What Is The End Game For African Americans And African Diapora Nations?

What's your end game?

  • Sovereignty

  • Reparations

  • Pan Africanism

  • Just wanna be left alone

  • Land

  • Reclaim "lost" culture

  • Money

  • Development

  • Economic freedom

  • Not thought about it

  • PAWG in peace (integrate with the world)

  • Big payback ....

  • Justice (explain)

  • We good right now/no end game

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Nov 19, 2016
Wakanda, Biafra
Let's speak on it.

I put this topic in TLR because I want the opinions of just regular posters

For us in Africa, generally we say we need "development" hence the Chinese fukkery and exploitative shyt that's going on.

For us Biafrans, as we fight for independence our end game is simply:

1) Reclaim our land currently occupied by Nigeria:francis:

2) Reclaim our culture and heritage robbed of us by the British and drop western culture for good :hhh:
3) World power status :gladbron:(4) to be able to kick the ass of anybody who wants that smoke:birdman: :ufdup:
5) To emancipate other black peoples from physical subjugation and mental slavery :cape:

You have 5 choices from the poll

@GrindtooFilthy @Somebody @ultraflexed @4everMoor @Indiglow Meta (R$G) @Emeritus @BlackPrint @Skooby @T'krm @Momentum @intra vires @Prince Akeem @WaveGang @aXiom @8WON6 @middlebrow @Kerkum @xoxodede @ciroq drobama @videogamestashbox.com @killacal @Tony_Bromo @Kenny West @newworldafro @Cadillac @parallax @Gonzo @ATownD19 @Easy-E @ThrobbingHood @The Odum of Ala Igbo
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The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Let's speak on it.

I put this topic in TLR because I want the opinions of just regular posters

For us in Africa, generally we say we need "development" hence the Chinese fukkery and exploitative shyt that's going on.

For us Biafrans, as we fight for independence our end game is simply:

1) Reclaim our land currently occupied by Nigeria:francis:

2) Reclaim our culture and heritage robbed of us by the British and drop western culture for good :hhh:
3) World power status :gladbron:.To be able to kick the ass of anybody who wants that smoke:birdman: :ufdup:
5) To emancipate other black peoples from physical subjugation and mental slavery :cape:

You have 5 choices from the poll

@GrindtooFilthy @Somebody @ultraflexed @4everMoor @Indiglow Meta (R$G) @Emeritus @BlackPrint @Skooby @T'krm @Momentum @intra vires @Prince Akeem @WaveGang @aXiom @8WON6 @middlebrow @Kerkum @xoxodede @ciroq drobama @videogamestashbox.com @killacal @Tony_Bromo @Kenny West @newworldafro @Cadillac @parallax @Gonzo @ATownD19 @Easy-E @ThrobbingHood @The Odum of Ala Igbo


Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
1. Development in order to be an economic powerhouse. That is the main goal for Kenyans

2. Economic freedom goes in hand with the first point but to expand on that we need to get away from cripling debt loads and the constant struggle of the east and west for our resources. Right now the U.S. vs China competition in Africa is being conducted via political pressure that trickles into policy and trade.

Obama went as far as telling the country what candidate he endorsed at one point. Trying to steer the country into voting for a western friendly leader.

3. Pan Africanism via trade deals and more open borders for business within African nations. Using instruments like the African Union to handle our issues as opposed to the U.N.

Helping our neighbors grow with us because it strengthens the continent as a whole. Leads to better economic relations and trade internally. Less conflict. Similar to the moves Ethiopia has been making to mend relations within the Horn


Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
@T'challa :ufdup: Can African Americans exist "insulated" from white America?

3. Most importantly my political position is that we need to finish correcting our cumulative historical projection.
End transatlantic slave trade (Done)

End the formal institution of chattel slavery(Done)

-I look at the modern prison complex as it's own demon*

End overarching wide scale political division of African people(Done)

-current tribalism levels doesn't trump the current pan-african / African Union / regional, continental, & diasporic integration consciousness and thrust

End governmental colonialism(Done)

End academic(mental/spiritual) colonialism(initiated)
-Reconstruction of an African worldview(definitions of reality, values, principles, etc)

End economic colonialism(initiated)

Have capacity to fund all political actions
Have the capacity to extract, process, and manufacture all the goods Africa needs with the resources in the ground
Have the capacity to move all goods around the continent and trade internally.
Be independent of all non-African owned NGOs, production, and/or extraction corporations only leaving foreign(sellers, traders, and tourist).
Have a resource depot for surpluses in the Caribbean, Seychelles/Mauritius, and Kerkennah Islands.(Sale surpluses after domestic needs met)
Diaspora wholesale purchase surplus and use global sale of goods from depots as base financial revenue generator to maintain economic independence/sovereignty of global African peoples.

End military deficiency(initiated)

- gain policing, military powers, and the ability to enforce law. Grow capacity to deal with the total array of threats land, sea, air, cyber, biological, etc.

:jbhmm:In street terms
Me building in a cac city is hustling backwards :to:

....in terms of governance & economics. My employment opportunities needs to go to "my people", my tax funds need to go to "my people" & my political donations needs to go to making sure "my peoples" political candidates(and their policy maneuvers) are not beholden to "alien" financiers.

Speaking of Nigeria i'm reminded of a post I made back on nairaland.com
An earlier naraland thread asking "what's the Nigerian dream?" reminded me of an article I read awhile back where a group from a Caribbean country(Name not necessary) living in the U.S made the comment

"African Americans don't believe in the American dream anymore but we still believe in the American dream."

I don't disagree or agree with that assessment one way or the other. I have issue with the central topic "The American dream" and it's validity as being something to believe in. That sounds like something I vaguely remember being discussed in elementary school concerning early European settlers in the 1700-1800s thinking the cities were made of gold or something outrageous like that(which is also reminiscent of the idea European explorers had who were killing the indigenous people of the Americas in search of El dorado "the city of gold" ).

If the idea of "The American dream" is present in Nigeria...
1.Where does this idea come from?
2.How is it propagated to the children?

I'm an African American and I skip the proposition of belief altogether and say the idea of "The American Dream" holds no real meaning for me. I'm not even aware it is something I was suppose to consider
The only dream they push around here is MLKs' dream and I think that is just propaganda to keep people docile(for lack of a better word).

If I had "a dream" it would be for African people to...
1. Have our own curriculum that teaches African history and the intellectual tools to build the industries needed to protect & nurture Africa.
2. Practice our cultures without pressure from outside actors trying to change it to suit their visions of "how the world should be".
3. Use our cultures as the foundation for further cultural improvements(as oppose to whole sale adapting of others culture)
4. Have the capacity to extract, process, and manufacture all the goods Africa needs with the resources in the ground
5. Have the capacity to move all goods around the continent and trade internally.
6. Be independent of all non-African owned NGOs, production, and/or extraction corporations only leaving foreign sellers, traders, and tourist.
7. Have a resource depot for surpluses in the Caribbean, Seychelles/Mauritius, and Kerkennah Islands.(Sale surplues after domestic needs met)
8. Diaspora uses sale of Continental surplus resources from depots as base financial revenue generator to make them economically independent.
9. Funds from surplus sales are used to fund the ideas & dreams of the diaspora(banking, new business ,schools, movies, tech innovations, etc)
10. Live life as an African in contact & harmony with humanity but insulated from the political games of foreigners especialy these Europeans and their propped up "African/Black leaders" looking for favor & status.
Oh yeah.
Systems of governance of African making; based on and respecting/integrating African cultures would be fantastic also. Economic freedom for north African Tamazight/Nubian groups so they don't have to go through Arabs to meet their needs/ambitions on their own land/continent.

[size=16pt]Sorry that was so long winded[/size]

Speaking as one African American if I had a "dream" the above would be closer to it and that dream clearly has little to do with "America". So if I don't believe in "The American Dream" it's cause I personally have a better more fulfilling "African Dream" to work towards.

But hey, wadaya do
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Mar 4, 2015
Let's speak on it.

I put this topic in TLR because I want the opinions of just regular posters

For us in Africa, generally we say we need "development" hence the Chinese fukkery and exploitative shyt that's going on.

For us Biafrans, as we fight for independence our end game is simply:

1) Reclaim our land currently occupied by Nigeria:francis:

2) Reclaim our culture and heritage robbed of us by the British and drop western culture for good :hhh:
3) World power status :gladbron:.To be able to kick the ass of anybody who wants that smoke:birdman: :ufdup:
5) To emancipate other black peoples from physical subjugation and mental slavery :cape:

You have 5 choices from the poll

@GrindtooFilthy @Somebody @ultraflexed @4everMoor @Indiglow Meta (R$G) @Emeritus @BlackPrint @Skooby @T'krm @Momentum @intra vires @Prince Akeem @WaveGang @aXiom @8WON6 @middlebrow @Kerkum @xoxodede @ciroq drobama @videogamestashbox.com @killacal @Tony_Bromo @Kenny West @newworldafro @Cadillac @parallax @Gonzo @ATownD19 @Easy-E @ThrobbingHood @The Odum of Ala Igbo

How did you skip #4 :dahell:

Anyway, you can’t have an endgame without a starting point. And the starting point should rely around economic empowerment first. Money gets you political leverage, legal leverage, media leverage, etc.

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
My end game is Pan-Africanism providing access to economic opportunities we've never had, which in turn will strengthen our communities. Too many people talk about "having our own identity" without the fact that, aside from Native Americans , literally every other group has an economic foothold and tires outside of the states. And even those groups are engaging in trade and business with one another. We've been in America and cut off for so long that we don't know how to function in the actual world.


Nov 19, 2016
Wakanda, Biafra
How did you skip #4 :dahell:

Anyway, you can’t have an endgame without a starting point. And the starting point should rely around economic empowerment first. Money gets you political leverage, legal leverage, media leverage, etc.
:russ: Got carried away. We've been debating starting point for decades even centuries for e.g. Africa colonization society, Garvey-Booker T, X-MLK, etc., some want power (political) first before economic, others vice-versa. Even the Africa Independence Movement that caught on the the late 50's all the way to the 70's was a vehicle to "SOMEWHERE"--which is the endgame. This the down-top approach.

Let's try something different. This topic is flipping it, lets go top-down approach.


Mar 11, 2015
The islands don't have the resources to rapidly develop.

Ideally, I would like to see Africa leverage the natural resources that it has to not only increase the standard of living of their people but also easily trade within itself. Using these resources and infrastructure, they could help the islands increase feed of those resources and infrastructure while also helping AA/Afro-Latinos with education opportunities that could not be provided here in the states. We are a strong group of people. Our race has been through a lot. Anyways, as much as I like the idea of pan africanism, the only thing we share is skin color and similar struggle. Hard to get people to Unite.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Most African diaspora nations in the Caribbean will not even be around 20 or 30 years from now. Many of the islands will be engulfed by rising sea water or just too inhospitable for people to maintain a decent existence. Even in Africa, we'll start to see massive famines due to epic droughts. This spells disaster especially with many of these nations expecting a large increase in population growth. What little economic growth that has been made in many of these nations will be irrelevant in a matter of decades.
With all of this in mind, we'll see a huge influx of refugees from Africa (and the African diaspora) desperately trying to reach America and Europe. This crisis will further solidify the legitimacy of far right and facists governments. There will come a point in time where the situation is so dire that many of these 'climate' refugees will be mowed down by heavy artillery atop heavily fortified fortresses blocking entry into the country. And the American and European populace will barely bat an eye due to its 'normalcy'
As for African Americans, we'll be even more vulnerable, and caught up in the middle of all of this. I really dont know where our future as a collective lands at this point. If the pendulum of our government swings further and further to the far right we will be put in very dire and dangerous situation.

At this point the only solution is collective unity with Africa and those in the African diaspora. Many of us will perish before the end of this century. However, I honestly see us faring out better than our European counterparts. We should be thinking about strategies on how to survive past the end of this century as a collective.