We would've taken over hip-hop, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012
That's right.

It's about time I've come to the realization that hip-hop isn't what it use to be, nor will it ever be. For the first time in the history of the business, old music (affectionately referred to in the industry as "back catalog") is now outselling new music. This effectively changes the entire music landscape.

WHAT I MEAN TO SAY IS - I have to now realize that what I consider "old school" is now "old-old-old school". 2000 was 17 years ago, as you can imagine the old school that came 17 years before that you'll see there's basically been a 10 year cycle with intermittent growth traceable each 5 year interval.

If you remember back to the 2000s, songs like "Hey Ma" were cringeworthy examples of the degradation of hip-hop that rampantly ran through the culture after the deaths of Tupac and Biggie, a pivotal turning point in the direction of the genre. Dr. Dre realized a return to grand success because he was making the only thing that had that grand semblance of the sound hip-hop had during it's cultural height. Now look at ya, you would love to hear something like "Hey Ma" come out. In retrospect the song has become a classic. In fact most of the songs would receive a positive reaction from the new 21+ crowd who's just discovering nightlife, songs like "Pop Lock and Drop It", "This Is Why I'm Hot" were atrocious at the time - today those songs drop and people are putting their hands up, commending the DJ and singing along to the lyrics. The music today is melodically driven as the lyrics take a back seat, words are minimized and the beats are repetitive and without any expression (ya "producers", I'm looking at you). If you were working on a rap career in 2009, were invested into speaking clearly - catchy, witty, clever lyrics you would find a just a few years time that what you aimed for in the previous decade would no longer fit into THE FORMAT. You think you'll get on THE PLAYLIST without being in format? Good luck buddy. So you realize you have to adapt, but the format moved far away from anything you'd even have an interest in now.

Keep in mind folks, I said "CULTURAL height" - not to be confused with mainstream - there are mainstream rappers who can sell a million albums without affecting the culture.

After the deaths of Tupac and Biggie the culture was bought up and commercialized

Folks, strap in because this is going to get DEEP

Telecommunications Act of 1996

Oh yeah, you want to talk about landscapes changing? You use to have an independently owned radio station in your area that was independently and locally (maybe regionally owned) - When Bill Clinton signed Telecommunications Act of 1996 it allowed ClearChannel and Viacom to BUY and OWN controlling airspace in every major market. The corporations came in with major promotional money and ran out the competition until they controlled THE PLAYLIST.

THE PLAYLIST was built around statistical analysis to build a collection of eagle-eye-data that told the stations exactly what song made the lister turn the station off. They began to learn that you people will change the station if you hear something new. Because something new makes you think, making you think makes you more likely to change the channel. It's not that you don't know what you like, you're just not conditioned to decide what you like and that's why that will always be chosen for you.

BILLBOARD - the same companies that own the radio stations . . . own the Billboards. Yes that's right folks, radio stations are merely a platform for advertisers - just like a ClearChannel billboard. Just like a TimeWarner billboard.

THE PLAYLIST is the equivalent of Playboy Magazine, Penthouse

Ya, Hugh Hefner likes blondes with fake boobs . . . so there's your playlist. For how many years was the American porn buying public deprived of seeing a girl with a nice ass?

Larry Flynt liked what he likes . . so there's your playlist.

Then along came PornHub

People aren't BUYING porn the way they use to. Porn is consumed at a higher rate than ever before in human history. Not just in number of consumers but the amount consumed. Now Playboy can't sell ads at the same rate that they use to. PornHub (the tech minds, have came in and took over the platform). Today they are STREAMING it.

Fast forward to today.

The tech company has come in with SPOTIFY,

Jay Z was smart enough to buy up TIDAL.

the world's largest company had the top analyst in the world crunch the numbers and state into a crystal ball . . they decided streaming was worth the effort to get into.

I know you see the world and it's all there if you look at it, you just need to open your eyes to. Just as a plumber and a painter walk into the same room and see entirely different things, our perception may be close to equal, this is your chance to acquire the perspective. If you could see what I see you and knew what I knew, you would know what I've been sent here to do.

The music industry is going to be like modern day porn industry - 360 deals representing controlling interest in a few artists (the last of the Katy Perrys and Beyonces will be the last claim the industry has to THE BUSINESS. And without THE PLAYLIST there to guide you on your musical journey you too will find out which of the 1,984 genders you are in your musical taste. You'll find that there's an audience for everything when things aren't so curated.

- Mac Casper (aka Adonnis)


May 3, 2012
and that dog too
