What Exactly Is White Supremacy? (Is It Real Or An ILLUSION?)


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
Sup guys, I felt like making this thread before I head out :jawalrus:

Anyway, people want to know what is White Supremacy exact. So, let me tell you. It's a very complex system. White Supremacy is when Whites use their Whiteness to dominate and colonial. However, here is the tricky part :wow: White Supremacists are the ones who are at the top (a few white men). The Whites in your everyday life (poor & working-class ones) are the ones who want to be a part of that 1%. Just look at the way they act. They will vote AGAINST their own economic interest just to see you fail. Also, I was looking at the "War On Drugs" series on the History channel. The CIA planted drugs into the inner cities and hippies to gain control. They couldn't outright say their was a war on Blacks. Anyway, look at the business deals and academia. Plus, take a look at Forbes magazine. There was a time where the Irish were not perceived as White and other ethnic groups. Now, they are in because Whites are dropping in the U.S.

White Supremacy has hit global. We like to cry foul as the U.S., but we have been complicit in the failure of the Middle East. We love to bomb third world brown countries. Then, we cry foul, so we gain sympathy. However, they love to say, "All Lives Matter" :mjpls: White Supremacy is also intertwined with classism. They know it's dangerous if the 99% woke up. However, 5% of us are aware.The oligarchs need to keep people separate, so they can keep all the wealth. Bigotry does exist, but what these poor Whites (Anglos) don't know is the 1% lies to them time after time. You think Trump cares about you :childplease: He played you like a fiddle. He's only in there to enrich himself and family. The wall isn't happening. What will happen is us bombing more countries (Brown people). It's sad even my Latin brehs are practicing it. It sickens me that people hate their roots. Blacks and Natives were the way makers of this country. The Black woman is the mother of the Earth. We were very spiritual before we had that taken away. African-Americans are just naked people with clothes on. How do I know? Because I'm one of them myself.

This is my theory on White Supremacy. Will add more later.

BTW, people like Steve Harvey can be classified as White Supremacists.

They also need more Blacks and Latinos in prison for labor and their sick capitalistic lust.

P.S. Blacks have piss poor healthcare and it's like that to keep the wealthy in power.

I will say that the Asians one upped them doe.


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
Good essay and quote on this by the late great Albert Einstein.

The Negro Question
by Albert Einstein

I am writing as one who has lived among you in America only a little more than ten years, and I am writing seriously and warningly. Many readers may ask: “What right has he to speak about things which concern us alone, and which no newcomer should touch?”

I do not think such a standpoint is justified. One who has grown up in an environment takes much for granted. On the other hand, one who has come to this country as a mature person may have a keen eye for everything peculiar and characteristic. I believe he should speak out freely on what he sees and feels, for by so doing he may perhaps prove himself useful.

What soon makes the new arrival devoted to this country is the democratic trait among the people. I am not thinking here so much of the democratic political constitution of this country, however highly it must be praised. I am thinking of the relationship between individual people and of the attitude they maintain toward one another.

In the United States everyone feels assured of his worth as an individual. No one humbles himself before another person or class. Even the great difference in wealth, the superior power of a few, cannot undermine this healthy self-confidence and natural respect for the dignity of one’s fellow-man.

There is, however, a somber point in the social outlook of Americans. Their sense of equality and human dignity is mainly limited to men of white skins. Even among these there are prejudices of which I as a Jew am clearly conscious; but they are unimportant in comparison with the attitude of the “Whites” toward their fellow-citizens of darker complexion, particularly toward Negroes. The more I feel an American, the more this situation pains me. I can escape the feeling of complicity in it only by speaking out.

Many a sincere person will answer: “Our attitude towards Negroes is the result of unfavorable experiences which we have had by living side by side with Negroes in this country. They are not our equals in intelligence, sense of responsibility, reliability.”

I am firmly convinced that whoever believes this suffers from a fatal misconception. Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force; and in the white man’s quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery. The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to maintain this unworthy condition.

The ancient Greeks also had slaves. They were not Negroes but white men who had been taken captive in war. There could be no talk of racial differences. And yet Aristotle, one of the great Greek philosophers, declared slaves inferior beings who were justly subdued and deprived of their liberty. It is clear that he was enmeshed in a traditional prejudice from which, despite his extraordinary intellect, he could not free himself.

A large part of our attitude toward things is conditioned by opinions and emotions which we unconsciously absorb as children from our environment. In other words, it is tradition — besides inherited aptitudes and qualities — which makes us what we are. We but rarely reflect how relatively small as compared with the powerful influence of tradition is the influence of our conscious thought upon our conduct and convictions.

It would be foolish to despise tradition. But with our growing self-consciousness and increasing intelligence we must begin to control tradition and assume a critical attitude toward it, if human relations are ever to change for the better. We must try to recognize what in our accepted tradition is damaging to our fate and dignity — and shape our lives accordingly.

I believe that whoever tries to think things through honestly will soon recognize how unworthy and even fatal is the traditional bias against Negroes.

What, however, can the man of good will do to combat this deeply rooted prejudice? He must have the courage to set an example by word and deed, and must watch lest his children become influenced by this racial bias.

I do not believe there is a way in which this deeply entrenched evil can be quickly healed. But until this goal is reached there is no greater satisfaction for a just and well-meaning person than the knowledge that he has devoted his best energies to the service of the good cause.


Graphic Alchemist
Jun 3, 2012
Just remember, anyone can be a White Supremacist. Not limited to, c00ns and agents.
I honestly believe that people of color can only be facilitators of white nationalism and or what is called supremacy. By not speaking out against white supremacy and doing and saying things like what Steve Harvey, Charles Barkley, Sheriff Clarke say.

A Black person gets shot and the first person they have give an interview is the Black police chief, I'm thinking where did they get all of these Black police chiefs from? And since police work on behalf of the real white supremacists, they face no consequences and even get raises. They have the parents and mates of these slain Black people stand up and not call for a complete overall, rather they let them voice their frustrations, but then they make sure they don't get on some revolutionary shyt. First time I saw it was with Rodney King, and it has happened every time when police violence takes place.

Poor white people can benefit from white supremacy, but only so much, because the wealthy are going to make sure that there's still anger and scapegoating in order to cloud the reality that poor white people are still poor and are not going to break through the gate.


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
I honestly believe that people of color can only be facilitators of white nationalism and or what is called supremacy. By not speaking out against white supremacy and doing and saying things like what Steve Harvey, Charles Barkley, Sheriff Clarke say.

A Black person gets shot and the first person they have give an interview is the Black police chief, I'm thinking where did they get all of these Black police chiefs from? And since police work on behalf of the real white supremacists, they face no consequences and even get raises. They have the parents and mates of these slain Black people stand up and not call for a complete overall, rather they let them voice their frustrations, but then they make sure they don't get on some revolutionary shyt. First time I saw it was with Rodney King, and it has happened every time when police violence takes place.

Poor white people can benefit from white supremacy, but only so much, because the wealthy are going to make sure that there's still anger and scapegoating in order to cloud the reality that poor white people are still poor and are not going to break through the gate.
Good analysis
Dec 8, 2016
As much as I hate racism and bigotry, a lot of America has been dependent on the backs of African Americans and native Americans. If we eradicate the dependencies on another race then we can isolate the true problem and grow ourselves. We need to re-educate our communities without white influence. We've conformed in their ability to take our ideas and pacify us with lies. We should struggle at first and then re-train ourselves to build black wallstreets and black militia.


Nov 18, 2016
@ PA
Lets see...white supremacy has crippled AAs with these points....:mjpls:

- mass incarceration for profit, slavery, and creating dysfunction within the black community

- gentrification

- drug epidemic (see incarceration)..

- destroying our greatest leaders by way of propaganda, sabotage, or assassination

- social brainwashing by way of negative propaganda

- non-inclusion into loans or financial resources others easily receive...