Dec 19, 2012
I was smoking a much needed Backwood last night after a hectic day and decided to browse around the internet and bump some thouxan.

This was a mistake. I ended up reading a very depressing post about a man who was short and equated it to a death sentence. I'm 5'11, but allow me to empathize for a second.

Look; life is hard before you're even born. What if your mother decided that crack was more important than your well-being? What if you're born in Syria? What if your father is an enemy of the Mexican cartel? You had no say in any of this. The list of potential lottery wins / losses goes on forever.

But to step away from the nihilism, you only get one life and the right choice for a man is to fight like hell to improve yourself and your standing in the world. The wrong choice? There is no wrong choice, but how else are you going to spend your time? :mjcry:ing? With that being said; here's what I'd do if I was between 5'5 and 5'9.

  • I would never masturbate again. NoFap is real, wake up people! But you have to do NoFap right. Read this post. Does it sound too hard? Read the third paragraph of this post. I lost all of my FWB's and started school & work, so by sheer accident I haven't done the deed in 8 days along with gym time and proper sleep. If they put me in the jungle right now, I'd square up with a tiger. I also feel like I can steal wives and girlfriends from nikkas taller than I am. Put that jerking off shyt to bed forever and resolve to only bust a nut with a female (but beat off b4 u smash or else you'll last 15 seconds)
  • I would be the best dressed man that I could be, and I wouldn't dare leave the house in something that's not fly. That includes gym attire.
  • I'd have comebacks / zingers / roasts etc. for days. Making fun of someone that's short is way too easy in my opinion. If someone made fun of me for something I couldn't change, I'd make them regret it.
  • I'd have a physique and diet like prime Tyson. My arms are a little on the longer side and if I don't eat as much as I do (which leaves me fukking broke) and work out as much as I do I'd be frail. Less area to cover = easier time putting on muscle; best believe I'd be taking advantage of that shyt. I'd also learn a martial art because I'll never forget that WorldStar video of a shorter dude putting the PAWS on a man who was thinking with his height.
  • I would read a lot. What does this have to do with being short? Nothing. "The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read" - Mark Twain

To the people that would say "you're overcompensating, napoleon complex etc." We are all overcompensating. Women wear make-up, and men lie. NeYo at one time was killing the R&B game...but he still wore a hat. Also enjoy your aging. Daily chronic pain that comes from longer limbs (which I'm already experiencing) is not fun.

Krazy K

All Star
May 15, 2015

Something is seriously wrong with you height obsessed nikkas

Black Nate Grey

The God Emperor of Mankind
Jan 24, 2014
Being tall doesn't mean women automatically flock to you. If anything it makes you more intimidating.

Like I've said before, I'm 6'3 and I know shorter dudes holding hands with dimes of all races.


Nov 19, 2015
I was smoking a much needed Backwood last night after a hectic day and decided to browse around the internet and bump some thouxan.

This was a mistake. I ended up reading a very depressing post about a man who was short and equated it to a death sentence. I'm 5'11, but allow me to empathize for a second.

Look; life is hard before you're even born. What if your mother decided that crack was more important than your well-being? What if you're born in Syria? What if your father is an enemy of the Mexican cartel? You had no say in any of this. The list of potential lottery wins / losses goes on forever.

But to step away from the nihilism, you only get one life and the right choice for a man is to fight like hell to improve yourself and your standing in the world. The wrong choice? There is no wrong choice, but how else are you going to spend your time? :mjcry:ing? With that being said; here's what I'd do if I was between 5'5 and 5'9.

  • I would never masturbate again. NoFap is real, wake up people! But you have to do NoFap right. Read this post. Does it sound too hard? Read the third paragraph of this post. I lost all of my FWB's and started school & work, so by sheer accident I haven't done the deed in 8 days along with gym time and proper sleep. If they put me in the jungle right now, I'd square up with a tiger. I also feel like I can steal wives and girlfriends from nikkas taller than I am. Put that jerking off shyt to bed forever and resolve to only bust a nut with a female (but beat off b4 u smash or else you'll last 15 seconds)
  • I would be the best dressed man that I could be, and I wouldn't dare leave the house in something that's not fly. That includes gym attire.
  • I'd have comebacks / zingers / roasts etc. for days. Making fun of someone that's short is way too easy in my opinion. If someone made fun of me for something I couldn't change, I'd make them regret it.
  • I'd have a physique and diet like prime Tyson. My arms are a little on the longer side and if I don't eat as much as I do (which leaves me fukking broke) and work out as much as I do I'd be frail. Less area to cover = easier time putting on muscle; best believe I'd be taking advantage of that shyt. I'd also learn a martial art because I'll never forget that WorldStar video of a shorter dude putting the PAWS on a man who was thinking with his height.
  • I would read a lot. What does this have to do with being short? Nothing. "The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read" - Mark Twain

To the people that would say "you're overcompensating, napoleon complex etc." We are all overcompensating. Women wear make-up, and men lie. NeYo at one time was killing the R&B game...but he still wore a hat. Also enjoy your aging. Daily chronic pain that comes from longer limbs (which I'm already experiencing) is not fun.
5'11 is short breh