What Christian girls look for in a guy

Memorial Stadium Piru

Feb 8, 2017
Big Red
What women want in a man has been a thoroughly investigated subject. Popular culture influences men to act in specific ways to attract women, but most of these behaviors run counter to biblical ideals. For Christian men, the question isn’t about what women want in a man, but what Christian women want in a man.

1. Respect and Dignity

Christian women are not looking for a slick player. Women want and need to be treated with respect and kindness. Pickup lines are not a good idea. Christian ladies are going to respond to a kind gentlemen over a smooth talker. Finding a wife is not a sprint but a marathon. A guy who approaches a woman and treats her as though every second he spends with her is valuable will have a much better chance at getting a date.

2. Boundaries

Relationships and architecture both require a solid foundation. A building with a shaky foundation may stand for a decade, but it will eventually crumble. Christian women want a man who is willing to take the time to build a solid relational foundation. Sometimes this starts with friendship. Men often desire the romantic, exciting parts of dating while neglecting the friendship part. The funny thing is if you become friends first and truly get to know each other, your marriage will be way further along than many others. Dating off the bat isn’t always the best course. There is nothing wrong with getting to know a woman well and letting her see how far you are willing to go in order to find the right partner.

3. The Possibility of a Future

Let’s say a guy manages to land a date with a nice Christian girl. Now what? A majority of Christian women are going to be looking for a guy who can provide a future for them. With this in mind, a few actions will propel a man beyond the rest of the pack.

One, don’t dress like a hobo. It’s perfectly ok to be casual, but to a woman, a well-kept man shows her how highly he thinks of her. If a woman’s date shows up in flip flops and board shorts the man is broadcasting “I just want to be comfortable.” When arriving to a date, a man’s appearance should tell the woman, “I want very much to impress you and show you the level of class I believe you possess.” Men don’t need three piece suits or fancy clothes all the time, but putting some effort into cleaning up well will go a long way.

Secondly, men should pay for dinner. This isn’t a sexist thing at all. Paying for dinner shows you can provide and you want to treat this woman well.

4. Not Every Other Guy

Too many Christian men look and behave exactly like non Christian men. Christian women see this very clearly. The culture today tells men that chivalry and manners are dead and that the time of casual sex and freedom is here. This isn’t the way a biblical relationship is formed. Men can easily be set apart from the world and just about every other guy by being the opposite of today’s culture. Open doors, be polite, and strive to remain pure in dating life. Purity can be a very tough issue but it can also be a key differentiator. Have your friends keep you accountable. When a woman sees a deep desire to keep a pure heart and relationship with Jesus, she will also know how seriously that man will guard their own heart.

Being a Christian in today’s world can be a huge struggle, especially in the years leading up to marriage. If the true desire of a man’s heart is to find a girl that loves Jesus, patience is a must. Remember that a Christian woman doesn’t want to see the same men that the world throws at her. Become a man who treats women respectfully, with kindness, and with purity. The closer men come to being a man of true integrity, the wider that door to a woman’s heart will open.

What Christian Girls Want in a Guy | Christian Men and Dating #3 | pursueGOD.org


Christian brehs/brehettes, what do you think?:jbhmm:

I think that it's great for myself, personally. My dad and my brothers look at me crazy for not dating right now (I'm 19 years old) but there's a method to my madness. They get at girls for the sole purpose of having sex for a set period of time until they're tired of her, while I finish up my college education and try to materialize an entrepreneurial venture I have in mind.

As a Christian man, there's no way in HELL I'm going to be shacking up with a woman for years at a time or out here having casual sex outside of the boundaries of marriage. As a follower of Biblical principle, us men are supposed to be dating with PURPOSE. Any courtship I enter with a woman is with the intent to see if we are compatible for marriage, that's the way the Lord intended things to be.

But, at the same time, I want to make sure that I have enough bread to afford a marriage and spoil my wife the way I've always dreamed of. The thought of spoiling my wife gets me SOOOOO excited, I'm just super romantic lol. With that being said, this article clarified to me the way of governing myself so that the right lovely woman enters my life & we can build a beautiful relationship teeming with passionate spiritual, emotional & physical love.:obama:


Jan 26, 2015
Good for you. I don't agree with Christianity but the hypocrites out here fukking everything and still claiming to be devout Christians are a fukking joke:mjlol:

Memorial Stadium Piru

Feb 8, 2017
Big Red
Good mentality but by the time you graduate and get bread, you'll be out of college and you will no longer be around 10000s of different women everyday

time to find that good girl now
I'm broke as heck.....I can't do jack for her that she can't do herself, I can't treat her like I want to:sadcam:


May 2, 2012
Every christian girl i've fukked whether part of my prayer group(cell) or church, will give you the p*ssy because they think God sent you to em.. God is the real plug
Oct 22, 2017
Sounds like common sense traits to look for in any dating partner, regardless if they're Christian or not. Good luck finding an American female who meets this criteria, though. :mjlol:

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Christian girls out here gettin fukked and smutted out like everyone else

Yall nikkas gonna be disappointed if u out here putting random groups of women on pedestals... Theyre just human.

Women are women at the end of the day.

For the right guy, she gon do whatever.


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
What Christian Girls Want in a Guy | Christian Men and Dating #3 | pursueGOD.org


Christian brehs/brehettes, what do you think?:jbhmm:

I think that it's great for myself, personally. My dad and my brothers look at me crazy for not dating right now (I'm 19 years old) but there's a method to my madness. They get at girls for the sole purpose of having sex for a set period of time until they're tired of her, while I finish up my college education and try to materialize an entrepreneurial venture I have in mind.

As a Christian man, there's no way in HELL I'm going to be shacking up with a woman for years at a time or out here having casual sex outside of the boundaries of marriage. As a follower of Biblical principle, us men are supposed to be dating with PURPOSE. Any courtship I enter with a woman is with the intent to see if we are compatible for marriage, that's the way the Lord intended things to be.

But, at the same time, I want to make sure that I have enough bread to afford a marriage and spoil my wife the way I've always dreamed of. The thought of spoiling my wife gets me SOOOOO excited, I'm just super romantic lol. With that being said, this article clarified to me the way of governing myself so that the right lovely woman enters my life & we can build a beautiful relationship teeming with passionate spiritual, emotional & physical love.:obama:

Human life