where Big E got his style from :dead::dead: they are eerily similar as far as moving in the ring and expressions go. Somebody needs to bring this to his attention on twitter or IG.
